My boyfriend is the Maintenance Guy for one of the two hotels in town. It's the only hotel with a pool and a hot tub (they call it a spa) and as such, lots of people use those two things...correctly and incorrectly.
First off, I'll relate what happened today as it's more about the FORMER Maintenance Guy. Background: My boyfriend used to work on cars. He's never done hotel maintenance before so when they hired him on, the old MG took him around and showed him the ropes and that's all the training he ever got. Great, right? Wrong. Turns out that nobody told Boyfriend that the testing chemicals for the pool were over two years old--meaning they had to be replaced. The semi-good news is that boyfriend ordered replacements. Bad news: He didn't know the old ones were bad! Nobody told him! The old MG didn't even tell him that those chemicals CAN go bad!
You can see where this is going: A huge event was happening over the weekend and over 100 people used the pool. Out of those 100 people, 3 kids ended up with a rash. Now, logic sort of states that if your eyes get itchy or irritated when you're in a pool (because that's the very first thing that happens) then the chlorine level might be a little high and you shouldn't stay in too long. Unfortunately, these kids were dumb. They ended up with rashes. The parents were so mad that they called the County Health Department who came in and had BF test the water with the old kits AND the new kits. Totally different results but also: The ppm weren't SEVERELY off and the Health Dept woman said it would be hard to say if it would hurt people, it's likely the kids affected were just sensitive to chlorine.
So way to go, old MG for doing your part in training the new guy. I can only hope that the GM is rational enough to realize that improper training isn't exactly his fault and doesn't fire him (my anxiety insists that this could happen).
Bath Bombs???
Someone put a bath bomb in the hot tub. It went as well as you imagine. They had to replace the heater--a 3500 dollar job.
One week after they replaced the heater in the tub from the bath bomb incident, two grown-ass women dumped an entire bottle of shampoo into the spa then crawled around the hotel hallways on their hands and knees, barking and howling like dogs and slamming their fists into other people's doors.
First off, I'll relate what happened today as it's more about the FORMER Maintenance Guy. Background: My boyfriend used to work on cars. He's never done hotel maintenance before so when they hired him on, the old MG took him around and showed him the ropes and that's all the training he ever got. Great, right? Wrong. Turns out that nobody told Boyfriend that the testing chemicals for the pool were over two years old--meaning they had to be replaced. The semi-good news is that boyfriend ordered replacements. Bad news: He didn't know the old ones were bad! Nobody told him! The old MG didn't even tell him that those chemicals CAN go bad!
You can see where this is going: A huge event was happening over the weekend and over 100 people used the pool. Out of those 100 people, 3 kids ended up with a rash. Now, logic sort of states that if your eyes get itchy or irritated when you're in a pool (because that's the very first thing that happens) then the chlorine level might be a little high and you shouldn't stay in too long. Unfortunately, these kids were dumb. They ended up with rashes. The parents were so mad that they called the County Health Department who came in and had BF test the water with the old kits AND the new kits. Totally different results but also: The ppm weren't SEVERELY off and the Health Dept woman said it would be hard to say if it would hurt people, it's likely the kids affected were just sensitive to chlorine.
So way to go, old MG for doing your part in training the new guy. I can only hope that the GM is rational enough to realize that improper training isn't exactly his fault and doesn't fire him (my anxiety insists that this could happen).
Bath Bombs???
Someone put a bath bomb in the hot tub. It went as well as you imagine. They had to replace the heater--a 3500 dollar job.
One week after they replaced the heater in the tub from the bath bomb incident, two grown-ass women dumped an entire bottle of shampoo into the spa then crawled around the hotel hallways on their hands and knees, barking and howling like dogs and slamming their fists into other people's doors.