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Racist two faced delivery guy and a question.

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  • Racist two faced delivery guy and a question.

    Every morning there is a bread delivery for the Safeway (chain of mini convenience stores inside business buildings downtown) store in my building, and the delivery guy is a two faced racist ass.

    The owners of the shop are Korean, and to their faces he will say "hi", "how are you?", "have a good day", then when they are not there, he complains about how the "gooks are ruining this country".

    One day he said hi to a black guy passing by as nice as could be on his way into the building, then, when inside the building and out of earshot, he turns around and calls him a filthy animal, he then proceeds to tell me why those "dirty niggers are such animals" and "why they are sub-human"......

    Thing is....... it is not the racism that offends me the most. It disgusts me, yes, but seriously, if you honestly hate anyone not white, and you truly are of the belief they are sub-human, don't sugar coat it or act nice to them. Your beliefs are your beliefs, but at least stay true to them. If you are racist, don't act like you are not. Just don't talk to them, anything but smiles and greetings when you hate them for who they are.

    Also yes, I realize the Korean couple he was being nice to are those he can't insult without reprecusions, but the guy passing by on the street was in no way related to his work. Also he can just be coldly indifferent, cooly polite, or even just quiet. Not HI HAPPY SMILES FOR EVERYONE........... "nigger"!!!!.

    My question is: Do you think it is weird the two facedness bothers me more then the racism itself?
    Last edited by Velfarre2001; 06-19-2007, 10:19 AM. Reason: Clarification
    "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
    James from Pokémon.

  • #2
    Quoth Velfarre2001 View Post

    My question is: Do you think it is weird the two facedness bothers me more then the racism itself?
    That is a good question and it did make me think. I actuall don't think it's wierd. My reasoning is they aren't up front with their ignorance. You see, ignorance is my biggest pet peeve in the world. If somebody uses a racial slur to somebody else's face, then you can see that they are just a truly ignorant person. You can hate the ignorance, not the person, see? But if somebody is sweet as sugar to somebody's face and ignorant behind their back, it proves that they know what they are saying is wrong and are too afraid to be up front about it.

    Does that make sense?


    • #3
      I don't know why you're bothered by his "two-facedness" at all.
      It's rather ironic, especially considering the content of this site.

      Virtually everyone here falls under the two-faced category.

      The guy was a delivery guy taking care of his customers.
      How dare he be nice and professional to their face and then talk bad about them behind their back.
      I've seen post after post here about the "soccer mom bitches", "rich assholes", "creepy old people", etc. Bet no one said any of this to their faces.

      The racism was certainly over the top, so yes, that should have bothered you more.


      • #4
        Quoth Velfarre2001 View Post
        My question is: Do you think it is weird the two facedness bothers me more then the racism itself?
        It's a little weird to me. If he wasn't discrete about it, he'd probably get fired pdq for insulting customers.
        Quoth ReadyToRetire View Post
        I've seen post after post here about the "soccer mom bitches", "rich assholes", "creepy old people", etc. Bet no one said any of this to their faces.
        'Cause we don't wanna lose our JOBS. If we didn't have to worry about that, I'm sure most of us would say it, and this site wouldn't need to exist.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth ReadyToRetire View Post
          I don't know why you're bothered by his "two-facedness" at all.
          It's rather ironic, especially considering the content of this site.

          Virtually everyone here falls under the two-faced category.

          The guy was a delivery guy taking care of his customers.
          How dare he be nice and professional to their face and then talk bad about them behind their back.
          I've seen post after post here about the "soccer mom bitches", "rich assholes", "creepy old people", etc. Bet no one said any of this to their faces.

          The racism was certainly over the top, so yes, that should have bothered you more.
          Big difference between the two situations, RTR:

          *Each and every one of us would love to tear into the people we're forced to be civil to, note civil not nice, and many do open up a can on SCs they encounter in a situation where they're free to speak their mind.
          *This Assmunch Supreme is nice to people's faces even when not at work, then immediately start spouting off as soon as the person's back is turned.

          These are two very separate and distinct patterns of behavior. The first is called 'holding your tongue' and the second is called 'being a two-faced, punk-ass bitch'.
          Last edited by JustADude; 06-19-2007, 10:08 AM.
          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


          • #6
            JustADude nailed it right on. You gave me the clarity I needed for my thoughts. Thanks.

            He has plenty of choices, and the fact he is nice to people he does not have to be due to job considerations even when he hates them is what gets to me.

            Of course I still want to get as many opinions and takes on this as possible, so keep em coming.
            Last edited by Velfarre2001; 06-19-2007, 10:22 AM.
            "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
            James from Pokémon.


            • #7
              Quoth JustADude View Post
              *This Assmunch Supreme is nice to people's faces even when not at work, then immediately start spouting off as soon as the person's back is turned.
              He doesn't have the balls to confront them directly. I have a feeling that if he did, he'd soon lose, um, one or both of his "best friends."
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth protege View Post
                He doesn't have the balls to confront them directly. I have a feeling that if he did, he'd soon lose, um, one or both of his "best friends."
                Yup. Talk shit to the wrong guy and you'll find yourself stranded on a smoking, desolate, volcanic world by the name of Hurt. Going behind people's backs only adds the element of surprise to getting your ass handed to you, though.

                I'm about as white as they come but I'm a practicing pagan, my best friend is half-Black half-Italian, I've got plenty of gay and lesbian friends (love to go girl watching with the latter, btw ), etc. so I don't put up with bigots, period. The We Are Not Amused© stare usually is enough of a hint for them to back off, since I believe in giving a warning before engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, but if they keep going I'll let them have it with both barrels.
                Last edited by JustADude; 06-19-2007, 12:12 PM.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  I don't think there's anything "two-faced" about being civil to people you don't like. That's common courtesy. It's the oil that keeps society running smoothly.

                  The blacks and the Koreans disgust him, but he's polite to them because they're people he's going to have to deal with again, and no-one with any common sense invites confrontations. He disgusts you, but did you challenge his views and invite an argument? Or did you just keep quiet and let him go on thinking what he thinks?

                  If you decided not to confront him, that's not an example of being two-faced either. It's a common-sense understanding that you're not likely to change his mind, so the least stressful option is to remain civil and just make a mental note that he's not someone you'd want to spend your spare time with.

                  Next time he sees you, he might nod and say "hi". It's not a two-faced reaction for you to nod and say "hi" back, even though your feelings toward him are similar to his feelings toward those of other races.

                  I'd find it more offensive that he's so willing to share his beliefs with you. That means he's assuming that you'll agree with him; or he believes that his viewpoint is so mainstream that it's shared by most other members of his race.
                  Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette


                  • #10
                    What I find interesting about the whole thing is that he's smart enough to realize that using racial slurs in front of minorities is rude and possibly dangerous, but he's dumb enough to assume that using those same slurs in front of white people won't be offensive.

                    That's a pretty stupid assumption. A lot of people get offended by ignorance and hostility towards their fellow man, regardless of their race. He may find himself on the wrong end of a right hook one of these days by someone he had deemed safe.

                    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                    • #11
                      I don't think there's anything "two-faced" about being civil to people you don't like. That's common courtesy. It's the oil that keeps society running smoothly
                      Its a totally different story if these people did NOTHING to you! I don't like my manager cause she always talks down to me but i am civil to her. Also, not liking somebody just because they are black is not common courtesy. Would it be common courtesy if that black person overheard this guy?


                      • #12
                        Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                        Its a totally different story if these people did NOTHING to you! I don't like my manager cause she always talks down to me but i am civil to her. Also, not liking somebody just because they are black is not common courtesy. Would it be common courtesy if that black person overheard this guy?

                        I'm not excusing the guys attitude or opinions. I'm saying that it's generally a good idea to be polite to others regardless of your personal feelings about them. That's not two-faced, that's tact.

                        I'm not sure what your argument is here; it seems like you're saying that if you have a legitimate reason to dislike someone, then you should be civil to them; but if you dislike someone for completely irrational reasons, then you're two-faced if you don't treat them like garbage?

                        I think maybe what's grinding on the OP is that the guy's behavior shows that he knows better. He's smart enough to treat people politely, which makes it harder to excuse his repellent opinions. If he was just an idiot who hated others and sneered at them to their faces, then perhaps he wouldn't be quite so offensive: he's just too stupid to know better.

                        Or maybe when we see people with that particular vice, we're not willing to grant them any virtues.
                        Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette


                        • #13
                          Quoth KaeZoo View Post
                          it's generally a good idea to be polite to others regardless of your personal feelings about them. That's not two-faced, that's tact.
                          Ooh, Just wanted to say KaeZoo, well put.

                          Everyone of us has to hold our tounges about one thing or another. People making their hate statements are no different. But I do thing people that make disgusting racial comments "under their breath" so to speak know that they simply are not able to do it out loud because, well, it's not generally accepted. Obviously they'd loose their job if they were to talk out loud. Judging by what we've all heared some idiots say, I'd say loosing their job would be the least of their worries too.

                          And I too don't understand why on earth you would think that it's OK to say hateful things, let alone racial slurs to be simply because we are the same color (or what ever the common bond may be).

                          You don't know Spongebob Racialpants. Maybe one of them sub-humans is my husband. Oh that's right. That would blow your mind. Sorry. Ass hat! If you absolutly have to hate, then do it at home, with people that know already know that think like you.

                          Na, I'd be way more bothered by the racism, BUT I can see how you would lable that "two faced".
                          Well fiddle dee dee!!


                          • #14
                            Many good points being raised. But there are plenty of ways to hold your tongue. It is mostly that he acts so polite and sweet and nice.

                            BIG difference between acting civil to the face someone you hate, and being kind and nice to the face of that same person.

                            Also, I just ignore him now and don't even speak to him, because I have to be extra careful with what I say, I am the kind of guy who once I start in on someone will not stop for a good while. I have great self-control, but the moment it breaks, I just lose it like a dam breaking. Last thing I want to hear me go off on a rant is a CEO/CFO/VP (the ones who generally come in early). Especially after my barely contained rant against my co-irker in an earlier thread.

                            Like I said, there are plenty of ways to deal with someone you don't like, if you must hold your tongue, at least don't act like you are their friend. I think THAT is what gets to me the most.

                            Of course if we ever meet on the street........
                            Last edited by Velfarre2001; 06-20-2007, 01:43 AM. Reason: Clarifications
                            "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
                            James from Pokémon.


                            • #15
                              Well the reason he is two faced is because like most racists, he is a coward who actually loathes himself.
                              Both bother me equally, but it seems to be the hypocricital behaviour that bothers you and both are hypocritical!
                              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

