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  • *scoff*comics

    One of the post titles from SC reminded me of this... It might not be sightings but this woman was soo sexist!!!

    I am the worlds bigest freak, according to my sister (don't judge me kitty girl or im stealing your ears), and one of my favorite past times when i got the dough is to go to the wonderful used book store and spend 2 or 3 hours scoring through the comics... on my knees... neck deep in the overflow boxs.... Il buy maybe 30 or 40 at a time and always have fun.

    On night as I am doing this (and i came away with 15 Aria and most of the first series of Kabuki, plus some sandman so alls good) a lady is walking by with her daughter. The box im searching through is right in front of the music where she stops. The little girl is watching me with interest and watching my pile of comics grow. she even looks at one or two. Now keep in mind this little future geek is about 8 so Im all set to show her some girlly comics ive found to help seed the conversion process (SliceandDice currupting youth since 1987!!! [Thats when i was born, apparently i made my male cousin jealose and started a baby compention so i count it]) . Before i can she turns to her mom and holds up a comic and asks, "Mommy, whats this?" in the sweetest voice on earth. The woman looks down glares at the book and me (like i was personally trying to turn her evil and was handing her the books) and says in the most higher than thou voice on earth "comics" grabs it from her, throws on the ground and drags the poor thing away. I start laughing so hard...

    Who really does that over comics???

    (oh Rapscallion i saw your pic in Jennies con pics... love the shirt)
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 06-13-2007, 07:35 AM.

  • #2
    Its not just your mom hon, my brothers "saved" a lot of good ones from the trash when their friends' moms would clean house. One kid had enough of the right ones in excellent conditions, that he could have sold them and put himself through college. His mom just didn't get it. She was a mean old bitch, too.

    She probably won't let her daughter read anything like Harry Potter, either.

    Me, I'll be the mom putting everything in sleeves and stacking them horizontally on a shelf somewhere dry, cool, and dark. do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

    Chickens are Asexual!


    • #3
      ::chuckle:: I won't be rearing my children in the fine art of comics, sadly, but Hubby and I have determined that our children are going to be the only first-graders who know the difference between different colors of dragons or to have memorized the stats of Great Cthulu or somesuch. I just need to find a good place to find some giant dice.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #4
        Quoth Kogarashi View Post
        ::chuckle:: I won't be rearing my children in the fine art of comics, sadly, but Hubby and I have determined that our children are going to be the only first-graders who know the difference between different colors of dragons or to have memorized the stats of Great Cthulu or somesuch. I just need to find a good place to find some giant dice.
        yeah when i have kids they arent going to have a chance....
        I think they are going to be raised on Firefly, anime, comics, myths, and have plenty of cute pics of them dressed up as 'mommy's little browncoat' or 'mommys little -insert anime name charater here-'

        hey i was raise by trekies (and on meatloaf and johnny cash, action movies, and with a firm love of batman)... and im... almost... kind of.. maybe... normalish


        • #5
          My husband and I have like over 30 comic subscriptions at 2 different stores. (Used to be 3, but we closed one account down). Our comics range from Grimm Fairy Tales to Conan to Red Sonja to Red Prophet to Dark Tower to X-23. Our daughter isn't interested in the comics when I try to read them to her. *le sigh* But hopefully she'll like them in a few years.

          My daughter has some of the larger fuzzy gaming dice. There is absolutely no hope for her. She also loves to play with her Daddy's D&D miniatures and when we have our big boxes o' dice out, she likes to go through them and roll them. HAHAHAHA!


          • #6
            I read a lot of comics, starting from the time I could read. By the time I was in 5th grade, I had the reading level of a high school senior. Just sayin'.

            I still read 'em, by the way.


            • #7
              My children are the bane of the neighborhood. We're the "wierd ones". The "freaks".... And my kids absolutely love it. With their black "goth" boots and their insistance on wearing various forms of "gothish" clothing (not a lot of goth-wear for 4 and 7 year olds... but they manage to find them) it's anybody's guess what they'll do next. Or so the neighbors say.

              I had one lady insist that my oldest daughter was going to grow up to be a satanist and that I should stop letting her wear all that black. She was a bit shocked when I came out of the house in all black, draped in chains... with my hair dyed bright purple!

              Even the baby gets in on the action. Her favorite outfit? A black t-shirt that says "I listen to Slayer with my Daddy"..... I've had to buy it 4 times because she ALWAYS wants to wear it. (Ever seen a 15 month old throw a fit because her shirt's dirty? ... yeah... not pretty.)

              Then, of course, there's the Masochistic Kitty and the Himalayan Cat of Doom.

              I think we scare the neighborhood... heh
              hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
              1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
              2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
              3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


              • #8
                Quoth NotSoInnocent View Post
                A black t-shirt that says "I listen to Slayer with my Daddy".....
                That is so cool! I wish I had something like that for my son when he was little. His grandma would have freaked, but it would have been so worth it!
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                  She probably won't let her daughter read anything like Harry Potter, either.
                  My 4yo LOVES the HP movies. His favorite is #2 because of the flying car and the basilisk. I get all sorts of crap from other overprotective moms who won't let their kids even see the first one until they are like 10. While I understand that they can be a bit scary for a 4yo, (esp #4), my boy enjoys them and asks to watch them.

                  He even asks to watch Pirates of the Caribbean (both of them) to me and my husband's delight.

                  I was never really a gamer, but I married into a gaming family. I have never found those RPG's to be particularly fun, and I am not really all that big into science fiction like Star Trek and Star Wars. My family is into motorsports and outdoor recreation, so I find most of that kind of thing boring. The only game I actually do like is the Pirates card game. I even got the Guishuan 10-masted special edition ship.
                  "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


                  • #10
                    I think the anti-comics attitude comes from that "comics are corrupting the youth" BS (which spawn the comic authority). So some folks who went through that, still think that way. Mainly those that can't think for themselves. Back then it was comics, now it's video games. In the future, who knows. I'm going to guess....thinking for yourself.

                    Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                    I just need to find a good place to find some giant dice.
                    I've ordered from RPGStore. They got some giant dice (do a search). Link to Giant Foam Dice
                    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                    • #11
                      FK, that's awesome My 5 and 8 year olds have seen the theatrical releases of every Harry Potter and LOTR movie, POTC, Narnia, A Series of Unfortunate Events, they love the first two Spiderman movies, Batman, Superman, etc. I usually watch the movie first to make sure it's not overly explicit or too strong in the language department, but then I let them watch a lot of stuff most people wouldn't. The only problem we've ever had is when Sean Bean snuffs it in Fellowship, but then I explained the difference between an actor dying (Dumbledore) and a CHARACTER dying, and how the actor was just fine after that scene, and we watched interviews taped with him after the movie came out to reinforce that
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                      • #12
                        I've been reading Conan and Red Sonja since I was very little. I still remember the first MAD Magazine my dad got me. I was 12 and it had New Kids on the Block on the cover. My dad got it because he thought I liked the band......(they creeped me out).

                        My mom's never even had a problem with D&D and she's mormon and never played (I remember them preaching against it in church one Sunday, my mom flat out said, "That's one of the stupidest reasons not to let your kid play a game I've ever heard.") My parents are very open minded and very involved with us.

                        Never even batted an eye when I started wearing piston rings for earrings, and my lil sis started putting paperclips in her ears....
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          Quoth tollbaby View Post
                          I usually watch the movie first to make sure it's not overly explicit or too strong in the language department, but then I let them watch a lot of stuff most people wouldn't. The only problem we've ever had is when Sean Bean snuffs it in Fellowship, but then I explained the difference between an actor dying (Dumbledore) and a CHARACTER dying, and how the actor was just fine after that scene, and we watched interviews taped with him after the movie came out to reinforce that
                          That's a good idea. I've had to explain that to my son a few times. "This is all make-believe, there are no Daleks or Cybermen, these are computer-generated special effects and actors telling a story." It's easier if it's an animated movie, then it's obvious that it's make-believe.

                          Still, my son enjoys Doctor Who (he calls it "Doctor Whooey" ), Babylon 5, Chronicles of Narnia (BBC version, as well as the movie) and other series. Sometimes we skip over the very scary parts, as he's only five and I don't want to give him nightmares. His current favorite series is Shrek.
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                            She probably won't let her daughter read anything like Harry Potter, either.

                            Look familiar?



                            • #15
                              Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                              My mom's never even had a problem with D&D and she's mormon and never played (I remember them preaching against it in church one Sunday, my mom flat out said, "That's one of the stupidest reasons not to let your kid play a game I've ever heard.")
                              Hubby and I are both Mormon and avid gamers. The only problem my mom had with my interest was to ask me one day, "You realize it's all fantasy, right? Not real?" I kind of gave her a look that said, "Mom, I've been reading sci-fi and fantasy since I was ten or so. Of course." And I told her I could tell the difference and was fine. She hasn't mentioned anything since. She doesn't understand it, but she's not against it just because some minorities think it leads to satanism or whatever.

                              I seriously think my mom lucked out with us girls. None of us were ever rebels, did drugs, smoked, or anything else parents don't really want their kids doing. Heck, Mom trusted me enough that I never had a curfew at night.
                              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

