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Get your cart out of my butt!

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  • Get your cart out of my butt!

    I was shopping at Sam's club today and of course it was busy at the registers. I have no problem, I wasn't in a hurry and I felt really bad for the cashiers because I knew how they felt.

    Well, this girl was walking around with a mini-scanner and scanned our items in and told us to leave our stuff in the cart and it would be transferred to the register. I thought it was really neat and a great time saver.

    Well, me and my fiance scooted up a bit to get to the register, the people behind us practically shoved their cart up my ass. Why couldn't they get out of my personal bubble?

    I made a loud comment on how I hate it when people are up my ass at the till. They seemed to move closer with that. We were still paying and the lady was in my space, card in her hand and she was swiping her card! Luckily we paid cash but WTF? I didn't even get my receipt yet and there she was in my area and trying to run her atm card!

    It made me so mad. I kind of sighed, inwardly growled and glared a bit until we were out of there. The nerve, honestly! Wait your freaking turn!!!

    Okay I admit it, I was a bit cranky--two hours of sleep is no way to go out but still she should've respected my space and waited her turn.

  • #2
    That's why I don't get passive aggressive in situations like that. I am, of course, in an advantageous position physiologically, but I've found most people will back off when you give them the We Are Not Amused™ stare and go "Excuse me," in the We Are Not Amused™ tone.

    In the case of someone ACTUALLY ramming me with their cart, that gets a size 15 to the bottom bar and a nice, hard push backwards with my foot.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      I, too, would've been not-so-politely pushing the cart back and giving the offending party the Deathglare. And forget letting them anywhere near the register if I'm still paying. I was a goalkeeper in high school, and haven't yet lost the knack of keeping things from getting past me.

      Of course, if the lady *did* succeed in getting to the register while we were still paying, I would've commented, "Oh, thanks for paying for that for us!" none too quietly.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #4
        I also wouldn't have been quiet about it. Start out polite, sure. Quiet, no.

        Knowing me, and depending on who I was with, I might've made some comment about not being into anal...
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Honestly, what the hell is wrong with people lately? I've been noticing a general uptick in people invading your personal space from behind. Sorry, but I don't know you that well. We haven't even been properly introduced. But I do know you're name is "Asshat"!

          I've said it before, but if some stranger comes up behind me too close, they're likely to get an elbow to the gut. And it's always fun to take a step back for....*whatever* reason and bump into them....hard!
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #6
            Depending on my mood, I would either have turned around, smiled sweetly and said "Honey, if you want to have anal sex with me, you'll need to get me drunk first"; OR turn around, give the Glare of Doom, shove the cart back and snarl "touch me with that again and I'll have your ass for assault."
            Why yes, I AM moody
            You're a far nicer person than me, Anakah...
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #7
              Quoth JustADude View Post
              In the case of someone ACTUALLY ramming me with their cart, that gets a size 15 to the bottom bar and a nice, hard push backwards with my foot.
              Been there, done that. BJ's Wholesale Club, Express lane. Twice someone behind me bumped me with their cart, neither time I moved. So the third time, I reached behind me, and pushed their cart back at them, without turning around. I did hear them "Oh, excuse me", but I did not answer.


              • #8
                When I first moved in with my now roommates, I had just left my husband and was scared of everything. I didn't ever, EVER want to cause any sort of confrontation. Well, we went to the grocery store (the nice one in town, no less) the Saturday before Easter by accident (we don't celebrate holidays, so we forgot).

                There seemed to be 8 billion people and every check out lane was like 8 or 9 carts deep. I've never minded waiting, but this lady behind me kept hitting me in the butt with her cart and pushing me forward more. I didn't say anything, but just stepped closer to my roommate (yeah, I was a total wimp.) Well, she picks up this magazine, and at the time, there was a story about a girl who had prayed while someone held a gun to her head and she just knew Jesus had saved her (Easter 2005, I don't remember it exactly.) The lady behind us is talking about the story to someone else next to her, about how wonderful that is that it happened around Easter and how great it is that "that young girl finally saw the truth" and she's still bumping me with her cart. My roommate is wiccan, I should point out.

                My roommates turns to her and said "I'd find Jesus too if I had a gun pointed at my forehead. Now back your happy ass up off of her, and have a happy Spring Equinox!" It was with one of those robotic-saccharine smiles, and it was so funny. At least the lady backed up.

