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Nipped in the bud

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  • Nipped in the bud

    Was picking up magical shiny caffeine elixer known as soda tonight when a guy steps up to the empty register nearby. The cashier that's ringing me out tells him to come over here, and after a pause and a look of confusion crosses his face, he does so. Before she can finish with me, he holds up his big jug-o'-water and starts talking.

    Him : I need to get this for 1.50, because that's all I have. It says it's for 1.59, but I want you to give it to me for 1.50. I wanted the one that was 1.25, but you're out, so I want this one for 1.50.

    I see the pained look cross her face, and suddenly I'm psychic. I can see it all unfolding before me. She'll explain that she can't give it to him for less, and he'll insist and insist, and complain, and say 'but it's water, I need water, my pipe's are busted, how can you deny me water'.

    Hoping to save poor cashier some pain, I fish out my pocket change and hand him a dime. "Here."

    He looks deflated, but takes the dime. Then he dumps the coins on the belt and walks off without letting her ring it up. She calls after him for a moment, then gives up and picks up the money to count it. I count it silently as she does, and he's short twenty cents. Before she can get annoyed, I just hand her another quarter.

    Her : Thanks. That was nice of you to do for him.
    Me : *snort* I didn't do it for him, I did it so you wouldn't have to explain to an insufferable idiot why your drawer would be short.

    It was too late and we were both too tired to laugh, but I got a knowing, thin-lipped smile out of her.

  • #2
    You are a kind, gentle, caring, generous, benevolent, loving, beautiful person.


    • #3
      What a nice gesture!

      I would have given him the money and said "You look like you need this more than I do"
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        You are awesome, I give to you hundreds of cyber chocolate cookies.
        My Horror Blog



        • #5
          Wait! You forgot to mention the part where he thanked you for the dime!

          Tell the story correctly now! You can't omit key details!!!!!!

          Well fiddle dee dee!!


          • #6
            Quoth Skandranon View Post
            He looks deflated, but takes the dime. Then he dumps the coins on the belt and walks off without letting her ring it up. She calls after him for a moment, then gives up and picks up the money to count it. I count it silently as she does, and he's short twenty cents.
            Man, you are such a meanie! You spoiled all of his evening's fun. He was going to jerk the cashier around until she let him pay $1.50 and then reveal that he had even less money! Now what is he supposed to do for fun? killjoy

            What a jacka$$ he was. I'm glad you were there to make the cashier's night a little better.

            We need some kind of business cards we can hand out to cashiers and other servers in cases like that.


            • #7
              Quoth justZu View Post
              We need some kind of business cards we can hand out to cashiers and other servers in cases like that.
              I think someone did that once. What ever happened to the idea?
              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


              • #8
                I'm looking at merchandising options at the moment. The first choice for T-shirts is currently unable to help, so I'm ordering a couple from another place that they recommend to check the quality.



                • #9
                  Quoth justZu View Post
                  Man, you are such a meanie! You spoiled all of his evening's fun. He was going to jerk the cashier around until she let him pay $1.50 and then reveal that he had even less money! Now what is he supposed to do for fun? killjoy
                  That's quite possible.

                  Someone tried to do that to my son at the local "Kids Yard Sale" event last year. I didn't see this, because I had stepped away to pick up some food for myself and him (come to think of it, they never did anything sucky when I was around), but he said someone told him he was interested in something my son was selling, but he was a few bucks short. My son said OK, but then the guy said, "Well, how about (slightly lesser amount)?" My son was getting annoyed, but said OK. The guy blew it when he tried to get my son to lower the price again. My son just looked the guy in the eye, and told him, "Bye!"

                  That's my boy!
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

