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Just a random WTF?

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  • #31
    Our self employment gets either 50% or exact expenses whichever is greater. We used to have a lot of migrant cases in our county which made authorizing the cases easier because it became habit but the interview and verifications that were needed are different and not all of the counties on the call center are used to dealing with migrants. Now when the families come in to either get an application or submit one that they filled out, our front desk hand some of the paperwork out to them, which makes it a little bit easier.


    • #32
      Different rules for different states. I just don't like migrant cases because I haven't done enough of them, not to mention that I don't like working cases through a translator. Oh well, its just part of the job.

      I had to have a customer in my kiosk today. All was going well until he thought that he could fill the time waiting for the computer to think to tell me how much he hated cats and what he liked to do with them.

      In my little cloth covered cube (which has pics of our cats, a hanging calendar that featured cats wearing sweaters, cat figurines and a daily cat desk calendar) and loudly enough for all of my cube neighbors to hear.

      I have never stopped an interview before. My customer was told to leave and come back tomorrow for an interview and his case number now has a flag to stop me from claiming his case ever again.

      Why would someone do something like that? He was sitting there so I could give him free food and medical help, did he think that I couldn't just lock my computer and walk away?

      He wasn't just a poopyhead, he was a butthead!


      • #33
        People just don't have a filter anymore maybe he thought he could get benefits without an interview ?


        • #34
          *hugs her cat*


          • #35
            I went home and hugged my cats as well.

            It could have been a lack of filters, or he could have been angry and wanted to lash out to anyone he thought he had power over. Too bad he didn't take a second to think about what he was doing.

            He didn't get his interview that day and when he came in yesterday he was so angry about being kicked out over a few innocent jokes that he got very abusive to the lady who was trying to check him in. 3 day ban now. I sent him a notice that explained how to give someone besides himself permission to do his interview in his behalf.


            • #36
              okay with that one he has no filter he doesn't think before he talks with that being said hopefully he will have calmed down with the 3 day ban and be able to complete it. I feel bad if he has no one that will do it for him because then he wont get what he needs but he should have learned from yesterday.


              • #37
                After having some cool-down time, I feel badly for him as well. Everyone in the office does, but nobody is willing to deal with someone who is that badly out of control.

                I didn't have to send him that letter, I did it because I really do think that he needs a lot of help.


                • #38
                  Here they wouldn't have done that its like pulling teeth to get something from them like I said I try to have my ducks in a row so that when its show time its interview and approval basically at the same time and im good for 6 months if people would realize this there's wouldn't be any headaches for anyone involved and it would be smooth sailing.


                  • #39
                    I am so sorry about your children. You must be at wits end with worry. I hope you won't take this wrong, but going by what you have shared, it seems like you should also be fighting with social security to get SSI for at one of your children. I understand that this is a long and drawn out process, so the sooner you start, the better.

                    Back to the original subject

                    We get monthly reviews and then our yearly one next month. We get a practice review before the yearly one so that we have time to respond.

                    I had my practice review today and had one point of contention with my sup. Due to the fact that I have not said poopy-head in front of any customers, he is going to ask that my verbal warning be expunged from my record. I was outraged, that was my point of fame!

                    As it happens, my definition of expunged are different than the official state HR ones. Due to the fact that I haven't said poopy-head in front of any customers, the verbal warning won't count against another verbal warning to not say poopy-head in front of customers, but the record of the warning will stay and the documentation that I obeyed will stay as well as the documentation that the warning was expunged.

                    No wonder my customers get so confused by the official verbiage, I do too.
                    Last edited by Slave to the Phone; 03-16-2017, 02:48 AM.

