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No no im fine...

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  • No no im fine...

    Ok so i had a very interesting morning.
    Did some driving around and shopingwith my dad until it was time to cash out.
    The store has 6 registers and 6 u-scans, and all the U-scans are down.
    But asides for the annoying SCs who are complaining about abut them and ignore the fact that every 3 minutes a frantic call for cashiers is being sounded is ok.

    We only have 6 items, tw sandwiches, two sodas, and two bottels of pills. My dad askes the customer service lady whom he saw cashing out someone else if she could cash out or 6 items so that the people with more stuff can get out of there faster. She was ok with it.

    A family heard her say this and came running over getting infront of me (between me and my dad) and then spreads out so they take over the entire aisle. Im already walking fast and now have to try to avoid them. The floors in this store are concrete and slippery.

    I slipped. My knee tried to bend the wrong way and i fell. This family just openly stares at me like im the stupidest cow on earth. The mother is glaring at me.

    I can't get up because things are in my hands so i have to tugg on my dad's pant because he didnt here me say "I'm coming... and and now i fall..." and hand him my stuff (he started gushing over me and trying to figure out what happened) the cashier didnt even care until i winced twice when shifting my weight....

    so thats my sighting...
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 06-20-2007, 07:26 AM.

  • #2
    Hope you are ok. Nice how nobody stopped to see if you were ok. Some people have no respect.


    • #3
      i find it amusing my dad didnt even notice someone falling with in a foot or two of his legs.

      sigh but he was in dad world where all he knows is he is dad.


      • #4
        Now I think an incident report should've been made. If you are seriously hurt the store could be in big trouble. I can't believe nobody did anything! If I saw a customer tumble I'd be over there ASAP with the manager. I hope you're okay though.


        • #5
          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post

          sigh but he was in dad world where all he knows is he is dad.
          Oh man, that's deep.
          "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut

