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The marathon

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  • The marathon

    (I must admit, I was a cow)
    First the background.
    I was on the bus on Sunday, Sunday 22nd of April, Marathon day. It happens every year for over 25 years. Yes? The route is more ore less the same every year. They have signs on the road that say "London marathon here, 22 April"
    It is on the news, in the papers every day. Nike has billboard ads talking about this.
    The bus route near my house goes right by it, so therefore it shouldn't be a surprise if bus routes are diverted.
    So I get on a bus, knowing it will be long delays. Not many of the other customers seem to have taken this into account though.

    The moment the bus turns off the regular route, a few passengers get up, have a go at the driver and then go away again. I can't really hear what is being said but something along the lines of, why don't you go to -----.
    I think, he can't because THE MARATHON IS GOING THROUGH THERE. However, this fact does not stop them from harassing him.

    One woman sets herself in position right beside him and just has a really long rant at the driver. I sit there shaking my head in dismay. Why, oh why are there so many stupid people in the world?
    Finally, enraged he jumps from his cab.

    I get up, I have to say something, because this is silly. He pleads with her to be reasonable, "
    What would you like me do, where would you like me drive" he says. The woman goes on and an on relentlessly. I am concerned the driver will order us all of the best and then we will be stranded for ages. So I cut in above all of them shouting at the top of my voice.
    "Don't worry driver, most of us know that there is a marathon going through ----, that's why there is a diversion"
    The woman goes into a stunned silence. I lower my voice.
    "There have been signs on the roads for weeks" I tell her "It has been on the news everyday, it was on this morning"
    She is now going back to her seat but I can't stop
    "The marathon is on every year, on the same route, it has been for years and years" I tell her retreating back.

    She is now seated, The driver is back in his cab.
    Wow, what a day I say to myself.

    I go back and sit down. A passenger asks me. "Is the bus going to-----"
    I tell her NO, it never does on marathon day, it is going around on a diversion. It had been on the news!!!!!

    Everybody is quiet now and I try to settle back down.

    However, stupid customers strike again.

    We get to a point in the road, where you can now see ----.It seems tantalisingly close. However, in reality you have to cross a dual carriageway to get to it.
    Do you think this put off these SC's? No, they go to push the emergency button to open the door. I got annoyed and said.
    "Are you stupid? "Why are you pressing the emergency button?"
    A woman turns round in her seat, she says
    "How dare you call them stupid. Why don't you just shut up, you are doing my head in, why can't you just mind your own business?"
    Now this was one of the women who had previously been insulting the driver. I halted my tirade on the SC's to tell her
    "you don't read the news, don't talk me"
    Suddenly it dawned on me that I was preventing SC's from walking out into a line of busy traffic, why?
    It is the best place for them.
    So I shut up and tied to amuse myself with quips from gravekeeper...

    Sadly, I haven't heard anything about tragic accidents on that particular motorway, so I assume they must be still in the land of the living.
    Woe is me...
    Last edited by Ackee; 04-24-2007, 08:50 AM. Reason: clarity
    ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
    Quoth Gravekeeper

  • #2
    On behalf of all TfL staff I thank you. I don't tend to get so much hassle as poor bus drivers and station staff cos it's hard to hassle someone hidden at the front of the train but passengers can be seriously crazy at times. Nice to see somebody sane stick up for us and reaffirm reality.
    Will you $*&£ing mind the $*&£ing doors!


    • #3
      No worries

      Ah Zelper, it was my pleasure!
      P.S Welcome to the board!!
      ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
      Quoth Gravekeeper


      • #4
        The Tour de something used to go through my town, and they'd block off the roads. It went right by my dorm, so I'd go sit on the grass and watch it. I remember a driver stopped by the blockade one year, screaming at the cyclers to "get off the effing road".


        • #5
          Quoth Skandranon View Post
          The Tour de something used to go through my town, and they'd block off the roads.
          Oo, that brings back another memory.
          I used to have a biker boyfriend, and one of the festivals we used to go to was the farmyard party, held each spring, which involved a run into Scarborough (seaside town).
          Several hundred well-behaved bikers (plus a few families) riding across the Yorkshire moors, then down the hill into Scarborough, for ice-cream and a paddle.
          The police would shut off a few side streest temporarily to allow us to pass.

          One time a car wanted to exit from a side road onto the main road we were using, and the policeman told him to wait.
          The driver violently objected, saying it was a public road and he had the right to use it.
          Copper just smiled sweetly and asked the driver if he wanted to discuss it with "them", indicating the approaching hundreds of bikes.
          Driver wisely backed off.


          • #6
            Quoth Skandranon View Post
            The Tour de something used to go through my town, and they'd block off the roads.
            Here, we have the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. For those who don't know, it's the only event (a challenging course, btw) held on public streets, mainly in Schenley Park. Usually, the closure signs go up a week or two before the barricades go in place. The Friday before race day, the stop signs come down, the hay bales go up, but you're still allowed to drive around--great fun, as there are no cops, and nobody coming the other way. Doesn't stop people from bitching about the detours and/or getting caught behind a shuttle bus though. Would they really prefer to slam into a bunch of old racers doing in excess of 60mph?
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              Get a similar thing where I live, the main London-Brighton route. There a numerous events during the year when the roads aren't closed but are just clogged with;
              Vintage cars (pre 1905)
              Vintage Motor bikes
              Numerous charity bike runs
              Mini runs
              Land Rover runs
              And a few others

              Of course, this frells with the bus timetable but people never seem to get any smarter about it
              Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


              • #8
                every Sunday from May to October, they close the aviation parkway in Ottawa for cyclists to use. *grumble* it's my favorite route from my house to my parents' and it really ticks me off. Why does it tick me off? Maybe because there's a BIG HONKIN BIKE TRAIL on either side of the damn road!!!!!
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #9
                  See, now I've lived in London for the majority of my life and I just don't get how anyone can expect the busses to get anywhere on time. Heck, I consider it lucky if the bus is a mere 20 minutes late.

                  (I mean seriously, once I had to wait 3 fsking hours for a bus to arrive... on a route that is supposed to get a bus every 8 minutes
                  I'm so glad that I live within walking distance of work now.)
                  Last edited by Munty; 04-25-2007, 01:20 PM.


                  • #10
                    Yes, the more twits that go play in traffic, the better.

                    On the other side of the fence, there was one occasion where I was hauling a few horses to Eastern Oregon for something or another, I can't remember what it was, and the Hood to Coast run was going. Now, I was going pretty slow and was being watchful, because it was dark and there were runners crossing the highway to get to their camping point for the night. However, a big heavy rig like the one I was driving can't stop on a dime, and dumbasses would jump out right in front of me. Repeatedly.
                    C'mon now, please don't end up as a grease spot.


                    • #11
                      My town has Cruise Night one night a month during the summer (May-Sept, I think), where people display all their restored old cars and motorcycles. They park the cars up and down Main street, and the bikes on one of the side streets. None of the streets are closed, but traffic is horrendous (moreso than usual), and if you have to go that way you are well advised to go around on the back roads. They put up one of those electronic signs about 2 miles from town warning of the delays for the week before it happens, and there's a big banner strung across main street all summer that lists all the dates. Even so, I'm sure they get lots of people complaining about the backups...
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        The last Friday of every month in San Francisco is the Critical Mass bike ride. Thousands of cyclists (messengers, commuters, sympathizers) join together and ride around blocking entire streets. It's a bit of SF anarchy, most drivers know to avoid the financial district on Friday nights.

                        However, one Friday night I was driving in to work, and a movie was being filmed just up from the Critical Mass ride. It took me 30 minutes to go less than one mile through downtown SF.
                        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                        HR believes the first person in the door
                        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                        Document everything
                        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

