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Worst take-away ever... (rant)

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  • Worst take-away ever... (rant)

    When you read this, remember, I am not American. It is not in my nature to sue, complain or demand refunds. We rarely do this over here, unless it's about a lot of money!

    So, me and they boyfriend wanted take-away. We usually order on the internet, pay by card, and then the food arrives in our door. Neat!

    We have a website that has an agreement with many many independent fast-food places (not McD or BurgerKing) so that the individual places don't have to offer online ordering and paying themselves, and maintain it. The website does it for them, and get a small portion of the money you pay for your food. And you don't have to ask for their menu or keep a little list around the house, you can see the menu on the website.

    Anyway, our favourite place was closed for delivery today (the guy was probably ill) so we decided to order from another place.

    We came to regret that.

    I decided on something new: A baked potato with chicken and bacon. Sounds good. And then some fries in case I was still hungry.
    My boyfriend ordered 2 different burger-like things.

    The food arrived 15 minutes later than promised, but oh well. There might have been traffic, you know. Then I opened my food.

    My baked potato had been cut open, mashed up in the middle, and FILLED with dressing and salad, and a few tiny pieces of chicken (the size of green peas!)
    Now. I HATE dressing. I cannot eat anything that had been doused in mustard, ketchup or dressing, I simply can't. I eat everything "dry". And it was not possible to save this potato, since the middle of it was just mash with dressing. It's not like I could scrape it off.

    So I called the place, and complained that their menu hadn't warned me that there was going to be unlisted stuff in my food. The reply? "Well, EVERYONE makes baked potatoes that way, so you should know!"

    Right. First of all, this was the first time I ordered a potato, so I didn't know. I usually have pizza. Second of all, on everything else, it says "Comes with salad and dressing" next to it.

    Half a roast chicken with fries? Comes with salad and dressing.
    T-bone steak with fries? Comes with salad and dressing.
    Baked potato? NOTHING!

    How was I supposed to know?

    Also, the fries were... well, I suppose "dead" is the best way to describe them. They tasted like they had been deep-fried, left to cool, and then re-heated in the oven! They were kinda woody, hard and tasted like cardboard. And I tell you, it's hard to mess up FRIES!

    My boyfriend's food was decent, except one of the burgers were tiny, and the other a bit too salty, but nothing that bothered him. He couldn't share it with me though, since it's stuff that I don't like.

    Oh well, just needed to rant. We haven't got any food in the house, thus the take-away, and it's now 3 AM and I can't sleep because I'm hungry. And we don't have any stores nearby that are open late in the evening anyway, we live in the middle of nowhere. The boyfriend has work tomorrow, so he's sleeping. Anyone got a cookie or something?

    (Oh, and I gave up arguing with the guy on the phone, since his Danish was very bad, and I could hardly hear or understand him...)

    So, that place is black-listed from now on.

  • #2
    Baked potatoes have dressing? o_0 Certainly the first time I ever heard of that, and I get that whenever I see it on the menu. Butter with or without garlic, sure, but dressing?

    Fries were most likely defrosted, then frozen again. I did that to a bag of frozen fries I bought once. Blech.

    And on an OT note - love that site. Highly convenient when you have a bunch of hungry people in a call-center who forgot to bring food.
    "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein

    Whoever said that "Nothing is impossible" never tried to slam a revolving door.


    • #3
      For any curious Brits, it's

      There's the original ones here in Denmark and in Iceland as well. It's a rather good idea.


      • #4
        When you read this, remember, I am not American. It is not in my nature to sue, complain or demand refunds. We rarely do this over here, unless it's about a lot of money!
        So because I am American, it is in my nature to be an asshat?

        Just be a little bit more careful with the generalizations mmkay? We hate our SCs over here just as much as you hate yours.

        Okay, that said, are Oreos okay?
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          So because I am American, it is in my nature to be an asshat?

          Just be a little bit more careful with the generalizations mmkay? We hate our SCs over here just as much as you hate yours.

          Okay, that said, are Oreos okay?
          I am not saying that Americans are asshats, never! I'm just saying that over here, we have a hard time complaining, even when people are being unfair to us. For example, I should probably have demanded a refund, since I couldn't eat any of this crap, but I just can't do it. We're a bit meek over here when it comes to letting people treat us badly.

          Sorry if you took it as a bad thing, it was really the opposite. From my limited knowledge, Americans at least don't tend to let others walk all over them, that's for sure. I do. I was just trying to anticipate people asking why I didn't get upset and demand refunds or something.


          • #6
            I don't think the OP was implying that Americans have a nature to be asshats, just that American SC's are more known for their inclination to sue. Not to say that this isn't true of all SC's, but the media focus on big lawsuits (spilled McDonald's coffee for example) seems to put more focus on the sue happy American SC's than anywhere else. But ITA, there are no differences in SC's..a SC is a SC no matter where they are from.


            • #7
              Quoth GyroKat View Post
              I was just trying to anticipate people asking why I didn't get upset and demand refunds or something.
              That is about the last thing we would advise you to do. Instead, speak with the manager about the quality of the food and let him/her deal with he problem. You can certainly ask for a refund but don't demand it.

              Which you did, and the manager was an ass, so I guess we know where you will never eat again.

              And I have never heard of a baked potato being filled with peas, salad and chicken. Around here will fill them with sour cream, cheese and maybe some bacon if we want. I don't.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth GyroKat View Post
                So I called the place, and complained that their menu hadn't warned me that there was going to be unlisted stuff in my food. The reply? "Well, EVERYONE makes baked potatoes that way, so you should know!"
                No, not everyone makes baked potatoes that way. In fact, I have never heard of anyone making baked potatoes that way! Most places here that serve baked potatoes add butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon pieces, chives, broccoli or any combination of the above. I agree, they should have listed on the menu what comes on the potato.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  Just to clairify.... what do you mean by dressing? are we talking like salad dressing, ketchup and mustard, mayonase, or like sour cream.

                  But either way, in american at least, they always have near the item on the menu comes with blah, more blah, and even more blah. Not all baked potatoes come with the same stuff either....

                  Some just have butter, some are just plain, some have chile, some have cheese, some are really twice baked, some have sour cream.....

                  They where just sucky.


                  • #10
                    As a side note, most french fries have a hold time of between 5-10 minutes from when they come out of the fryer in my work experience (Uno, Ruby Tuesday, Applebees, TGI Fridays) then they are no good...actually, just the way they were described.

                    So...if you want fresh fries....never order them as part of a delivery order and expect them to be very good.
                    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                    • #11
                      they were sucky. Most times the item has listed what comes on it...and, at least around here, you always have the option to have it made without all the toppings...

                      Actually, most anywhere I've gone, the cashier always asks the customer precisely what they want on their potato. They can't possibly have not had options for the way in which you can order your food, and if they weren't listed, then the topping should not have been added!
                      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                      • #12
                        Well, apparently most fast food joints in Denmark make baked potatoes that way. I asked around, and was told so by several people. So I guess I'll just stay away from those. What do I know, I usually have pizza anyways.

                        Also, the fast food places here don't have managers... most of them are run by 3-5 immigrants, usually from Turkey or Pakistan, and they're also often related. (Brothers or cousins or in-laws. I have nothing against that, I'm just describing it.) And there's no manager as such. I've been to a place or two that were actually owned by Italians, and a few that had Danes employed, but 80% of pizzerias here are owned by the first kind of people. And most of them DO make great food, and especially great pizzas, but this one place was just sucky I guess.

                        It's just really hard to talk to them when many of them are really bad at the language, and English is no better. So I gave up trying to explain why I wasn't satisfied with "Everyone else does it too". I'm just a bit frustrated that he seemed to think I was an idiot for mentioning it and I should have known.

                        Also, when I say dressing, I mean salad dressing like Thousand Island or something. Or maybe a home-made dressing which is mainly sour cream with spices/herbs in it. Dunno which it was, I didn't eat it.


                        • #13
                          I put ranch into my baked potato. Well, it depends on how I make it. I usually make it with ranch, bacon bits, butter and chives. But..there is this one place that makes it with BBQ pork.


                          • #14
                            Quoth RentalRacer View Post
                            So...if you want fresh fries....never order them as part of a delivery order and expect them to be very good.
                            I always order fries from my usual place, and they're always fine. But these ones were just... old or something. And they were also completely dry as if they had been baked instead of fried. I suspect them of re-heating them in the oven because the food order took too long so they got cold. Instead of making new fries.

                            Also, when you order, there's a commentary field where you can ask them to do something special, like NOT put dressing in the food, or skip the onions or whatever... but I didn't expect them to put it in, otherwise I would have just asked them not to.


                            • #15
                              I like baked potato with either cheese and bacon, or chilli and sour cream. Anyway, the worst takeaway ever happened not to me, but to one of my brothers. He ordered a pizza from this place that sent him a pizza that was, in my brother's words, "cardboard covered with sick" O_o

                              That site looks cool; however, about the only delivery place in my area is the cardboard sick pizza place... so I just make sure I always have tins of spaghetti os in the cupboard. XD
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

