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Wow, you're easily offended....

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  • Wow, you're easily offended....

    There was this very entertaining but cringe-worthy YT video about bizarre neighbors. It happened in Utah, but as a joke some guy said "Is this in Florida? I feel like this is in Florida." That tickled me because my family is in FL and I know about the funny things that happen and I read recently about weird legal cases in that state. I responded that I know about the crazy in FL; I remember there was a year when like 8(?) times it happened that someone drove into a post office. (Why is it always the post office?).
    It garnered the half-stated threat "you better watch your mouth" which was directly written to me, not the other guy who made the joke in the first place. I wanted to say "...or what?" but why sink to that level? Instead I calmly stated that I was making a joke about the state my family is from and that threats were unnecessary. I also pointed out that it was directed at me only and why was that? I reported her for bullying/harassment and blocked her.

    What is this, 6th grade? Is she going to come to WI and beat me up in the school yard? I don't get angry when people tell jokes about my home state; there's a lot of truth in them! And I make fun of the state I currently live in all the time.
    Tell me, was what I posted really that offensive? Even so, it could've been handled better, I think. Something along the lines of "Hey, I live in FL and not everyone's like that." I would've apologized on the spot. But this, it's childish.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    The YouTube comments section is basically a free for all of trolls, conspiracy nuts, and other miscellaneous wack jobs. I would take nothing posted there to heart.

    For example, on videos shot of the Japan Tsunami in 2011, there is a trend for commenters to say things like "awful quality, so shaky, learn to use a camera!" as towns and people are washed away. Or say that everyone who died is an idiot and deserved it. I generally don't even scroll down anymore.
    Replace anger management with stupidity management.


    • #3
      ^ It's sad that you can't even post something funny without some jerk well, being a jerk.

      Meanwhile, I just keep finding more FL drama: Ironic.
      Last edited by Food Lady; 01-14-2017, 12:40 AM.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        You're a better person than I am, FoodLady. I've been on the receiving end of the "You better just STFU!!" and I admit to responding with " ... or else what?" Making threats that you can't enforce just makes you sound stupid (stupider even than me for responding ... I hope ...) (And if "stupider" isn't a word ... it should be.)
        Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
        ~ Mr Hero


        • #5
          Quoth Food Lady View Post
          ^ It's sad that you can't even post something funny without some jerk well, being a jerk.
          Welcome to all of Facebook, lately.


          • #6
            Well, on YouTube anyway, it may not be an issue much longer. They recently rolled out an 'update' to their comments thingie that has apparently broken it badly. To the point that people don't get notifications of messages posted, and if there IS a notification, you have to dig through ALL the comments on the video to do anything with it.


            • #7
              Quoth Food Lady View Post
              I remember there was a year when like 8(?) times it happened that someone drove into a post office. (Why is it always the post office?).
              Probably because the median age of people who would actually visit a post office in Florida (land of the wrinkled and retired) is about 100, and those people learned to drive in a horse and buggy.
              "She didn't observe the cardinal rule: Don't F**K with people who handle your food"
              -Ryan Reynolds in 'Waiting'

