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Sucky Server

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  • Sucky Server

    I was bored and feeling "penned in" tonight, so I decided to go drink some super late night coffee at one of the 24 hour places around here. Normally I go out with someone, but I was feeling hermity tonight, so I grabbed a good book and went off by myself.

    While there I decided to order an appetizer to go with my coffee. Restaurant is dead slow, maybe 4 other people in there.

    Service is good. She brought everything in a timely manner and checked on me. When she was going off the floor she came by and let me know, and that if I needed anything to contact other server. Right after this I decide to head home so I get up to pay. I left 3 dollars on the table. I paid and then realized I left my sweater in the booth. I go back that way and hear my server complaining to the other server how that lady (describes what I'm wearing and how I look) only left her 3 bucks, after everything she did for me.

    What she did for me was -bring me coffee/coffee pot (it's the carafe type) take my order, bring my food, check in 2 times, normal stuff)

    I got my sweater and then went back to the front where I informed management that if this woman wanted to keep recieving tips, perhaps she should be grateful for what she does get.

    The real kicker? My bill was 8 dollars and something. I left her nearly a 50% tip!

  • #2
    I understand the importance of tipping, but I hate hearing servers bitch about their lack of tips/ not getting tipped enough.
    I guess I'm just not used to living in that world, but a 40% tip should have sufficed.
    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.


    • #3
      What the hell is she complaining about? Nearly 50% is freaking great to me.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Quoth upsidedown_orchid View Post
        I understand the importance of tipping, but I hate hearing servers bitch about their lack of tips/ not getting tipped enough.
        I guess I'm just not used to living in that world, but a 40% tip should have sufficed.
        I understand when servers bitch about no tips or shitty tips. Because some people are REALLY stingy when it comes to tipping servers. Tables of 5 with a 50 dollar check leaving a dollar and things like that. And it IS thier livelyhood.

        But smaller tables=smaller checks. And since tipping is pretty much done off of the total of the bill, they can't honestly expect to get a 10 dollar tip (hell or even five bucks!) off of an 8 dollar check.


        • #5
          A tip for good service is supposed to be 20% right? So that's $1.60. You left a 38% tip. The nerve of some people. Working in a 24 hour coffee shop isn't going to net you the big tips.

          What did the manager say?


          • #6
            Yeah, that's why I hate eating by myself. My schedule doesn't allow for me to cook or eat with friends much, and I'm often far from home, so I eat out a lot. Just me and my lonesome means I worth little tip and taking up a booth that could host a four person party, so sometimes I get a waiter that's annoyed with me. I try to eat during the off hours so it's less of a hassle.


            • #7
              maybe I'm awful b/c I've never been a waitress (not for lack of trying - they kept changing the legal age here to work as a waitress and I got tired of it) - but I think 10% tip if you did the VERY BASICS of the job - 15% if you went a little further, 20% if you went above & beyond....... or if I actually have the money, maybe a bit more than 20%.....


              • #8
                That waitress had some nerve!!!!!!

                You should've gone up to her and told her that if she didn't like her tip, she won't get one at all. Or would that have made you an SC?
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  I would have taken the tip back, if she wasn't satisfied with a 50% satisfied would she be with a 0% tip. Definitely a sucky waitress.


                  • #10
                    The manager offered me my money back, but I said that it sounded like the server needs the money more than I do. Yeah it was a bit snarky, but I was pissed lol

                    The manager, however, looked PISSED. I'm guessing that there have been problems with the server before.


                    • #11
                      wait wait wait... no. This doesn't compute. You left three bucks of a 8 dollar bill, and she's COMPLAINING?!

                      Hmm. On second thought, I wanna serve her, she'd be a hypocrite if she didn't leave a ten dollar tip on a 12 dollar bill, and we all know Sucky workers aren't hypocritical.
                      Military Spouse Support.
                      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                      • #12
                        I don't think you were snarky at all, it was directed to an ungrateful waitress so I think it was justified IMO.


                        • #13
                          If they are going to bitch about their tips, they ought to do it in the breakroom or somewhere customers can't hear.

                          Most people who just got coffee and an appetizer barely tipped ME a dollar when I was a server.......I would have given anything to get $3.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            It's not like she's working at a steakhouse or something, and you took up a whole table when it was busy and only left a buck. This lady would be singing a completely different tune if she had gotten some of the tips I have.
                            "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                            • #15
                              This topic hits really close to home to me since I almost always have to eat lunch by myself. I'm usually pretty far from my office doing field work during lunchtime, so I have to find a place to eat lunch. If it's a nice neighborhood I'll just pack myself a lunch and each in my car by a park or something like that. If I'm in a not-so-nice-neighborhood I find a casual restaurant to eat. I'm so conscious of eating as a lone dinner and I hate when I get sat at a booth or a nice four-top. I know how important those tables are during the lunch rush. My solution? I sit at the bar. Not in the bar area, but AT THE BAR. It's the only place I feel comfortable sitting by myself and reading.

                              As far as tipping as a lone diner, if my whole check is $7something, I leave a $10 bill. If it's more I am very conscious to leave at LEAST 25% and up to 40%, depending on the service. Bartenders appreciate it because I'm quiet, keep to myself, ask for maybe one refill of diet coke and just read for 45mins.
                              Do I dare
                              Disturb the universe?
                              In a minute there is time
                              For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

                              T.S. Eliot

