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American Idol

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  • American Idol

    I was at safeway yesterday with my fiance and we were buying shampoo when this older woman came up to us.

    OW: Excuse me, are you (insert some name I don't remember) from American Idol?

    Me: Um, no...

    OW: Well with the long hair I just thought... Oh okay.

    It wasn't sucky just kind of odd. Trust me, anybody who was on that show and famous enough to be remembered wouldn't live in the freaking boonies like we do.

    But to the sucky part. The same old lady ended up being infront of us in line.

    OW transformed into SC.

    SC: (gets flustered after being told her total) OH! I don't know how to use my card! YOU slide it!

    She was getting all crazy and freaked out with the cashier. The cashier had the "umm ok" look on her face and slid the woman's card.

    Cashier: Debit or credit?

    SC: There's NOTHING on here! What do I do!?

    She was frantic. There was nothing to freak out about.

    SC: My husband usually does this. I don't know what I am doing! Why do they make these things so damn hard?

    My take on this: If you have NO idea how to use your own card, don't get one. Or try to learn without having a massive heart attack and yell at the cashier.

    Although the "cashier" was a bit sucky too when we got up there. We bought this glass pan thing and the cashier slammed it down really hard after she scanned it and scrapped the bottom. Chipped it a bit. We didn't realize it was kind messed up until we left. It was the last one too. We took it and just kind of . She should've been a bit more careful...

  • #2
    WOW what a freak out! WHY is she using a card to pay if she doesn't know how to use it? Why does she even have one? Does her husband usually come with her to every transaction she may make, take the card out of her purse, and swipe it for her?? I don't get that at all.......

    Cashier definitely should have been more careful w/ glass... probably was in a bad mood and overreacting to the situation herself a little as well - but she had no business taking it out on your merchandise. You didn't do anything.


    • #3
      Maybe her husband had recently died, and so now she is doing things that her husband would always pay.


      • #4
        Of course, she could try this wonderful invention called Cash. It's as easy to use as a credit card, plus you don't have to worry about identity theft, carrying IDs, or even signing anything!


        • #5
          And this is why I just don't ask how the person wants their card run if they hand it to me. I run it as a credit, smile, hand their card back with their receipt and send them on their merry way.

          Sometimes, people just don't need to know what's goin' on.


          • #6
            In this day & age for someone to have a debit or credit card AND NOT know how to use one is bizzare.

