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Preparing for SCness in 3...2...1

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  • Preparing for SCness in 3...2...1

    I'm going to have to go off on some poor phone jockey on Monday but I am raging right now and don't see how I have any other options.

    So hubs just informed me that mortgage company just sent us a past due notice. Wtf??!! Last month was our first house payment. We mailed the check certified only to be told they never got it. We ended up having to put a stop payment on it and paid over the phone instead. Of course the agent told us there would be no problems. Well upon perusal of this latest notice these geniuses applied that payment to this month instead, not last month. Then they tried to cash the check THAT THEY SAID THEY NEVER GOT! Of course that didn't go thru so now we owe them a payment! I tried to call and they are closed on weekends and their website is a joke. I can't even sign in. I am so mad! People lose their homes over shit like this.

    Any ideas on how to get results from these people when I call without having to be a shrieking shrew?

  • #2

    All I can suggest is that you start off being obviously angry (firm and slightly raised voice, for example) but not actually shrieking (well, not yet, anyway ...) Make it very clear that you are angry at the company and not the poor schmuck on the other end of the line.

    I'm wondering whether you should demand to be shunted up the ladder as far as possible right off the bat. At least then you might be raging at somebody who can actually do something.

    Good luck!


    • #3
      What dies the tracking info on the certified say?


      • #4
        Collect all your paperwork. Including the tracking information for the cheque. Make the call only once all your paperwork is in order.


        I have a somewhat confusing and frustrating situation here, and I'm hoping you can help me with it. My account number is <blah>"

        Once they have the account up, tell them what you told us, but encourage them to verify the info on their side against your account records.

        "So what I want is for the payment that we made on <date> to cover the month it was intended for, and we will be paying for this month on <date>: as per our agreement with your company."

        Pause for them to get that done.

        "I also want all late fees to be waived. The payment made on <date> was (or was not) before the due date for the month; and the cheque that you did receive is evidence of a good faith attempt on our part to make a payment well before the due date."

        Pause for them to get that done.

        Assuming they do, thank them most sincerely.

        If they give trouble at any point, ask what the problem is. Seek to correct the problem, if it's correctable. For instance, if they say 'but you didn't pay by <date>', point out that you sent the cheque, you have evidence of sending it, etc etc.
        Because you have the paperwork at hand, you have evidence to counter any problem they can raise.

        If you get a competent staff member, the whole thing should be resolved easily. They may need to get supervisory authority to complete the issue, but they should be fine because you'll have all the information they need.

        If you're faced with incompetence, ask for a supervisor.
        Last edited by Seshat; 08-11-2013, 09:07 AM.
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.

