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Internal exam question (NSFW?)

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  • #31
    I don't blame you for feeling like that, Zaiida, I think I'd feel the same way too

    *big hugs, cake and tea*


    • #32
      Oh, for the love of.... Zaiida, honey! What a....well, I hesitate to call her "bitch" because that's insulting to bitches. Keeping that crap up, especially with knowing your history.

      Quoth Zaiida View Post
      During history taking she went on and on about me smoking ( I vape not smoke, health concerns are not known yet) got huffy when I said my only illegal drug history was 2 joints 15 odd years ago. Was oddly annoyed and surprised that I'm only on one schizophrenic drug for my bi polar and didn't believe me. Didn't believe me when I said I only drink for celebrations and birthdays.
      It's been so long since the joints, I wouldn't even mention it anymore.

      And what is it with doctors over-reacting when women tell them they have more than one drink a week? I went to the Student Health Center (or, as I called it, Student Hell Center) when I was in school for Pharm Tech for my annual (I couldn't afford the $250 charge at my normal place) and she started in over my alcohol consumption. I finally looked at her and said, "Lady I'm Scots-Irish. Of course I drink. If one side isn't clammoring for Guinness, the other side is lobbying for a wee dram, but I do not have drinking problem!"

      I used to get migraines every damn month, until Seasonale came out. I took it from the moment it came out. She wouldn't write me an Rx for it because she had never heard of it. Gave me and Rx for some other kind and an Rx for propranolol. Even though I told her my mom (I'm 3rd generation on my mom's side with migraines) had been down that path and it caused all kinds of problems for her (Tanked her blood pressure. Her doc said she had a migraine because her BP was up. She figured her BP was up because she'd had a migraine for 4 days. ) and I didn't want to chance the same problems. And then we get to the pap smear. Jeez, I thought she had done a biopsy without telling me! I've never bled like that after having one done!

      I called my normal OB/GYN the next day, told them what happened. Went and filled out the paper work so the could get my records from this from the SHC and got me an Rx for the Seasonale. No matter what, now, I figure out some way to pay and get seen there.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #33
        Thanks for all the hugs, I really appreciate them.

        The problem with the joints/drugs is if I say 'No' no Doctor believes no one has not tried drugs and I end up saying 15 years ago anyway.

        I don't look like your typical druggie but I do look rather young. Come to think of it she never asked my birthdate. I;m glad it wasn't just me who thought she was a bit of a bitch.

        Wow, Pagan do you have to be checked that thorougly every year before getting birth control?!? All I get is a blood pressure check and a general heath questions when I get my implanon redone and that's only because they have to use an anesthetic on me to get the old one out. To get birth control pills all I needed was a blood pressure check and wait for the Doc to sign a script, no pelvics or paps.
        Last edited by Zaiida; 01-13-2012, 12:38 AM. Reason: eta a question


        • #34
          Pagan, I'm kind of surprised the doc didn't make the leap that maybe her BP was up because being in agony tends to cause one's BP to go through the roof.

          I'm coming off a migraine right now. I'm sure mine was high, too. Pain does that.


          • #35
            Zaiida -
            I'd tell that doc to shove it. No, really. If you say NO, once, maybe twice, you get up and say, "Sorry, I'll have someone else do this for me. Bye." It's your body. You are in charge of it. You do know you're a bit worried/nervous, but listen to your gut. And 2 no's to the max.

            I am totally comfortable in my own skin, so I am able to say, "No. Stop. NO" and I know what my limits are. But what that doc did? Oh HELL no.
            "I am here for a pap smear. I am here for this. No, no thank you. Ok, you're not doing what I need, I'll find another appointment." just like that.

            I dunno about Oz recommendations, I know USA says 1 smear every few years if you're not active and over X age.
            Could you call around and ask for a doc who's really good with noobs? Or ask a few friends? That doc was not nice to you at all.
            Oh. I have lots of docs ask me the drug/alcohol question. Just vape to them, and no on the booze. I tell the docs both those with an emphatic NO and they believe me. If they don't I'll make them change it.
            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #36
              Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
              Oh dear, what happened?

              (Gowns bother me. They make feel exposed. I read an NHS leaflet that said you don't have to undress if you wear a skirt. I like to wear long long gypsy skirts in the summer, so thats probably something I would do...)
              My OB doesn't make me undress from the waist up other than to take my bra off so she can do the breast exam.

              Quoth Zaiida View Post
              Wow this ended up long, sorry for the TMI but I'm still upset and annoyed.

              We butted heads from the get go. I was only supposed to go in for a pap smear and an ultrasound and had mentally prepared for that (I really do NOT like being examined for ANYTHING). .
              The questions were appropriate, but her reaction to your responses was not. She should just write down your answer and move on. I'm sorry you went through that, and walking out was the right thing to do.

              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
              Pagan, I'm kind of surprised the doc didn't make the leap that maybe her BP was up because being in agony tends to cause one's BP to go through the roof.

              I'm coming off a migraine right now. I'm sure mine was high, too. Pain does that.
              Tell me about it. My BP goes sky high when I have a migraine. I refused propanolol for years because my BP normally runs 110/70, and I feared it would tank on a beta blocker.

              Unfortunately, I did eventually develop hypertension, and am now taking a beta blocker.

              And funny, I'm not having as many migraines as I used to
              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


              • #37
                Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                Pagan, I'm kind of surprised the doc didn't make the leap that maybe her BP was up because being in agony tends to cause one's BP to go through the roof.

                I'm coming off a migraine right now. I'm sure mine was high, too. Pain does that.
                Well, this was a male doctor in the late 70s. Probably thought it was all in her head. Which, in a way, it was.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

