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Granted, yes, I should have figured all of this out yesterday, but...

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  • Granted, yes, I should have figured all of this out yesterday, but...

    Ok, some backstory: Last month, I had an endoscopy. We weren't sure when would be a good time for a follow-up appointment, so we didn't schedule one right away. End backstory.

    Fastforward to yesterday- I missed answering the phone when it happened, but I checked the answering machine and discovered a message from the endoscopy center saying that I had an appointment for tomorrow (today) at 2:15. Before said call, I had no idea that anything had even been scheduled. Stupid me, though, I forgot to write the details of this message down and ask my mom and continued to forget about it until I saw the light blinking on the phone and checked the messages today.

    About 3 hours ago, I started making calls. I called my parents, but they're both really busy at work so that's a no-go. More than that, though, neither of them has any recollection of scheduling such an appointment. And I sure as heck didn't do it either. I never make arrangements for anything like that without talking to my parents first because they're my only means of getting to and from town, so everything relies more on their schedules than it does on mine. So we're all genuinely confused as to where this appointment suddenly came from.

    Thus, I called the endo center to reschedule. I was told the following:

    1) Despite having no prior knowledge of the appointment other than that message yesterday, I should've called sooner. This I accept full fault for, because I really *should* have begun frantically trying to figure stuff out the minute I heard the message.

    2) There is a $50 fee for cancelling an appointment less than 24-hours prior, but they waive it the first time.

    3) The next available appointment is at the end of March. I took it, but...meh.

    As a related aside, though, I actually have been feeling much better lately. Because of my school schedule being how it is now, I'm eating lunch at home instead of at school. I've only had any serious stomach problems three times since the endoscopy, and each time involved eating out somewhere (One time at school when I ended up staying on campus late and forgot to pack a lunch at home, once when I was too hungry and could not wait and ended up getting something at Subway, and when I was in Denver this past weekend I had a bad reaction to some sub par Thai food), so there is a definite pattern.
    Last edited by firecat88; 02-22-2012, 10:39 PM.
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)

  • #2
    Sorry, but thats bullshit. What if you'd been at work/school/indisposed in some other way until you could get your messages? Doesn't make any difference, they booked the appointment without consulting you first!

    It really pisses me off when someone books an appointment for me (be it therapy or even a job interview) and just EXPECT me to to turn up, regardless of work or anything else.


    • #3
      With that kind of wait time (not unusual for specialists), they probably automatically scheduled you for the next available appointment after your endoscopy. They should have definitely told that they had done so.

