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Being an SC can cost you friends.

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  • Being an SC can cost you friends.

    My friend Angela's birthday was this week. She's a bartender at a little neighborhood bar, and several of her friends showed up during her shift, to have a drink and tell her happy birthday, including me. While I was there, a guy that we both know ("Kevin") came in with several of his buddies. Kevin's in his mid 20's, and he looks it, so you know he's gonna get carded on a regular basis. Apparently he can't handle it. He is known for being rowdy, but this was just completely uncalled for.

    He comes in and sits down, nods at Angela, who's busy at the bar; she acknowledges him and continues serving. Angela's boss comes over to his table and cards him. He gets pissy and refuses to show ID. She tells him the usual 'If you don't show ID, you don't drink.' He gets rude, she gets stern, he gets abusive, she tells him to eff off. He starts yelling obcenities and causing a huge scene, I mean everyone in this little bar stops what they're doing to look at him. Boss lady then grabs him by his shirt collar and tosses him out the door. He stands outside yelling that he's calling the cops.

    Angela comes out from behind the bar and goes outside. She asks him what the hell he thinks he's doing. Basically what she says to him is along the lines of 'I don't come into your work, get into a fight with your boss, and then call the cops on you. ' He tells her he wants an apology from her boss. Angela looks at him incredulously. Her boss then comes out and wants to kno wwhat's going on. Angela throws up her hands and says 'Apparently he wants an apology' and goes back inside, while boss lady reads Kevin the riot act while he screams and pitches a fit worthy of a 2 year old.

    End result: Kevin leaves alone. Every single person in the bar thought he was a moron, even his buddies. They stayed and had a few beers (they had all produced ID when asked without batting an eye) and flirted with Angela and I. We played darts and pool and a good time was had by all.

    Afterthought: According to Angela, none of the guys are speaking to Kevin. Including her. They all think he's a grade A asshole, and they would be correctamundo!!!
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    He doesn't deserve to have friends with an attitude like that.
    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.


    • #3
      Karma. Gotta love it, man.
      "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
      "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


      • #4
        Reminds me of someone I used to count on as a friend. This was ... er, about some decade back or so? He managed to piss me off royally playing aaround with which people to invite to parties and the like, as well as getting others to tell them they weren't invited.

        Shortly after I wised up to his bollocks, I found out from acquaintances that other people had ceased being his friend. One guy had paid him to have a leather jacket painted, but it got stolen when the house was broken into. Insurance money went into the happy painter's pocket, and he refused to pay that to the guy whose jacket it was. The last straw he pulled was when a chum was trying for one last time to get somewhere with a girl he liked, and the ex-chum knew this but managed to bag off with her instead to get his recently-exed gf jealous (failing in the process).

        Oddly enough, I last saw his friendsreunited page when he claimed to be working on dividing his time between his boyfriend and his girlfriend. I never knew he liked chaps. I suspect they will have wised up after a bit.


