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The train won't wait for you!!

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  • The train won't wait for you!!

    Dropped a friend off at the train station earlier today. He got on the train and sat down. I stood at the platform and waiting for the train to pull out.

    Next to me, a group of three people were having a conversation. So, it was easy to presume they were waiting for another train. The platform intercom announced the train was leaving, and then the automatic doors on the train slammed shut. The group of people still carried on their conversation.

    One of the group suddenly turns round and attempts to board the train! He pushed the button to open the door, nothing happened. He ran to another carriage, but the train started to pull out. He proceeds to batter his hands along the windows. No luck. The train was gone.

    A conductor witnessed it, and the man went up to complain.

    SC: The train has gone! I was going to get on that train!
    Conductor: But you were stood there the whole time, how could you have possibly missed it?
    Conductor: I'm sorry sir, but the trains run on a strict timetable. They will not wait for you to finish your conversations.
    SC: What am I supposed to do now?
    Conductor: You're going to have to wait an hour for the next one.
    SC: WHAT?
    Conductor: Don't worry, look on the bright side, you can still carry on your conversation.

    The guy was left standing on the platform, looking extremelly lost and confused. I walked away with a huge grin on my face.

  • #2
    HA HA!!!!!
    Well fiddle dee dee!!


    • #3
      I see people like this all the time; waste time yakking as the train pulls in and even start yelling to be heard over it, and only when the doors-closing chime sounds do they even think about boarding (or trying to). I witnessed one kid at Harvard Square squeeze into an already packed train and proceed to hold the door open with his foot so the rest of the family could crowd on (how I wish T cars could post legal occupancy limits like buildings do).

      Mainly on the Red Line, although every so often I'll see a small gaggle of old women with those wire carts holding up the train at Coolidge Corner.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #4
        I take BART daily, and most commuters are pretty fast about getting on and off.

        Weekends are another story.

        I took BART into San Francisco for Wondercon. As it was the same day as the Chinese New Year parade, BART was running longer trains than usual to allow for additional riders. It was obvious that a lot of people who had never ridden BART before were on the platform that day. They would stand there when the doors opened, apparently waiting for an announcement to board, then all cluster onto the center cars, instead of spreading out toward either end of the platform.

        After the train had sat in the station for a few minutes (much longer than the usual 30 seconds to a minute per stop), the doors start to close. So, of course, this woman decides she has to get off the train (you can ride to the next station and catch a train back without being charged extra, duh). The doors closed on her. She started yelling and banging on the doors. Luckily for her, the conductor saw her before pulling out and opened the doors.

        Personally, I think she really needed to become a nomination for the Darwin Awards.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          When I worked in Philly some girl lost a foot trying to get on a train at the last minute. Needless to say, she didn't make it. It was the same line that I took, but earlier in the day. Thank god I wasn't there at the time
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Reminds me of an epi of 'Airline'. The CSR called a couple of guy's names to check in but they never showed up. She called their names 3 or 4 times and finally gave up and boarded some standby passengers instead. The idiots show up at the podium after the doors have closed and demand to be let on. Claim that they never heard the announcements and yadda, yadda, yadda. Turns out they had been in the bar all this time. The plane wasn't held for them. I hope they enjoyed watching their stupidity on national tv.
            Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

            I'm a case study.


            • #7
              I think I've seen that episode of Airline as well! I love Airline, it broadcasts SC's and proves how unreasonable they can really be. Like the ones who miss check in and demand to be checked. Idiots.


              • #8
                I took Amtrak once to visit a friend in Michigan, and I was obsessed with catching my train...namely because I had one shot at it or else I wasn't going home As soon as those doors opened, I basically flung myself aboard. Sucky, mayhaps, but those suckers weren't leaving without me, either.
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

