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Update on a bus story

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  • Update on a bus story

    I saw this woman getting off the bus on my way home Tuesday evening:

    As she got off, she turned and gave the driver a look. It was kind of friendly, but not.

    When she turned, I got a good look at her face, and that, combined with wearing the same hat, made me place her immediately.

    The driver and I often chat during the commute, so I told him the story about the nickel. He laughed a bit, then got really serious.

    BD: Nice man who drives me home
    Me: Yep

    BD: Oh, man. You know what she did?

    Me: What?

    BD: When she got on the bus, she told me she was short, that she had enough money on her, but she needed some of it to get on the bus she was transferring to. I told her she needed to pay, but I finally felt sorry for her, so I let her pay half. *He really is the nicest man. Most of the drivers on my route are very kind and even-tempered.*

    Me: No! Oh, I'm sorry, but she played you. *I'd normally never say something like that to him, but I was in shock.*

    BD: Then, tonight, when I picked her up at the train station, she told me she didn't have the money for the ride back. But this time I wasn't going to let that go by. She finally pulled out a five dollar bill, but kept saying she didn't have change, then one of the other riders made change for her. I mean, come on, I let you slide once, so I'm going to keep letting it go? No way.

    Me: I'm really sorry. You're just too nice.

    BD: Yeah, and it always comes back to bite me.

    Me: Well, now you know her. She'll have to catch a bus with a different driver next time.

    BD: Yeah. *He laughed kind of under his breath.* Yeah. And after I was nice to the guy who ended up sticking his gum all over the seat the other night.

    Me: Gross.

    Sucky people are just sucky. You can be nice to them, you can be mean to them, they'll always be sucky.
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