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You're not paying attention, are you?

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  • You're not paying attention, are you?

    I got a call this afternoon asking for my dad.

    Me: He's died in 2014
    Caller: something something Ford Edge
    Me: You didn't hear me. He died 2 years ago!
    Caller: (continuing script) something something Ford Edge.
    Me: Like I said, he's dead!
    Caller: something someth...*click*

    Caller continues reading off script. I wasn't paying attention to what they wanted because I was too frustrated trying to explain my dad died 2 years ago. After being ignored for the 3rd time, I just hung up.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

  • #2
    I'd be tempted to tell them after the first time

    He doesn't live here any more. His new address is (cemetary's street address) unit (plot #), and he doesn't have a phone.
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


    • #3
      Quoth wolfie View Post
      I'd be tempted to tell them after the first time

      He doesn't live here any more. His new address is (cemetary's street address) unit (plot #), and he doesn't have a phone.
      He was cremated.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        So was my mother, but there's a number on the plot where the urn of ashes was buried.
        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


        • #5
          Demand their supervisor. You can probably get put on a do not call list, but also you can hopefully get the drone yelled at for not fucking listening.


          • #6
            Quoth An Haddock View Post
            Demand their supervisor.
            Good idea, except it doesn't sound as if they'd have heard THAT either.
            Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
            ~ Mr Hero


            • #7
              Quoth Pixelated View Post
              Good idea, except it doesn't sound as if they'd have heard THAT either.
              Yeah, but if the line is being monitored, their supervisor will.


              • #8
                I got a call like that awhile ago. Somebody named Jennifer with "customer service" called about some reward points that were about to expire and started asking me to confirm if my income was still X amount. She called me by name, but didn't say where she was calling from. After I asked "who are you? where are you calling from?" a few times, getting really pissed when she ignored the question and acted like she didn't hear me, I realized Jennifer was a robot and hung up.


                • #9
                  did he have a loan on it that may or may not have been paid off and they are looking for the car if not robot and that's why u got no where with it.


                  • #10
                    Quoth raw1989 View Post
                    did he have a loan on it that may or may not have been paid off and they are looking for the car if not robot and that's why u got no where with it.
                    The vehicle is paid off. I called my mother after I got off the phone with these clowns. Her guess is that it's a scam call.

                    Why did they call me and not her? My assumption is that I'm still on my parents' plan. They probably tried first calling my dad's phone, but more than likely, that number belongs to someone else now. For some reason, I was next on their list instead of my mom. Just how they got my number in the first place I have no idea.
                    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                      The vehicle is paid off. I called my mother after I got off the phone with these clowns. Her guess is that it's a scam call.

                      Why did they call me and not her? My assumption is that I'm still on my parents' plan. They probably tried first calling my dad's phone, but more than likely, that number belongs to someone else now. For some reason, I was next on their list instead of my mom. Just how they got my number in the first place I have no idea.

                      Yeah, those are always scams. Like with anything else - if there's a legitimate problem with a warranty, vehicle loan, IRS payment, ticket from the police, etc. - they will ALWAYS mail something to you. Any calls about these subjects - as well as the old "we're with Windows tech support" are ALWAYS scams.

                      I keep telling my customers till I'm blue in the face, and they still don't listen.

                      "I got a pop-up with an 800 number..."
                      "Did you call it?"
                      "I knew it was fake but I called it..."
                      "Did they charge your credit card?"
                      "I hung up before they got that."
                      "But why call in the first place?"

                      Now, I don't exactly how some of these scammers work - my gut instinct is that they might be able to record a person's phone number who calls them, and then call them back to harass them and maybe add them to a database they can sell to other scammer scumbags. But I keep telling people not to call the number and they just don't listen. *sigh*


                      • #12
                        Regarding the OP.....I got a call kind of like that when I worked in the church office.

                        The way I remember it, this woman was a telemarketer selling newspaper subscriptions, and when I told her she'd called a church office, her response was "Oh, I'm sorry "Miss Church", and continued with her spiel. At which point, I hung up on her, and this was one of the inspirations for putting the church office number on the DNC list.


                        • #13
                          Quoth An Haddock View Post

                          Now, I don't exactly how some of these scammers work - my gut instinct is that they might be able to record a person's phone number who calls them, and then call them back to harass them and maybe add them to a database they can sell to other scammer scumbags. But I keep telling people not to call the number and they just don't listen. *sigh*
                          My mom did call the number back. More out of curiosity than anything. I warned her not to be taken in, but she assured me she won't get tricked. What she told me happened was she called the number a couple times, heard a click, then got disconnected.
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #14
                            Quoth An Haddock View Post
                            "I got a pop-up with an 800 number..."
                            My son is trying to fix one of those right now. The owner apparently clicked on something she shouldn't have, and got one of those pop-ups. She realized something was up when they started asking for financial information and ended the call, but right after that, she found herself completely locked out of her computer. My son thinks that whatever she clicked on installed malware that allowed them access into her computer, and when they realized they weren't getting any money out of her, they retaliated by wrecking her machine.
                            Sometimes life is altered.
                            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                            Uneasy with confrontation.
                            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                            • #15
                              ^ unless there are pictures that can not be replaced I would just buy a new computer you may never be able to unlock it

