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Leave the towels alone!!!

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  • Leave the towels alone!!!

    I have another one about 'C'. You guys may remember my co worker/boyfriend's friend's wife from the "3 for Me" thread. This one happened last month and I kept meaning to post about, and completely forgot to include it in the OP! C and I got stranded in the city where we work with that last blizzard back in March. (We both live out in the country about 45 minutes from town). We ended up getting a motel room and spent the evening counting the hours until we could go home. Morning comes and we are given the go ahead by the guys to try back roads all the way home. While I'm double and triple checking everything to make sure nothing is left behind, C disappears into the bathroom. Shortly there after I hear "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" *giggle giggle giggle* "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" *giggle giggle giggle* (repeat) I walk in to see what the hell she is doing. She's taking all the towels and wash rags off the shelves/holders (that's the Weeeeeeeeeee part) and throwing them on the ground (yep, you guessed it, that's where the giggle fits in). One at a time she would pull the bath linens off the rack and release it like a damaged bird, watching it flutter to the ground before reaching for the next. "What the HELL are you going?!" I exclaimed, wondering if she'd finally lost he mind (from the sounds of the giggles, I would have said so). "I'm just making sure that the next people in the room have clean towels! Weeeeeee!!!" By now she had everything on the floor so she started kicking under the sink. "This way those f*ckers will have to put up new towels. I do this every where I go." All stated so matter of factly. Then she opened the shampoo and conditioner (which we didn't use) and set them in their side in the bathtub to drain out, unwrapped the soap and the water cups and tossed them in waste can. My face must have surprised her. "Fresh toiletries, duh." She moved to the sleeping area and before I could stop her, she had all the blankets and sheets off one of the beds and in a pile. I stopped her before she got to the other bed. Same rezoning for this, so that the f*ckers would have to put clean linen on the bed. Had we not been in such a hurry (they could close down our route home at any time really) I would have righted the towel issue at least. I also didn't bother scolding her about it. What I wanted to explain to her is that they type if housekeeper, excuse me f*cker, that wouldn't change out the linens in the first place, is the same kind that would put up the towels that have been deliberately kicked under the sink. She's never had to be on the other side of something like that, so she's never had to deal with people at their suckyiest!
    You can paste that big fake smile on your face and use a singsong voice to indicate how nice and happy you are when dealing with service people, but you will never understand. They will do their job regardless of whether or not you tear the beds down to the bare mattress, because that is there job. If they are the type to cut corners and not freshen the room like they should, your little towel tossing tantrum sure isn't going to help. I couldn't believe that.

    Yesterday my boyfriends mom, C (b/c she is the freakin daughter my boyfriends mom never had) and I went to this giant craft fair. We were looking at some bracelets and made mental note to come back as the booth was large and the one lady wasn't able to give us any attention and take payment for other customers at the same time. She was really busy and overwhelmed, and I think her partner had gone MIA for the moment. (I like to go through everything too before I start buying). On our way out I reminded C about the booth and asked if she still wanted to check it out. "NO." She said folding her arms and stomping her foot. "I don't buy things from you if you are RUDE to me!" Whaaa???? "That lady was rude and wouldn't help me. I mean, know she's been here all day but c'mon. Have some customer service whydoncha." Again......shut up. You have no personal experience on the subject, so zip it. Everything looks easy when you are on the out side.

    Another tidbit from the show that I witnessed from across the room: A girl in her 20's was walking w/a group. They passed a booth with jar candles. Girl knocks a candle onto the floor where the jar shatters. Girl looks around for witnesses, shop keep is on the phone and didn't notice. Girl picks up what was left of the broken jar/candle and sets it back on the table and moseys on over to the next booth with her friends leaving glass shards all over the ground. Nice. C's responce "Maybe she should get her ass off the phone and WATCH her booth." Perhaps. Still. Not only was that dishonsest, but dangerous.
    Well fiddle dee dee!!

  • #2
    SnapAddict218 - how you haven't hogtied C and left her on an anthill covered in honey yet is beyond me. As you've said, she's obviously one of those who will NEVER understand what it's like to be in contact with people like herself everyday.
    Say, doesn't she need a job? See if you can get her one in Walmart...:angelsmile:
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      No, I work with her too. And I just go to my happy place when she's around. She says things that we beyond rude and or stupid. Some times both, or what I like to call "rupid". Or Stude".
      Well fiddle dee dee!!


      • #4
        maybe electroshock therapy? (just kidding, JUST KIDDING!) Unfortunately, people like that are rife Luckily you're around to stop her from spreading too much suckiness around.
        You need a big cookie, doncha? (I think you deserve one! Laced with chocolate! And chocolate liquor!)
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          I just bought Pepperidge Farm dark chocolate brownie cookies - you can have one if you like...nuke it for 10 seconds and it's just like fresh baked

          I guess it doesn't occur to her that if you haven't actually used the toiletries, they're still fresh...? I mean, they're not milk...they won't spoil before the next guest shows up. Seriously, if you want to force them to replace the shampoo bottles, why not just take them home instead of wasting them?

          Had you used the towels? I'm sure the housekeeping staff can tell if something's been used (most people don't tri-fold them and put them back in their little pyramid formations on the rack)...generally when I use the towels the morning I'm leaving I'll fold them on the back of the toilet or on the counter. If I'm staying more than one night I'll use the towels more than once.

          Gah, why do I question? This girl is clearly nuts. She needs a round with the whacky stick...hey! who's got the whacky stick??
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

            Had you used the towels? I'm sure the housekeeping staff can tell if something's been used (most people don't tri-fold them and put them back in their little pyramid formations on the rack)?
            Exactly after 3 years cleaning rooms you can tell in an instant if something's been used it's hard to fold towels back in the same folds after it has been used. C. ticks me off hardcore wasting everything to "ensure" that guests get fresh stuff is a joke, apparently she got in her head that everything she does is perfect and woe to the people who anger her. SnapAddict I have one question Does she or has she ever worked customer service as far as you know? Just curious, Kudos for not beating her senseless with her own shoes though
            My Horror Blog



            • #7
              Maybe put her on Greenpeace's mailing lists?



              • #8
                Have you come straight out and told her that she is a complete idiot, moron and/or git? She definately is .....holy shit something is going down at Central High School - cop cars, k-9s and rifles - gotta go.
                Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                I'm a case study.


                • #9
                  Quoth TruthHurts View Post
                  Does she or has she ever worked customer service as far as you know?
                  No. No she has not.

                  And we had just used ONE towel. Truthhurts, as I was watching her throw the towels on the floor I couldn't help but think of you!!!

                  Apparently she wasn't thinking about the extra water, electricity, soap and labor it would cost, just for that one rooms towels. And that is why hotel rooms are so costly these days.

                  Just the whole thing pisses me off. WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?
                  Well fiddle dee dee!!


                  • #10
                    To finish my thought, SN your co-worker is a Grade A jackass. She needs a gigantic dose of reality.

                    OT - the problem we are having in Rapid right now I put in the Off Topic section.
                    Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                    I'm a case study.


                    • #11
                      I'm probably a housekeepers dream guest then. Any towels I use, I'll use one of the large bathtowels and wrap them all up in, like a burritto. I'll use just one garbage can, not all two or three it seems rooms have now. Anything I move, like the TV remote, guest info book, I'll put back where I found it. Even the day I leave, if I see a housekeeper in the hall, I'll let them now I'm all done in my room so they don't need to worry about knocking.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                        I'm probably a housekeepers dream guest then. Any towels I use, I'll use one of the large bathtowels and wrap them all up in, like a burritto. I'll use just one garbage can, not all two or three it seems rooms have now. Anything I move, like the TV remote, guest info book, I'll put back where I found it. Even the day I leave, if I see a housekeeper in the hall, I'll let them now I'm all done in my room so they don't need to worry about knocking.
                        I try to put all my trash in the bathroom can. A lot of hotels have signs in their bathrooms requesting that you use your towels more than once, and if you are willing to do that to hang them up, and if not, to leave them on the floor or somewhere so the housekeeper knows whether or not to take them. The first time I saw that was in Key West, since the fact that it was a small island, etc. made the extra water that much more expensive and environmentally unfriendly. I've noticed it in other hotels closer to home since then (explained in a more general 'be an environmentalist' way).
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Geez.... I usually leave a note for housekeeping saying I *haven't* used the toiletries or towels (I've got REALLY sensitive skin, and anything scented makes me break out in hives) so that they won't need to replace them. If I do happen to use a face cloth or hand towel, I toss it in the bathtub like most of the hotels tell you to (at least every hotel I've ever stayed at has had a sign.... but then I've only stayed at Days Inn and Best Westerns).
                          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                          • #14
                            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                            A lot of hotels have signs in their bathrooms requesting that you use your towels more than once, and if you are willing to do that to hang them up, and if not, to leave them on the floor or somewhere so the housekeeper knows whether or not to take them. The first time I saw that was in Key West, since the fact that it was a small island, etc. made the extra water that much more expensive and environmentally unfriendly.
                            They had that sign in a hotel room I stayed in when I was visiting Key Largo. I was hanging the used towels back on the rack so we could reuse them, but I would swear that the housekeeper gave us fresh ones anyhow.


                            • #15

                              Please, for me, everyone here, and the countless innocents C has inflicted her self-important, condescending, pig-ignorant attitude on, sit her down and have a good, long, hard talk with her about just what a jackass she's being! If those stories are typical, I'd have laid into her (verbally, of course) within a month of meeting her for pulling that kind of stuff.
                              ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

