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Train Stories

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  • Train Stories

    Went up to Maryland for the holiday, and took Amtrak like last year. Saw a few sucky customer situations while I was traveling.

    Just because it's lip smacking good . . . .

    Doesn't mean you have to smack your lips . . . constantly. Guy sitting next to me on the trip up made endless smacking sounds while he was eating his lunch. Then his snack. Then another snack. Then another. Augh! It was disgusting. Clearly his mother never taught him to chew quietly. Every time I thought I could take no more, he'd stop . . . for awhile. Then start up again.

    Ready to party

    Now, I really like the Amtrak people. They're very nice, and they're also a lot of fun. The attendant of the car made a very clear announcement about cell phone use: "No one wants to hear you yell on your cell phone, so keep it down." I tell you, I was ready to applaud.

    Of course, we are on CS, so naturally someone couldn't understand this simple instruction.

    Guy starts yammering on his cell phone. He gets pretty pissed. "You're pretty damn selfish, starting without me. Yeah, you just want to sit there and smoke, you don't think of nobody but yourself."

    After several repeated references to smoking and partying it was pretty clear he was talking about pot. Then he made it pretty clear that when he got to the party he planned to "do some coke."

    Oh good lord. This went on for FOUR hours. When he started talking about coke, and talking about two women he referred to as "those dykes", I'd had enough. I said something to the attendant. She talked to him and he shut up for the rest of the trip; guess he was afraid she'd have the cops waiting for him.

    I think he had dope on him, but I didn't think about calling the cops until after he got off the train. Probably better that I didn't, but still.

    The Quest

    This story isn't sucky at all. An older woman's wedding ring slipped off her finger and into the seat cushions. Her husband tried in vain for quite some time to retrieve it, but could not find it. Other folks also tried reaching into the seat with no luck.

    Finally, the attendant found a flashlight and with a little work was able to recover the ring. The whole car cheered when she found it.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

  • #2
    Quoth Sapphire Silk View Post

    Just because it's lip smacking good . . . .

    Doesn't mean you have to smack your lips . . . constantly. Guy sitting next to me on the trip up made endless smacking sounds while he was eating his lunch. Then his snack. Then another snack. Then another. Augh! It was disgusting. Clearly his mother never taught him to chew quietly. Every time I thought I could take no more, he'd stop . . . for awhile. Then start up again.

    Oh, man... I used to work with a guy like that. Especially when he was eating his apple... the noises the guy would make. And then when he got to his pudding thingy, you'd think it held Lorenzo's Oil or some such thing... he had to scrape every single remnant of pudding from the container. I finally had to start scheduling my lunch so I wouldn't have to be in the lunchroom with him.


    • #3
      Quoth Sapphire Silk View Post
      Just because it's lip smacking good . . . .

      Doesn't mean you have to smack your lips . . . constantly. Guy sitting next to me on the trip up made endless smacking sounds while he was eating his lunch. Then his snack. Then another snack. Then another. Augh! It was disgusting. Clearly his mother never taught him to chew quietly. Every time I thought I could take no more, he'd stop . . . for awhile. Then start up again.
      I am sensitive to eating noises (misophonia sufferer) to the point that simply reading that passage sent my heart rate up and made me see red.

      one of three things would happen, i'd have to move, i'd smack him or i'd start yelling. Thankfully i'm usually very controlled. Lol


      • #4
        One of my sisters chews with her mouth open and now her three children do too. It's gotten to the point that I have to look at my plate when we eat together or I might throw something to see if I can get it in their wide open traps. I've tried gently talking to her and the kids, tried telling my own daughter in front of them "Remember we chew with our mouths closed", my mother has tried to talk to them. Nope, all right over their heads. It's more annoying than disgusting. The constant chomping, slurping, oh it makes me homicidal at work.


        • #5
          Doesn't really bother me, except from a manners stand point. My sons are well behaved in that thankfully, but my niece? Ugggghhhh. My son looked at her one time and flat said, "You look like a cow chewing cud." That stopped her for a week or two, but no one else tries to correct her.
          If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


          • #6
            Quoth raudf View Post
            ... "You look like a cow chewing cud." ...
            Now if you'd just manage to lick the boogers out of your nose between chaws...
            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


            • #7
              I just took amtrak up to NYC last month to visit my best friend. I wish I would have discovered the loveliness that is amtrak years ago rather than greyhound. I don't think I will ever travel any other way.
              Lay your hands upon me
              Like an angel from above
              Put your arms around me,
              'Cause you're fallin'


              • #8
                I love Amtrak; I'm taking the Acela down to NJ over Christmas (I'm sure I'll have a few sightings to report). To me it's so much better than flying for short hauls. Lines and hassle and no legroom versus (relatively) get there and go, scenery and getting up whenever I want? Yes please.
                Last edited by Dreamstalker; 12-04-2013, 02:47 PM.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  I haven't been on Amtrak in ages, but I miss it. It's definitely the only civilized way to go. Airplanes are just Greyhound buses with wings on.

                  Of course when I told people I was taking the train from New York to Denver they looked at me like I'd just grown another head. Two and a half days on a train? I'd go nuts! Well that's you. I intend to enjoy every mile. NYP to CUT I had a Slumbercoach (remember those? Third-class sleepers, ex-Northern Pacific, 50s vintage, had what was basically 32 closets with one or two seat(s) that folded down into a bed, a table that lifted up to reveal a toilet, and a sink that folded into the wall. They were retired when retention toilets were mandated, being impossible to retrofit with 32+1 blackwater tanks.) and went coach the rest of the way, sleeping in the lounge car. Snagged a seat near an electric socket for my scanner. Was quite a fun trip. I don't know if now that I have a family I'd do it again, but maybe.


                  • #10
                    Mom and I took Amtrak out to NM when she sent me off to college. BOS to CHI was a brand-new sleeper car, CHI to ABQ not so much (unsure of the vintage, but it was a bit ratty and cramped). I was highly amused by the nylon 'cargo net' across the top bunk--which did appear to be new The train did have a bubble-top observation car where we spent most of the time. Food was far better than I expected.

                    If we do it again, we'll check the accommodations and make sure the new equipment is on the long haul--although they've probably replaced stock since we did it. My 'dream trip' is going up to Alaska though; the scenery looks phenomenal at the right time of year.
                    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                    • #11
                      My only gripe with Amtrak is they got rid of their smoking cars, it annoys the hell out of me as a smoker.

