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Little girls tantrum

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  • #16
    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
    Jeez, I don't plan to spend $3000 on my wedding dress! (should I ever be buying one, that is)
    My wife spent a hundred buck on hers, and it looked great. Canadian bucks, too, back when the Canadian buck was much worse off than it is now.

    We finished it in the car, as her family drove us off on our elopement, to meet my parents halfway.


    • #17
      Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
      My wife spent a hundred buck on hers, and it looked great. Canadian bucks, too, back when the Canadian buck was much worse off than it is now.

      We finished it in the car, as her family drove us off on our elopement, to meet my parents halfway.
      I don't plan on spending $3000 on a wedding dress either. Especially when I have one hanging up in my mother's bedroom closet that was given to me by the bride who wore it almost 20 years ago (since divorced, she was cleaning out closets in her old home when she moved a few years ago.)

      And Mom is wanting me to try the damn thing on sometime this week while I'm home
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #18
        I can't get married until I save up the money to HAVE a wedding. And that is going to be after I save up well over $15,000 for college on my own.

        You heard it right, boys and girls. I must pay every cent for my own college, and not a penny will be given to me for my future wedding.

        I don't want to complain too much, because my parents have the right to say no to whatever they want to. I'm sure it mold me into a very mature and grateful adult one day.

        Those little brats on My Sweet 16 all need to be thrown off a bridge. They have NO idea how lucky they are. THEY didn't have to wear cloth diapers as infants and hand-me-down clothes wore by several cousins before them all throughout childhood and early adolescence . THEY didn't have to eat Ramen noodles and spaghettios every day for nearly 12 years straight of their life and THEY didn't have parents on welfare and other government aid for the first few years of their lives. Daddy didn't buy you the right Bentley for your bday? Boo fucking HOO........I could just grab them by their fake hair extensions and pull them all out while slapping them silly.
        Last edited by blas; 04-16-2007, 06:15 AM.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #19
          I have a feeling that those spoiled bastards are going to be in for a rude awakening sooner or later. They all need a big cup of "shut the fuck up"

          Did I get a new car on my 16th birthday? Um, no. I took over my father's rusty '87 Tempo with 100K on it. Ran that heap for a year until the engine blew up. The replacement, I paid for myself. When that much-loved car finally fell apart, I paid for its replacement, and its maintenance.

          When I started college, *nobody* helped me out, not even my parents. Nearly every cent I made from camp, the paper route, or Hechinger's, basically went into my parents' pockets. (They used my checking account as their own little S&L!) What little amount was left, went to schooling.

          When I was younger, many of my clothes were either made by Grandma, or hand-me-downs from other local families. Cash was tight then.

          However, at least I can say that "I paid for that" when it comes to whatever I have. That's an awesome feeling, and something the spoiled bastards will *never* know what it feels like. Who says money can buy everything?
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #20
            My money I make now buys me almost everything I want........
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              My parent's gave me a car for a graduation present - my college graduation that is - a 1978 Chrysler LaBaron. I loved that car. The main reason they gave it to me was because I was the first person in the family, both sides, to graduate college. Go me!
              Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

              I'm a case study.


              • #22
                I have had to borrow money off my parents ONCE and I felt terrible about it. I just don't like taking anything off them, they have worked hard to earn their money, and I'm in my twenties now, so what right do I have to take it?

                I have paid my way through university as well, from tuition fees to accomodation, but it is so great because I know I've done it myself, and I've had some fantastic experiences doing it,.


                • #23
                  I've watched Super Sweet Sixteen while running (nothing takes the mind off pain and wheezing like spoilt brats!). Now, I am spoiled. My parents bought me my first car - which I still have nearly 10 years later, and I've taken very good care of it. It was secondhand, and is JUST a car. No sound system, nothing. But I love it, and I'm grateful for it as it gets me to work. That thing that lets me feed my dog!
                  They sent me to tech for my qualification. They have loaned me money when I was hardup, and they still refuse repayment *mutter mutter*
                  But, even though I know I'm spoiled, and that my parents love me and dote on me, I would never make the demands that those little brats do. And I would never treat them the way they do either!

                  SpoiledPrincess: "Daddy! I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!"
                  Daddy: "Here honey, have some money/a car/a house/ a designer dress/ a famous person at your party."
                  SP: "Daddy! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"
                  The report button - not just for decoration

