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I must have bad luck with BK

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  • #46
    *sigh* I went to Wendy's on Sunday (different Wendy's than the one I normally frequent) and ordered a spicy chicken sandwich, NO MAYO - I repeated the NO MAYO part three times.... that's ALL I ordered. So I pull through to the window, pay and drive to a parking spot to consume my spicy goodness.... open it up.... DRIPPING with Mayo *sigh* Walked into the restaurant, handed them the sandwich and they happily made me a new one *sigh* Makes you wonder if they do it just to see if you'll notice (that's a JOKE, folks).
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #47
      Seriously, I've seen people purposely mess up the orders of people that irritate them. I remember once, when working at BK, my coworker was annoyed to no end because the customer just would not tell us what kind of drink he wanted. I mean, we're being timed here; we don't have time to mess around. If you say, "Just surprise me," we will. Coworker said, "Fine, then he gets a hot tea." And he did.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #48
        Quoth Food Lady View Post
        If you say, "Just surprise me," we will. Coworker said, "Fine, then he gets a hot tea." And he did.
        Ooo, that's when I get creative. We've got a diverse menu for a burger joint, I can put together something interesting from the stuff sitting on the cooling table.
        You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


        • #49
          Quoth Skrae View Post
          and she gave the cashier a 20 for the meal and she got far too little change back. Now this was around the time the new 20s came out. Now anyone who knows anything know that no matter how much orange a new bill is designed with, if it has the numbers 2 and 0 in the corners, with very few exceptions (mainly in alternate universes) that means it's a 20. She didn't seem to understand that, so my friend asks to talk to the manager and the asshole actually sticks up for his employee's mistake.
          Did she get the correct change back then? Or did the manager not count the till down right then, or at least do a visual inspection to make sure that there wasn't a 20 in the 10's slot?


          • #50
            Almost related, but just to be an ass I sometimes put a $2 into my payment, just to see the reaction on the cashier's face. I actually even had put a 50-cent piece as part of a payment I swear the cashier just stood there for a minute starring at it.

            I think the last time I willfully went to a BK was just to get "Sneak King" (despite not even owning an X-Box); the local ice cream shoppe by the videostore opened for the season again. Sometimes (heck, I think yesterday!) they hand me a medium flurry even though I always order a large. But, just like Rex from "Toy Story" I don't like confrontations (outside of gaming), and just go with it. Okay, so I don't get my money's worth, but I really don't see it as something worth getting all in a huff over.
            "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


            • #51
              I got REALLY peeved at A&W the other day. I ordered a double mozza burger and onion rings. The girl asked me three times if I wanted an apple pie, so finally I just said "yeah, toss one in there". She charged me for it, and I got distracted by something while she was bagging my order. I noticed that the pie was still in the rack (there was only one when I got there), but I'd seen her pick it up, look into the food slide, and put it back, so I assumed she'd gotten a fresher one (stupid me)... didn't check my food. Got to work and unwrapped my lunch only to discover, NO PIE. I can see if it had been part of my original order, but SHE is the one who made such a huge deal out of the pie... ARGH.
              GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


              • #52
                Things may be getting better for me and McDonalds.....the past 5 times I've went there, they haven't screwed up my order. Yippe!!
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #53
                  Only had two screw ups that I can remember. One was fixed good, the other was ok.

                  We had ordered the chicken selects. We were charged for the chicken selects. We got chicken nuggets. I go into the store to get the right one. The manager ROLLED HER eyes at me, nearly ripped it out of my hand, and tossed me the chicken selects without saying anything. No apolgy, no here ya go, not even a fuk off I'm busy. .

                  Second one is my mom's story. She was on a food run for her and her druggy friends. She ordered a bunch of food. Like, nearly 50 dollars worth, and this was back in the 80's, early ninties? She was doing it through the drive through, when she sees the car ahead of the car in front of her, has a bunch of bags handle to him. The car sits there for a bit, then hands ALL the bags back to the clerk. Then a smaller bag was handled to him. He drives off. The car ahead of mom pulls up. Again, severeal bags were handled to this person. Several bags were handled back after a moment.
                  Mom's turn. Clerk tried to hand the bags of food to her, which she promptly denied. She wanted to speak to the manager. She told the manager of the bags changing hands, and she didn't want to touch it. (Go fig, a health nut drug addict). The manager started to bag fresh food, and alot of it. Mom have already paid, but she just wanted her money and her coke, cause she figured they couldn't mess up the pops. Manager then gives her all the food she ordered, AND her money bag, with a huge apolgy.

                  Mom was so shocked, that she made sure we went to that one from now on, cause the manager cared. Never had a problem with it, and we still visit it from time to time.
                  Military Spouse Support.
                  Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                  • #54
                    Quoth feedyourfeet
                    I think you were the rude one. They made a mistake, they fixed it problem solved. I dont think that people should demand things for free over a simple mistake.
                    I disagree completely. Considering the attitude she got from the employee (considering the mistake was the employee's fault in the first place) I would hardly say SHE was the rude one.

                    And while yes, the extra $1 and some change was what she would have paid in the first place, when someone makes a mistake it's hardly fair to make the customer pay for it.

                    And she didn't demand it. She simply pointed out that where she works they don't make customers pay for employee mistakes.

