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  • #46
    Quoth Cyphr View Post
    Being trailed is the funniest thing in the world. I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS carry my messenger bag with me, so if i notice i get trailed I start sutffing my order in the bag instead of the cart and go into the expensive itme section and look contemplative for a few minutes and then go to the register unload my cart get ready to pay and say "Oh wait! I have some items in my bag too" you get the greatest looks from LP
    Dont do that in my city. According to the police here thats shoplifiting.


    • #47
      Its only shoplifting if you actually exit the store with said unpaid merchandise. Leaving the store proves intent.
      I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


      • #48
        Quoth donruss View Post
        Its only shoplifting if you actually exit the store with said unpaid merchandise. Leaving the store proves intent.
        Not what my city police told me. They told me that as soon as its "hidden from view" its shoplifting.
        IE: Putting item in your pocket, purse, book bag, other stores bag, etc...

        I talked to a few of them about what is and isnt considered shoplifing and what I can personally do if I see someone stuffing items in their pockets. They all said the same thing, as soon as its out of view its shoplifting and I can ask them to wait there and call the police. I can not touch them or force them to stay, if they stay fine, if they leave I am to get as much info as I can. This is almost the only thing they all agree on, and if you have read any of my other posts youll know they dont do that often.

        What we usually do is ask them for the item and stand between them and the door. They usually hand it over. If they do we take it back and tell them to get out and not to come back. Its funny when they try to come in the next day and you tell them to get out. They always ask what they did....

        One lady tried over and over for a few days to get back in, the one time she yelled WHAT I DO!? I yelled right back infront of like 10 customers... YOU ARE A STUPID SHOPLIFTER NOW GET OUT! She still tries to come in and is always told she has to leave or we will call the police.


        • #49
          Quoth donruss View Post
          Its only shoplifting if you actually exit the store with said unpaid merchandise. Leaving the store proves intent.
          it's a matter of state law


          • #50
            Quoth AKWalMartCartGuy View Post
            it's a matter of state law
            Which apparently varies from place to place on this point. And if I'm not totally out to lunch, in Canada, it's the "You have to leave" for it to be shoplifting version.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #51
              Quoth VenomX View Post
              Not what my city police told me. They told me that as soon as its "hidden from view" its shoplifting.
              IE: Putting item in your pocket, purse, book bag, other stores bag, etc...
              That seems a very odd rule. Technically, you could be shoplifting if you have a full shopping cart at the grocery store, as some of the items would be hidden from view. I'd look up the wording on that one. There has to be more to it than that.
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #52
                I know that when I go to one of our upscale grocery stores . . .I take my own basket/ bags.
                While in the store I don't use a cart I use my basket.
                I have never had a problem and never been followed. I will admit it did take some getting used to. I knew I was allowed to put things in my basket . . .but I hadn't paid for them yet . . .just didn't flow right in my brain at first.


                • #53
                  Quoth Cyphr View Post
                  I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS carry my messenger bag with me, so if i notice i get trailed I start sutffing my order in the bag instead of the cart
                  I carry my own tote bags to the grocery store, and use them for both bagging and carrying stuff while in the store (baskets do not lend themselves well to being put over arms if you have heavy stuff, and I learned quickly that most of the people who have carts don't know how to maneuver them). Oddly, the only problem I've had doing that is at the self-checks, if there's a bagger there they tend to ignore the fact that I have my own bag I'd like purchases to be put in. Why sell the reusable bags if baggers don't recognize them?
                  "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                  "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                  • #54
                    Same in Oregon. You can shove a bunch of DVD's, TVs, books or whatnot into your coats and bags, but until you step foot out that door, your not shoplifting.

                    However, I love LP. I have fun with it. I even scare them at times.

                    Strangly, they only act like that when I'm wearing my trench coat. I remember stepping into Fred Meyers, getting a corn dog, and being told I can ether pay at the counter or there. ( I paid there because its just easier for me).
                    Next day, I wore my trench coat. Got same item, same Cashier. This time I didn't get a choice. I was REQUIRED to pay there. (She didn't gime the choice, she flat out said they require everyone to pay there). Whatever.

                    I'm wearing my trench coat, walking around, looking. When I noticed someone following me. Always looking at the shelf when I turn. Well I had to have fun with that. I started to walk a little faster. I went down one asile, that was only a partial asile I turned to the left, then did another left, and did a circle. The LP went down the other way. I Went up behind him as he was franticlly looking for me.
                    "Why are you following me??" I ask. LP nearly jumpped ten feet in the air.
                    "Err derr. mer, me ccustomer! Looking for Bread!!!" he stammered.

                    Calmly, I tell him "Asile 2, near the front".

                    Then walked on.

                    I say hi to him every time I go to Fred Meyers now. I just say "Hey LP!"
                    He gets nervous. But we did have a bit of a minor talk a little bit ago. Then he found out that I'm a clerk, and (Sad to say) If I wanted to steal. I could do it without him ever knowing or seeing. I've seen the tricks so damn many times I could do it blindfolded. He told me a few ways, I told him a few ways that he did know. (And one he didn't). So its all cool.
                    Military Spouse Support.
                    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

