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make up your mind!

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  • make up your mind!

    ok so i have always went to the local "low income" clinic to get my annual and my birth control, because i really can't afford any of the fancy doctors around here.

    i have no idea what to do at this point.

    when i got my last set of birth control, i didn't get the full year all at once, because they wanted to monitor my blood pressure every three months. fine by me, even though taking offa work to sit in the clinic w/screaming kiddos all day isn't my idea of a lovely afternoon. i was told when i opened my last pack, to call them to schedule my annual.

    this is the same thing i've had to do every year, so it was no biggie...or so i thought. recently the clinic had to cut back on when they're open. used to be open every workday, normal hours. now, for whatever reason, they're only open on tuesday and thursday, by appointment only. i've tried to call early before and they won't even let me make an appointment "because we don't have our schedule made up further yet". so i couldn't call early to set this up.

    so i called WHEN THEY FREAKING TOLD ME TO CALL...and was promptly told (not in these words but might as well have been) to piss off and try again in two months. they should at least have offered to get me a set date in march. my current pack i've only taken 3 pills out of the 28. i will definitely run out before they get their heads out of their arses.

    i'm married, and cannot afford another child. also cannot really afford to go to a "real" doctor, rather than go to the clinic. the clinic can set me up on women's medicaid based on my crappy income, and the whole visit and a year worth of bc pills is free. i called around my town out of desperation and i'm lookin at 200-300 just for the office visit.

    sorry everyone...just needed to vent. this is also the same clinic where, once when i was getting my annual done, another worker besides the gyn came in there and was having a conversation while my stuff was exposed. (this other worker just happened to be the mother of a coworker of mine, which made it all the more awkward). i just have no options, and i'm frustrated. everything is falling onto me and my hubby ever since his grandpa (we live w/his grandparents and help take care of them) passed last thursday. he had a tumor that burst suddenly (he was "fine" the 8th, dead by the 12th) and now we are taking care of the house, his grandma, organizing her bills, doing everything for everyone basically....

    i guess this bs with the clinic was the straw that broke the camels back for me. that and the same day i called the clinic...i tried to get my son's RX filled and his CHIP insurance says "no more refills" and the pharmacy is trying to fill it anyway for 60 bucks. if i had 60 bucks i could just have him a regular doctor and not have him on CHIP.


  • #2
    I'm sorry. Red tape is so frustrating. I lost my foodshare recently because I just happened to go $100 over the line the same month they did my update. Now I've lost my holiday hours and have to reapply all over again. I can't get past this one screen on the online ap because it keeps saying an error has occurred. There are blank spaces that show no indication of what to type there. Anyway, sometimes I feel like these agencies throw monkey wrenches in to weed out as many people as possible because they really don't want to help. I know that's probably not true, but it feels like it when I know that once I actualy do get them to straighten it out, I'll probably have to wait a month for benefits. I hope I can find a food bank.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      Planned Parenthood will sometimes do scripts for hormonal BC (like the pill) without an exam, based on your medical history. If you have a PP in your area, call them and talk it over with them.


      • #4
        I'm sorry to hear your situation. You're the victim of all the cutbacks to Medicaid because of the economy. They just don't have any money.
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          Quoth Panacea View Post
          I'm sorry to hear your situation. You're the victim of all the cutbacks to Medicaid because of the economy. They just don't have any money.
          its not so much that they don't have the money to help me, its the fact that there's so many other people who need appointments that i'mma never get in.

          looks like this valentine's day will be lame >.>


          • #6
            Have you checked to see if any of the local docs can charge on a sliding scale? It typically isn't something that they advertize but some will try very hard to work with you to figure out a way to get you the medical attention that you need without totally breaking the bank. I know it is a bit of a long shot but it could be worth looking into as that clinic really doesn't seem to be working out very well.


            • #7
              Quoth Solumina View Post
              Have you checked to see if any of the local docs can charge on a sliding scale? It typically isn't something that they advertize but some will try very hard to work with you to figure out a way to get you the medical attention that you need without totally breaking the bank. I know it is a bit of a long shot but it could be worth looking into as that clinic really doesn't seem to be working out very well.
              i called the clinic again today, while i was on break. asked if i could at least get one month of pills to tide me over till i get an appointment in march. they said they can't do that since i'm due for my annual, and i might need to call another place to go for my annual cuz they can't guarantee i can even get an appointment.

              so i was like screw this (in my head, didnt say it cuz its not the lady's fault) and called and got an appointment for 140 bucks at the family practice thing here in town. my job has a generic cheapo priced pill thing going on, and i'd juuuuuust signed up for it on a whim. glad i did now. 12 bucks a month for pills. sucks but its gotta be done cuz that time of the month is excruciating. (plus i dont want any more kids lol)

              also the generic of the pill i'm on now is available for 4 bucks a month at walmart, so yay ^_^


              • #8
                grr forgot to say...but the doctors around here don't do sliding scales. its either free clinic or pay out the nose


                • #9
                  Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                  Planned Parenthood will sometimes do scripts for hormonal BC (like the pill) without an exam, based on your medical history. If you have a PP in your area, call them and talk it over with them.
                  This. They were helpful and didn't really make too much of a fuss. They bill on a sliding scale, so you will have to at least submit your pay stub, but I've never paid more than $50 for a 3 month supply.
                  Random conversation:
                  Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                  DDD: Cuz it's cool

                  So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

