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How to look stupid and alienate the public...

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  • How to look stupid and alienate the public...

    So say that you're a brand new group that's formed from two other groups. You want to get your name out there and participate in an upcoming medieval fair. Well, here boys and girls, is how to do it and how not to do it.

    How to correctly do it: Submit your application, set up your campsite. On the first day, go around to other groups and introduce yourselves. Alternately, have other groups welcome you.

    How not to do it: Make claims that another group is not properly registered and lacks current public liability insurance. Demand (and receive) donations and special treatment in order to attend the fair. Such special treatment includes exemptions to new rules that have been put in place supposedly to combat "abuse" of permits (ie who's there for a free ticket and who's actually contributing?). When called out on those claims, start slandering other groups and stating that they deserve the treatment due to assisting in other areas in past years. (this is not the case)

    End result: Another group got wind of the shenanigans and posted them all over Facebook. Now there's a lot of mudslinging and arguing over who's right, who's wrong and so forth. The group that had the claims made against them were told to NOT attend the fair (partially because said group were among the ones who made the claim of unfair treatment). Another group pulled out prior to this crap due to some other issues (excessive campsite size being one of them).

    Either way, I'm just watching the drama unfold
    Last edited by fireheart; 04-12-2013, 04:04 AM.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    some of that happened with some groups around here. not faire stuff but sport groups. Group 1 wanted the practice area Group 2 was using - or at least to cause the trouble. Twice actually.

    First time, the venue got word that Group 1 wanted to rent the place to practice & jacked their prices up to encourage Group 2 to leave. Group 1 did not, however, move in. Most likely they didn't like the idea of the property owner pulling crap like that, and there was no guarantee they'd get a lower price.

    Second time, Group 2 had found a new practice space, and Group 1 contacted the local city officials to block Group 2 from using the space for any official games cos it wasn't up to code. Group 2 got the code pushed through however, and didn't have to leave. (word is that Group 1 still kinda wants the space for practice though)


    • #3
      Oooh, looks like I found a little bit more:

      -The group that were ousted (now known as DC) have more or less acknowledged their temporary setback. The leader of DC has posted up a temporary truce statement thanking folks for their support, but explaining that his group still won't be able to attend the fair. Which is really sad It still does cast some doubt on the reasons for their temporary "ousting", most of which I suspect is to do with the group that made the claims.

      -The "brand new" group have been nothing but totally arrogant. Among their claims are that they should receive special treatment because they volunteer for fair-related events and they "bring in more profit" than other groups. Funnily enough, nobody has heard of said group until this year. Which makes me suspect that they're just blowing smoke (on top of that of the two groups that this group formed from, one group is virtually unknown outside of the medieval fighting community and the other group is virtually unknown outside of their town)

      The slanging matches have more or less died down with most of the slanging being directed directly at new group now and their behaviour on the Facebook page. Funnily enough, neither of the group leaders have commented (for the "new" group).

      ETA: Holy crap! One of the semi-regular commenters just put up some comments relating to the behaviour of one of the more arrogant commenters. Seems that someone actively participated in some less-than-satisfactory behaviour last year....and is now trying to justify his position for this year.
      Last edited by fireheart; 04-15-2013, 11:33 AM.
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        One more example of why anytime someone says "OMG I can't believe the DRAMA in this fandom! It's unheard of!" I just laugh in their face. Every (and I do mean EVERY) fandom has an excess of drama, and you usually don't have to even look for it.
        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


        • #5
          Luckily there is a little rule in place. See, any reenactment group needs public liability insurance. There are only two places that specifically cover reenactors. One covers individuals, the other one covers groups. Both of them have very strict rules relating to conduct.

          Methinks I need to tip them off....
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            Oh good heavens. I like the idea of such faires and all that, until I read stuff like this... >_>
            My Guide to Oblivion

            "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."

