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Sucky? or Not sucky? You be the judge...

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  • Sucky? or Not sucky? You be the judge...

    I was shopping in the locally owned neighborhood grocery store a few days ago and had to get a few deli items. I normally don't shop here because it's more expensive, but didn't want to drive the 5 miles to the other place. A girl (20 something) ahead of me asked for a half pound of a yummy looking pasta salad that had all kinds of veggies and black olives in it. She then proceeds to ask the clerk to put as many black olives in there as he can. I thought this was pretty damn sucky myself. I'm glad I wasn't in the mood for that salad, because I'm sure I wouldn' t have gotten my fair share of olives because the SC ahead of me asked for extra. Granted, she got less of other things, but hell, if you want lots of black olives, go buy a can, or ask for some of the gourmet olives they had in the deli. To top it off, this snot was ahead of me at the check out and ignored the cashier and instead spent time fingering her "Prada" wallet and "Dior" sunglasses for all to see.....<ack>

    Am I too sensitive or was she being sucky?
    Last edited by Pinkie; 04-19-2007, 09:35 PM. Reason: spelling correction

  • #2
    You're overreacting.

    No way is she a SC. She had a preference and the clerk accommodated her. Nothing about her manner indicated she was doing anything to be a SC.

    And that she owned Prada -- what's that got to do with anything?


    • #3
      Prada+Dior does not necessesarily=sucky

      And if it would be so easy for this customer to grab a can of olives for her salad, then why couldn't you do the same?

      I too think you are overreacting. This would be like somebody ordering a bucket of chicken and asking for more drumsticks or more white meat. You can always wait for more white meat or more drumsticks to be cooked up when you order.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Pinkie View Post
        this snot was ahead of me at the check out and ignored the cashier

        That makes her sucky in my book... flag the salad
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          I don't think she was sucky at all, it seems you were overreacting IMO.


          • #6
            I don't think you're overreacting. I think you were just very hungry, and ticked off that you didn't get as much of something you liked because she was inconsiderate.

            I don't necessarily think the customer was sucky, either, except for the part where she ignored the cashier.

            She had a preference, and asked to be accommodated, and that's fine, but then again, it's a little greedy to ask for something special that causes the salad to be missing one of the key flavours in the mix.

            I agree that prada dos not = sucky, but think your reason for mentioning the expensive accessories was possibly your way of illustrating her snobbish behaviour, because of her ignoring the clerk.
            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


            • #7
              Quoth Ree View Post

              I agree that prada dos not = sucky, but think your reason for mentioning the expensive accessories was possibly your way of illustrating her snobbish behaviour, because of her ignoring the clerk.
              Thank you Ree.....that's exactly what I meant. As for the salad, it's not one that I was after, so I wasn't concerned about myself, but was concerned about someone else down the line. Example, what if several people ordered that salad and all of them asked for extra olives, the one at the end of the line may not get any olives at all..... this was the point I was trying to make.


              • #8
                I think you were overreacting a little. If the salad runs out of olives they'll add more so people don't get left out. Her asking for extra olives in her salad is no different than you asking for extra cheese on a pizza. If the store runs out and can't accomadate their customers then they either suck at ordering stuff or they are really heavy handed.


                • #9
                  Considering that you weren't even ordering what she took, yeah, I think you're overreacting. It didn't deprive you of anything, and anybody who walks up to the counter won't have the slightest clue what happened.
                  GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                  • #10
                    Quoth draftermatt View Post
                    If the salad runs out of olives they'll add more so people don't get left out. Her asking for extra olives in her salad is no different than you asking for extra cheese on a pizza.
                    Not exactly.
                    What if it is a premade salad, and one that isn't prepared on the premises?

                    There is a limited amount of olives in it, in that case, so for one person to 'hog' all the olives is a bit thoughtless, I think.

                    When asking for extra cheese on a pizza, a person usually has to pay a little extra, and the place usually has cheese already prepared for that purpose.

                    I think it's a little rude for one customer to order a prepared food item that consists of several ingredients, and ask for the person to pick out the extras of one particular ingredient. It's also a bit of a PITA for the clerk as well.

                    I remember my deli days at the grocery store, and it used to tick me off when that happened.
                    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                    • #11
                      It didn't bother the clerk to do it, so what's the big deal? If it had, she probably would have said "I'm sorry, we're not allowed to do that." It made the girl happy, and it didn't have any negative repercussions, so why is this becoming a major event? I can understand it being a pet peeve, but how long ago did this happen now, and you're still carrying resentment and negativity as a result....
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                      • #12
                        Quoth tollbaby View Post
                        It made the girl happy, and it didn't have any negative repercussions, so why is this becoming a major event? I can understand it being a pet peeve, but how long ago did this happen now, and you're still carrying resentment and negativity as a result....
                        Whoah...where is all this hostility coming from?

                        Pinkie posted about something she saw that, in her opinion, was sucky behaviour, and she just asked for opinions.
                        You gave your opinion. You didn't feel it was sucky.
                        I posted a reply...I didn't think it was sucky, but I did think it was inconsiderate.
                        I posted another reply to the person who said it was the same as ordering extra cheese, because I didn't feel that it was, and I also posted from my own personal experience, that I used to hate having to pick out all of one ingredient when dishing out salads.

                        From what I read, Pinkie has only made two posts here.
                        I don't think she's dwelling on it, or carrying negativity or resentment. It's a thread on the site, and people are allowed to post their opinions, pro or con, and in doing so, the thread may grow. That doesn't mean it has become a major event.

                        We are here to support each other, even if we don't agree.
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13
                          sorry, I should have read back. It was actually your post I was reacting to. I thought you were the OP, and I should have confirmed before posting.
                          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                          • #14
                            Just so you know, if you see 100 people with Prada, Coach, Louis Vuitton, etc., bags, 75 of them are knock-offs, unless of course, you are in the Malibu or Beverly Hills Safeway. Then only 30 of them are knock-offs.
                            This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                            • #15
                              "oh what a great fake* prada wallet! i picked one up for my sister** in new york city they look almost exactly like the real thing and are such a great bargain"

                              * don't actually know it's fake

                              ** don't actually have a sister

                              but it will still be quite traumatic to anyone who would stand there like that trying to show off her "designer" stuff that proabably was fake.

