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  • #31
    Quoth Titi View Post
    I understand this too, but at the same time gripe to the people in charge, not too the associates whom are just doing their job. If that is the only way you can deal with it then IMHO you are becoming an SC.
    I know what you're saying, but I can see RK's point, too. Its isn't the cashiers fault, and RK acknowledges that. She's doesn't curse at them or call them names. She just gets a bit short with them, and then ignores them if they carry on with the sales pitch. I'm certain that the cashiers RK runs across are not traumatized in any way.

    Sure, snapping at or ignoring someone in most social situations would be rude, but this isn't really one of those situations. What could have been a simple, friendly transaction gets turned into a high-pressure sales situation. The rules of etiquette become quite different when one party is trying to sell the other something.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #32
      I did go off on a "higher-up" once, heh heh. I was in JCPenney and I bought some little cheapo thing, and they asked if I wanted to sign up for the credit card. I said no, she checked me out, I thought that would be that. Then as I started to walk away, I noted a manager come over and start barking at the girl about not asking me three times, so I (being a bitch, after all), cruised back over there. *ahem*

      Me: "Excuse me, are you the manager?"
      M: "Yes, I am, and I'm sorry-,"
      Me: "I'm sorry too, that you actually think that having your hard-working employees harassing me over your high interest rate card is going to interest me in the LEAST in getting said card."
      M: "Uh-,"
      Me: "Do you know what the legal definition of "stalking" is? Do you know that if you try to force your employees to continue to harass me after I have turned down an offer, that it is not only stalking, but depending on the cashier and their tone of voice, could border on sexual harassment, and YOU would be responsible as conspiracy to it? You should be commending this girl for saving you from a massive lawsuit!"
      M: "But it's policy..."
      Me: "Hitler had a policy too, didn't he?? How dare you throw blind policy in my face like that's supposed to make everything better! I want the number of your customer hotline right now!"

      I never called the customer hotline, but I've never been asked more than once about getting a credit card there, either. And yes, the spewing of legal bullshit is strong with this far as I'm aware, I didn't say a damn thing that made any sort of sense. Someone obviously bought it, though.
      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


      • #33
        " understand this too, but at the same time gripe to the people in charge, not too the associates whom are just doing their job. If that is the only way you can deal with it then IMHO you are becoming an SC. "

        Oh, I agree. I wasn't clear there. I don't take it out on the cashiers (I have, but in extreme cases. I try not to for the most part.) What I was trying to say was that I feel like the store policy leaves you little recourse but to get snippy or hostile, because frequently the cashier just won't (can't) shut up about it and get on with the transaction. Not saying I do, or even that anyone should. I'm just saying the situation is set up create angry people where maybe none exsisted before. The situation puts the poor clerk between a rock and hard place, and it's just not fair to them. Many people don't think it through, they are just going to abuse the cashier.

        Not gonna say I am never sucky. I get annoyed and irritated, same as everyone else. Sometimes I do things I am sorry for later when I cool off. However, I'd have to say for the most part, I do a pretty good job of remembering who is actually responsible for pissing me off...and that it isn't the clerk.


        • #34
          slightly but today i found out that my store now requires new hires to get at least 12 credit apps within their first 90 days, or they don't have a job anymore when those 90 days are up. If that had been the policy when i started i wouldn't even be working there anymore because i know i didn't get anywhere NEAR 12 apps within my first 90 days. Figures, corporate makes these stupid rules and then they can't figure out why they have such a high turnover rate.
          Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


          • #35
            Quoth katie kaboom View Post
            slightly but today i found out that my store now requires new hires to get at least 12 credit apps within their first 90 days, or they don't have a job anymore when those 90 days are up. If that had been the policy when i started i wouldn't even be working there anymore because i know i didn't get anywhere NEAR 12 apps within my first 90 days. Figures, corporate makes these stupid rules and then they can't figure out why they have such a high turnover rate.
            Lovely. Then it will just be a revolving door at work.

            Of course, 90 days is your typical probationary period, and during that time you can fire an employee for whatever reason you choose. But as I keep saying, what is the sense in holding cashiers accountable for a goal they have NO control over achieving?
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #36
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              But as I keep saying, what is the sense in holding cashiers accountable for a goal they have NO control over achieving?
              because the corporate suits are evil.
              Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


              • #37
                Quoth katie kaboom View Post
                ugh, i work at Macy's now and they basically tell us if the person says no the first time, keep talking it up. We're supposed to tell people about all the deals/discounts they will get with the card.
                This is completely off-topic. Katie, how is Macy's to work for? I've got an interview with them on the 10th of this month. I have to admit, I'm just using them! Just trying to get a job back over on this side of town. I'm damn tired of having to drive 10 miles one way (and if you've driven in Albuquerque traffic, you understand why ). To a not-so-great part of town. And leaving there late at night. And getting mad-dogged by gang-banger wannabes. And mall hours are a lot more attractive!

                We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic!
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #38
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  This is completely off-topic. Katie, how is Macy's to work for?
                  Macy's isn't a bad employer, and retail wise, it's probably been the job i've had the least number of problems with. The starting pay sucks, (at least it does around here anyway.) but the insurance and the discount kinda-sorta make up for the crappy pay. And they do promote from within, so if you're looking to advance someday.....
                  And since i don't wanna hijack this thread any more than i already have, PM me if you want more details. I'm happy to help.
                  Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                  • #39
                    what is the sense in holding cashiers accountable for a goal they have NO control over achieving?
                    Thank you, thank you!

                    MystyGlyttyr, I love you! Not in that way but the way you handled that was great! I wish a customer would defend me!


                    • #40
                      I work at Macy's as well, and the whole emphasis on credit is really the only thing I don't like about that job (well, except for my manager scheduling me on days when she knows I have to be at my other job).......never heard about the new hires being required to get 12 credits within the probation period though.
                      Last edited by KellyHabersham; 05-02-2007, 04:56 PM.


                      • #41
                        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post

                        Me: "Excuse me, are you the manager?"
                        M: "Yes, I am, and I'm sorry-,"
                        Me: "I'm sorry too, that you actually think that having your hard-working employees harassing me over your high interest rate card is going to interest me in the LEAST in getting said card."
                        M: "Uh-,"
                        Me: "Do you know what the legal definition of "stalking" is? Do you know that if you try to force your employees to continue to harass me after I have turned down an offer, that it is not only stalking, but depending on the cashier and their tone of voice, could border on sexual harassment, and YOU would be responsible as conspiracy to it? You should be commending this girl for saving you from a massive lawsuit!"
                        M: "But it's policy..."
                        Me: "Hitler had a policy too, didn't he?? How dare you throw blind policy in my face like that's supposed to make everything better! I want the number of your customer hotline right now!"
                        Oh my gosh I love it! I haven't really been harassed about it before - although a telemarketer once asked if I would take a survey - I told her I had to be somewhere and how long would it take? She said about 5 mintutes - 15 minutes later and 100 offers for magazines, I finally told her I had somewhere to be, I had been pleasant, I had tried to do her survey, but she lied in saying it didn't take long and I had already told her I needed to be somewhere - I think it was my third time telling her this (I was being REALLY patient) that I finally just said I'm sorry - and hung up.

                        I was supposed to "upsell" products at a coffee place - like "Do you want a blueberry muffin w/ that" - well I tried it one day and kept a tally. I think out of 30 customers, maybe 2 got something - and I think they probably would have ordered a pastry anyway without me asking.... so I decided it was dumb then and there - plus all my co-workers were getting really annoyed at hearing me say " do you want a muffin w/ that?" - b/c of course I was the only one that really worked in that store & did what you were supposed to do - or at least tried to...


                        • #42
                          Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
                          never heard about the new hires being required to get 12 credits within the probation period though.
                          I think it's something they just started doing. I wonder how many new employees they will go through before they get a freaking clue.
                          Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                          • #43
                            Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                            I hope one of these days that customers will complain to management about this.
                            I can't blame them if they do. Its not fair to them cause see, these are human beings NOT mindless robots ( well, some of them are) will say, "Yes, sure, why not!". Its also very rude. If a person asked me to do something that i didn't want, I would say NO! If they keep bagdering me, I will kick their ass.
                            Why wait for someday? Start calling corporate now. Hell, even talking to in store management isn't going to do a whole lot, just because they don't have any control over the situation either, and most likely they get browbeaten by some middle management district dickhead if the store doesn't meet quota.


                            • #44
                              should have given her the phone number of 867-5309. "Oh yeah, don't forget to ask for Jenny"....LOL


                              • #45
                                Speaking of credit apps, I got one the other day, but the customer had asked me if I'd help him sign up for one. He and his wife were originally from India (or someplace in that area of the world), not that it makes a difference, but he did have the longest first name I've ever seen before.

