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Two for the price of one

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  • Two for the price of one

    Had two interesting back to back incidents on campus yesterday.

    I'm sitting in my office, when I see my colleague KW escorting a very pregnant student to her office. A few minutes later, I hear KW ask, "How far apart are the contractions?"

    Girl is in very active labor.

    I go next door and find my other colleague and sometimes hospice partner J also in the office talking to the girl (J is a former L&D nurse. We both teach OB). We convince the girl to let us call 911 (she was anxious and a bit embarrassed though she didn't need to be). EMS comes up, all is well.

    Radio call comes in. The responding ambulance wanted to know where to come. we'd told the 911 operator. Medic tells the ambulance, who responds, "we're looking for the hyperventilation."

    Turns out TWO ambulances had been sent to our building! One for our gal, the other for a student who was hyperventilating after an accident in the parking lot in front of our building. Her son apparently had driven to campus to pick her up and plowed into four parked cars. He didn't have a driver's license and was arrested. She had a panic attack.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

  • #2
    Thank god no one was hurt though! Yay baby!
    I bet she was expecting him/her to happen before school started!
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      Oh, that poor mom! (I mean the one with the bad-driver son).
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Quoth Food Lady View Post
        Oh, that poor mom! (I mean the one with the bad-driver son).
        I hesitate to sympathize with the mom. He was there to pick her up from class. Meaning, she knew he was driving. She should know whether or not he has a driver's license, and should not permit him to drive her car without one.

        Clearly, he doesn't have one for a reason.
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          Quoth Panacea View Post
          I hesitate to sympathize with the mom. He was there to pick her up from class. Meaning, she knew he was driving. She should know whether or not he has a driver's license, and should not permit him to drive her car without one.
          I disagree. I knew someone who failed his drivers test, yet he told his parents he passed. They let him drive around in their car until he killed himself and his girlfriend after losing control. The parents were absolutely distraught - and everyone blamed them during their grieving period instead of their idiot kid.

          Also, my current boss has a nephew who recently had to go to court after he lost his licence but kept driving - he just didn't tell his parents that he'd lost it.

          Someone old enough to drive is technically adult enough to not have their mother involved in all aspects of their lives. I'm not saying that the mother *didn't* know, just that she may not have.

          Clearly, he doesn't have one for a reason.
          Again, I disagree. My sister has a licence, yet has been in numerous fender-benders, run into multiple lampposts/pylons/guardrails and still doesn't see the correlation between her number of accidents and her lack of abillity to concentrate exclusively on one thing for more than about 10 seconds.


          • #6
            Our car recently got taken away because...well, a number of reasonons, including that the seller had faked the tax disc and we didn't know, but the relevant reason is as follows:

            Hubby passed his test on the 4th try, his paperwork was sent off to the DVLA in swansea, he never actually recieved the physical licence back but was repeatedly assured during phonecalls that he did have a full licence and that a new licence would be sent...that never materialised.

            On friday he was pulled over by the police due to the above tax issue, they checked his details and told him he had no drivers! So he's owned, taxed, insured etc cars since he passed the test but was apparently never actually issued a full licence. He's also been pulled over and had his credentials checked before.

            He's been driving for 17 years. Way to go dvla. Nice job. *Slow clap*

            Long story short £150 plus £20 fees per day of storage to get the car back plus taxing the thing and the back-tax even though we didn't own the car at the time, plus the deposit for the insurance that got cancelled without our knowledge because the tax was fake....we have no car any more. I could murder the little [expletives of your choice go here] that sold us the car. Unfortunately it was a private sale and we no longer have his contact details and when we went to pick up the car it took him twenty minutes to walk to where the car was parked and where we were....seems so obvious it was some kind of scam now. My first time buying a car like that though. I feel so stupid.

            In other news: Yay! Baby! ^_^ Hope all went well.


            • #7
              Quoth Golden Phoenix View Post
              Unfortunately it was a private sale and we no longer have his contact details...
              If you really want to put in the effort, you probably don't need the former owner's information to start up a suit. You'd list him as a Doe to be identified during discovery, which shouldn't be too difficult if your location keeps track of who owned what car and when.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

