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The Towel Tosser Has Crossed The Line

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  • #16
    Rent fight club. Make sure she watches it all. There's a particular scene I'm thinking of.



    • #17
      Yeah, because it had pickles on it. The other 2 people waiting in line at the time looked surprised, but complained to the manager when I ran to the back because the mustard in my eyes and onions in my nose were burning.
      They watched someone smash a hamburger in your face and then complained because you went to wash it off before serving them?! My God! I would have loved to have been in line with them. I'd have rushed up to you and made sure you were all right and then told them they should be ashamed of themselves for thinking you should just keep working with mustard in your eyes. Get a soul, people!

      (Of course, if you didn't wash it off they would have complained you were being unsanitary or something...)
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #18

        I'm pretty much speechless, so...I'll just mention that fact, and hopefully add more at a later time.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #19
          If it weren't for retail jobs, half of the employed population in my country would be jobless. If it weren't for waiters, burger flippers, petrol jockeys, car washers, car guards, postmen, telephone operaters et al, you would have to do every damn thing yourself. No going to a restaurant for you! There's no cooks, waiters, delivery men, hostesses, nothing. Heck, no clothes shopping, no coffee outings, no'd just sit at home all day and watch your nails grow.
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #20
            These sort of stories are the main reason I try to be very nice to people working fast food. They can't have tips to let them know that they're doing a good job and they're treated like crap. I try to let them know that I appricate them in any way I can, without going over board.


            • #21
              On my burger-face incident, the other customers were upset that I hadn't called for a replacement before rushing off to the back in tears to clean up. Well, fucktards, I really wasn't thinking about YOU at the moment. The manager that they complained told them to shut it, in so many words. Jerks!

              As for the towel tosser, I don't activly seek her out, her husband will deposit her where ever I am as when we all get together. As in, physically steer her over to me and tell her to "stay there" like talking to a slow kid. And she will until either he comes to get her or I get up to do something else. I should attempt to explain that usually she is this sick-sweet fake nice. To the point that it's patronizing (but not intended that way). Instead of saying "Hey, could I have some ketchup packets? Thanks!" she'd say in that sugar sweet fake singsong voice "Hello, how are YOU today? GREAT? That's so wonderful to hear! Could I please have 3 ketchup packets to use on my fries? Oh thank you so, so,so,so much! YOU are SUCH a dear!!! You have your self a fantabulous super day now, ok? Thanks so much, bye bye!!!!" Like I said, it's fake but she usually spouts generic polite phrases like a robot all day and night, so it really caught me off guard when she dialed into her human side and made fun of someone.

              I'm still baffled as to why she felt the need to put that lady down. Yeah, she works fast food, and I used to fold shirts, and big deal. C and I are processing clerks. Don't you think there is some corporate guy sitting in an office saying to his buddy, "HA!!!! Those processing clerks- man, they do that job because they aren't smart enough to have the job skills for anything else! HA HA HA HA" What ever it is we do, there's always someone above us.

              We went to see some friends in a truck pull last night-I lucked out because C and her hubby didn't want to buy a pit pass. Since they didn't have one they had to sit in the grandstands all night while the rest of us camped out on the track. So I didn't have to talk to her at all. Yay for me! It's not just this incident but man I really don't care for her.

              Raps- yeah, I've quoted that before and I do not think people realize how true that is.

              Do Not Fuck With Us.
              Last edited by SnapAddict218; 06-17-2007, 04:05 PM.
              Well fiddle dee dee!!


              • #22
                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                Rent fight club. Make sure she watches it all. There's a particular scene I'm thinking of.

                "Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us. "


                • #23
                  Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
                  On my burger-face incident, the other customers were upset that I hadn't called for a replacement before rushing off to the back in tears to clean up. Well, fucktards, I really wasn't thinking about YOU at the moment. The manager that they complained told them to shut it, in so many words. Jerks!
                  I'm glad your manager was there to tell those self-centered pricks off. Too bad he hadn't been there when the asshat shoved his burger in your face, and given him a well-deserved shoe leather enema.

                  Jeeze, just thinking about hot grease and mustard in my eyes is making them water and sting. Those creeps just couldn't comprehend that you were in actual pain!

                  Good God. Some folks just cannot comprehend that there is an entire world outside of themselves. That there are other human beings, with feelings and rights and problems, and those folks should be treated the way you'd want to be treated in return. That towel tosser is in desperate need of a big bowl of Reality Chex, or at the very least, this:
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #24
                    Quoth Raerlynn View Post
                    "Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us. "
                    Oh dude.. I LOVE IT!! That quote should be put on a t-shirt or something!!

                    I should attempt to explain that usually she is this sick-sweet fake nice. To the point that it's patronizing (but not intended that way). Instead of saying "Hey, could I have some ketchup packets? Thanks!" she'd say in that sugar sweet fake singsong voice "Hello, how are YOU today? GREAT? That's so wonderful to hear! Could I please have 3 ketchup packets to use on my fries? Oh thank you so, so,so,so much! YOU are SUCH a dear!!! You have your self a fantabulous super day now, ok? Thanks so much, bye bye!!!!" Like I said, it's fake but she usually spouts generic polite phrases like a robot all day and night, so it really caught me off guard when she dialed into her human side and made fun of someone.
                    I can't stand fake nice people like that. I grew up in a small, Southern town, population 5000.. and many, many people were like that. I think it's a common thing with small-town people. They'd be nice and sugary-sweet to your face, then talk shit about you behind your back. I'd rather people like that not speak at all, TBH..
                    Last edited by RammsteinGirl; 06-18-2007, 05:53 AM.
                    My Myspace, add me!


                    • #25
                      You know, I think the SC's featured on this site(and it's previous incarnations) wouldn't get any real benefit from working customer service. They would just have another line to add to the sucky customer arsenal. ("You know, I've done this, it's not that hard, at least it wasn't for me." Or something similar.) You respect people, or you don't. My father never worked in CS, and he taught me how to play "Tip Suprise." I've never worked in food service, or retail, but it would never occur to me to pull some of the crap these people do.

                      I don't know, that's my take on the situation.


                      • #26
                        What's tip surprise?


                        • #27
                          Fun little game to play with wait-staff.

                          You go in, get a meal, trying to get as close to $20 as you can without hitting it or going over. $19.99 is the spot you're aiming for. Then, when you pay, take a twenty and fold it around a ten. If you fold it tight enough, it looks like you left a
                          $.01 tip, until they it gets unfolded, revealing a $10.01 tip.


                          • #28
                            I would have probably gotten a big attitude with her. That is the most spoiled and stuck up thing I have ever read. I wouldn't mind not having to work for a living and having everything handed to me but I would NEVER want her mentality.

                            I too, have the upmost respect for all that have to work with the public. Or any other job that involves hard work. If only she could work some kind of job where keeping the customer happy is the goal and having a smile as they act like jerks to you. That makes my blood boil. Disgusting, really.


                            • #29
                              Quoth nhollywood View Post
                              I have to agree. I think it should be mandatory that everyone (especially the people who are just getting out of high school or college) should have to work in customer service or retail for a time.
                              I'm working part-time at the school as a netadmin/tech/support guy, does that count? :P

                              (Yes, the "teachers" are the most ignorant, thickheaded idiots I've ever met, closely followed by the "students")
                              Linux user (Debian and Kubuntu)
                              Programmer in C and perl!

                              I'm "only" 16 but do NOT try and outskill me with machines

