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Back it up, Gas Station Lot

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  • Back it up, Gas Station Lot

    I was just reminded of this, don't know why, but I was riding in my friend's sister's car, and we had just come back from a computer store I think and stopped at the gas station. Everything was hunky dory...
    Until we were going to leave. While we were backing up from the lot (convenience store most gas stations have) the station owner actually maneuvered his way behind us in his car. Seriously, we're backing up, one second he's there, next he's not. He goes into his store to call the police, acting pretty cool, when he came out, he had a fistful of lotto tickets. We think he went in there also to erase the tapes since he did get in our way deliberately, but we're not sure and can't prove it. When the cops came, instant hysterics. I don't know the outcome, but my friend's sister was broken up over it, since she had never been involved in an accident.

    Asshat manager, he moves in our way, is cool about it, calmly gets some lotto tickets, and goes hysterical when the cops arrive saying "IT WAS HER FAULT IT WAS HER FAULT!" Cops got our statements bladdy bladdy blah. Like I say, don't know the outcome, but this was a really shitty stunt for this manager to pull.
    Pretend there's something here that sounds insightful, but is really just some pseudo-intellectual bull.

  • #2
    Should have asked the police to check the footage, to prove he was in the wrong. No footage would have looked rather odd, considering it had just happened basically.

    I had a manager like that. Nothing was his fault. Roster's unworkable/a shift has no one AT ALL marked down to work it? The staff should have noticed. He was also so dense that he'd leave his briefcase sitting in various places where anyone could just walk up and take it, after heading home. Then would notice, and return for it. But, so that he didn't appear to the staff to be a bit forgetful (by which I mean *put briefcase down - walk out door* forgetful), he'd sit in his office for up to 30 minutes or so, without actually doing anything.
    3 Basic rules for ordering food.
    - Order from the menu.
    - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
    - Don't talk about Fight Club.


    • #3
      Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
      I had a manager like that. Nothing was his fault. Roster's unworkable/a shift has no one AT ALL marked down to work it? The staff should have noticed.
      It's the staff's job to notice when there's no one on a shift? Huh?...wha-?...uhhhh....:boom:

      Sorry, does anyone know the best way to get brain matter out of your laptop?
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

