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Three hour pizza and you want me to pay?

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  • Three hour pizza and you want me to pay?

    The other pizza thread reminded me of this one time, and I didn't want to take over the other topic, so here it is.

    Also, I want to point out that I've noticed a trend on this board not to believe anything any customer says. Sure, there's a lot of sucky brats out there. We all know this. But here I present a story where the employees thought they were totally in the right, but they weren't.

    I had recently moved into the college dorms in my area, and one night I was starving. I noticed a Dominos ad on the bulletin board, and salivating at the thought of cheesy goodness brought to my door, I called them up. Gave my cell number, my dorm, all that good stuff. They said it'd be twenty to thirty minutes.

    An hour later, I noticed I never got a call. Checked my cell, no messages. Called up the store. They said, "Oh, it wasn't for pickup?" Well, no, that's why I told you where I live. Oh well, they said they'll make a new one since the old one's cold, and it'd be twenty to thirty minutes.

    An hour later, as I gave up and indulged hunger with some crackers, I called them again. They said they don't deliver to the dorms. Then why did they let me order? I told them, fine then. I'm late for class anyway.

    I came back to my dorm from class, and there was a Dominos delivery truck outside (parked in a handicap space, too). The guy chewed me out about not being there to get the order. "You better be giving a huge tip for this," he said.

    I blinked. "Strange, I was told over the phone that you don't deliver to the dorms."
    "Then why did you order a pizza?"
    "Because I wasn't told until two hours AFTER I ordered."
    "You still got to pay for the pizza."

    I took the pizza and look inside. Then I handed it back.

    "I ordered an extra cheese regular crust, not a sausage thin crust. Plus this pizza is rock solid cold. You want me to pay for this, go back, get the right pizza, and get it here still warm."
    "No, you gotta pay for this one."
    "No, I don't. I really don't." I ignored him and went into the dorm, where he couldn't follow because he didn't have a guest pass. Called up the store, told them what had happened, and asked them to cancel my order.

    An hour later, they called back saying I need to pay for the first pizza because I kept it. Apparently the driver had thrown it down on a table before leaving, and it was quickly devoured by the residents. But that wasn't the story he had given his boss.

    Since I had never actually received what I'd asked for, I told them no way was I paying them anything. They called back a few times that night telling me I should pay. Nope, not happening.

    Anyway, fast forward a few months, and I'm absolutely starving one evening, craving pizza like it's food of the gods. The local Pizza Hut doesn't deliver (go figure), so I call up Dominos and hope what had happened was a oneshot deal.

    I'm told they refuse to deliver to me because I'm a bad customer, and had scammed them out of money. Do wha?! I explain to the lady on the phone what had happened, and she said, "Who am I going to believe, my own coworkers, or you?"

    And that is why I eat at Pizza Hut. Plus I just like how their pizza tastes.

  • #2
    Damn, how much money are they missing out on by not delivering to college dorms?! Given the choice I'd go for Pizza Hut over Dominoes anyway. (Though at my house we go for the local place down the road...yum.)

    If they kept calling me I'd tell them again that I didn't get what I ordered, I didn't keep the pizza, their employee apparently lied to them, and if they called again I'd call the police to report that they were harrassing me.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I've said it before, I'll say it again. Why oh why don't the real Sucky Customers end up being served by the Sucky Employees? They can have a meeting of the mindless.
      Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


      • #4
        Damn, now I want a pizza...from Pizza Hut. And there is one within walking distance from the hobbyshop....curse you neko-chan!!!! CURSE YOU!!!
        Check out my cosplay social group!


        • #5
          Well, it's like I say: Our sucky customers have to work SOMEWHERE to get enough money to come pester us with....


          • #6
            I also prefer Pizza Hut over Dominos anyway. I would be doing the same thing as you did. They didn't deliver to you in the timely manner as they had mentioned, so why should you pay. The driver was the one left it there, you didn't accept.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              They're bitching about losing about 10 bucks? Had it been me I would have thrown that cold pizza in that delivery guy's face & told him to "go stuff yourself"...LOL.


              • #8
                A long time ago I used to order from Dominos UNTIL they delivered a pizza that wasn't even cooked all the way through! You've never seen a woman get as angry as I did that day!


                • #9
                  Dammit! Now I'm back to wanting Pizza Hut pizza.

                  I wonder what it would take for them to deliver to me, here....

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Domino's, PH AND Papa John's had the same rule on my college campus when I went to school--no delivery to the dorms. Fair enough. All three were within walking distance of the dorms and all could be easily gotten to quickly enough.

                    Thing is, I never lived in the dorms--I lived in transfer student housing since I was, well, a transfer student. My "dorm" was a converted sorority house-turned-transfer housing. So, whenever we called for pizza delivery, we just said we were the XXX house (not a real sorority at all, but all anyone heard was the XXX part) and at *insert correct address*. We always had cute chicks answer the door (even though we were clearly a co-ed house) and never had a problem with pizza delivery from any of the more popular pizza places. Go figure!
                    Do I dare
                    Disturb the universe?
                    In a minute there is time
                    For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

                    T.S. Eliot


                    • #11
                      Last week I purchased Pizza Hut's "New, improved crust!" It was HORRIBLE! Ugh. I couldn't finish the first piece. It was rancid and nasty.
                      I've always had a problem with PH's regular crusts. Last time I had a regular pizza was years ago; I gave them another shot because of the "new, improved" crust.
                      Never again.

                      However, I love their pan pizza. Best chain pan out there, IMO.
                      Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                      "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


                      • #12
                        Guess I know now why the Domino's in my area went out of business.

                        We have Pizza Hut, Papa John's, and a couple of mom and pop places. Never had any real problems, except with Pizza Hut one time. I'm guessing they misplaced my order somehow, and they called me up about an hour later and apologized, and told me they'd give it to me for free. I was a little upset about having to wait almost 2 hours, but at least they made things right.
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                        • #13
                          Only had two problems with pizza being delivered. And one wasn't really a problem, just a wtf moment. That one was a friend was over, and ordered pizza on his card. They did the standard pre-auth and everything, delivered it, took an imprint of his card, and left. We noticed that the number on the delivery slip did not match his card though. It matched MINE. My card wasn't charged though, so nothing major. Just kind of a "Nice security there guys."

                          The time I did have a problem, I placed an online order, and told them they had to call before they got there so I could meet them in the lobby. Turns out, somehow, they got my number wrong, despite the fact that I placed the order online, and so there-for have been very hard to mis-read. (Nope, didn't type it in wrong, it was saved on the form from the last time I ordered. No issues then.) Poor driver carted it out to my place a second time, and I tipped them a bit extra for being nice about it. Not her fault the order centre messed up.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth MadMike View Post
                            Guess I know now why the Domino's in my area went out of business.
                            Mine too. We have no Domino's where I live. Apparently, the sucky service, and the lack of driving abilities by their employees drove them out of business. As a result, I'm either ordering from Papa John's or Pizza Hut...both of whom make *awesome* pizzas
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              This reminds me of my college dorm days.

                              I don't remember what pizza place it was (it was a national chain), but one night I decided to order a pizza. I called to place my order for delivery, and was told they needed my address.

                              Well, I didn't know the street number of the dorm. I told them the location (it was a very small college town) and told them what dorm, the street, etc. But that wasn't good enough... they said they needed a physical street address to enter into the computer.

                              Me: But, you know where it is, right?
                              Them: Yea, but we need a number.

                              I tried to find the address for them, but no luck... so eventually I gave up.

