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We don't price match!!

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  • We don't price match!!

    So I am out looking to buy a new computer, since mine is about to die, or I may kill it first, not sure yet.

    I found a couple pretty good systems through Dell (won't bore you with the details) in my price range...roughly $800-$1200. Since I am scatterbrained, I brought the flyer with me, so I could compare at BB and CC. I am not so much concerned with what brand I buy, I have owned a Dell, Compaq, HP, Gateway all before and with the exception of one brand, had good luck with all of them.

    BB was no problem, I walked in, looked around, told the helpful associate what I was looking for, they showed me what they had, answered my questions.

    I go into CC, wander around for a few minutes looking at the computers. An employee from that department comes up and tells me if I am looking to price match "that" I might as well just leave, because they don't price match "that". I gave him the WTF look, and he proceeded to rant about how Dell sucked and how cheap I must be to expect him to pricematch a "top of the line" desktop to a Dell.

    At that point I explained to him what I was doing, and that personally, I would never pricematch anything (if its cheaper elsewhere, go there). He continued to be a dick, so I left. Not that they had anything anyway. Good thing he is at CC now instead of back in the day when he would have had to earn commision. In his defense, he has probably dealt with morons trying to pricematch Dell stuff, but to leap to conclusions and tear my head off was uncalled for.
    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?

  • #2
    Not to justify that guy's rudeness, but when I worked for CC we used to HATE people who would come in with Dell or some other custom made PC company flyer and demand we price match our top of the line machine for the one they were shoving in my face. They would almost without exception turn into the most whiny entitlement bitches you could imagine with the "you haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave to match these prices" crap.

    So, yeah, to paraphrase Chris Rock on OJ Simpson: I ain't saying he should have been rude to you, but I understand.
    "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


    • #3
      That CC guy is a dick. Assuming you would do something. I would have said so much back to him, and his manager.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        The CC guy was a jerk, and I've have had words with the management. That was way beyond acceptable for anyone working with customers.

        I have to work with pre-built machines at work, and they annoy the heck out of me. There are at least a dozen stupid programs on this one that I want to strip out, but am not allowed to. Stuff that I don't want, will never use, and that eat up processor cycles that I'd much rather have for actually working.

        The HP is somehow much worse about that than the Dell was. Oh, and the HP autoupdate is a piece of utter carp and should be stripped out and rewritten to actually work.

        I build my own computers. I get what I want, don't have to deal with stuff I don't need, and it usually costs much less. Plus, I don't trust Vista yet, and I think the system requirements to actually use it are ridiculous. But not everyone has the time and know-how to devote to putting together their own system.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          That guy was a jerk.

          So was whoever started price-matching. It is stupid. If something I want is cheaper somewhere else, I go to the other place.

          Not a hard concept.

