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Not sucky. Just kinda dumb.

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  • Not sucky. Just kinda dumb.

    I’m in World Market yesterday, right? I’m walking around with my daughter on my hip, and a girl who is in there holds up a vase for me to see and goes, “Do you think this will be too big to use as a centerpiece on a kitchen table?”


    I don’t think she thought I worked there, but you know, I guess anything is possible. She clearly thought I was psychic, so I guess it’s not too much to believe she either didn’t see the toddler attached to my body or thought World Market employees wear toddlers as part of their uniform.

    I could hear the gears in my head grinding and stalling, grains of stupidity clogging up the works.

    I said… “Well….I guess that depends on how big the table is, how big the room is, the style of the décor, and all that. Is it a big table?”

    Her: “Yeah.”

    Me: “Does that vase match the style of the room?”

    Her:“I think so.”

    Me:“Well, it’s a nice vase. Probably it will work fine.”

    Jeez! Glad I could help.

  • #2
    I doubt it was anything malicious or that she thought you worked there. I have been known to ask strangers (and therefore completley unbiased) their opinions. Granted hers was a dumb question as you have no idea what this woman's decor is, but you probably looked helpful or nice (not pissed off, shooting evil looks, etc) and she wanted and opinion.

    It's like helping out the little old lady who needs something off the top shelf and there's no employees around so she asks the young tall man (strikingly handsome no doubt) if he could kindly get it for her.


    • #3
      I had a woman ask me once which of the two rugs she was looking at would look best in her living room.

      If I had known what her living room looked like I would have been able to answer that.


      • #4
        Yeah, she wasn't being a pain or anything. And I hope I didn't come across as anything other than helpful. I wasn't angry or irritated or anything. I just wondered how she thought I might know what her kitchen looked like.

        I mean, I've seen tables that were maybe two feet round, and then I've seen some that were eight feet long.


        • #5
          Quoth draftermatt View Post
          It's like helping out the little old lady who needs something off the top shelf and there's no employees around so she asks the young tall man (strikingly handsome no doubt) if he could kindly get it for her.
          Or the not-so-tall (but still ravishing) young woman?

          Actually people usually don't ask me, except my mom who sometimes seems to think I have Go-Go Gadget arms or something, but I will help if I see someone having a problem and I can reach.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            except my mom who sometimes seems to think I have Go-Go Gadget arms

            BSE, that line RIGHT THERE just made my day. And it's only 7:30 am here Thank you. That will give me giggles for days!
            The report button - not just for decoration

