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The SC who rushes to beat you to the check out line when they are not done shopping

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  • The SC who rushes to beat you to the check out line when they are not done shopping

    I have had this aggravating thing happen to me before, as I'm sure others can attest to. You're getting ready to check out and you see an available check-out line. As you head to it, out of the blue, this SC with a cart overflowing with groceries rushes to that same check out line, making sure he beats you there. Then, after he has done this, he leaves his cart there and rushes off to do some more shopping!

    At Publix, I had a man who did this the other day and rushed off because he needed to get some beer and pretzels. This stuff was located on the other end of the store. Well, I did not wait for this guy to return. I simply shoved his cart out of the way, and began unloading my groceries being I also had a cartload of them. This man did not return until five minutes later, which is quite a long time to wait. When he returned, he said, "Well, nobody is considerate of anyone these days!" I politely told him that he must be talking about himself being it is not considerate to hold up a check out line if you're not finished shopping.

    I also witnessed an altercation with the woman behind me at Target today. As I was checking out, I heard, "Hey, that's my cart! I left because I was getting a cold drink and you're in my space!" What ensued later was this woman was yelling at, in front of God and everyone else, her daughter for not staying with the cart. "You know I told you to do that before I left the line! How come you never do what I tell you?" The daughter, around 13 or so, kept arguing with her mother that she never told her any such thing. "Yes, I did!" "No, you didn't!" bullshit. Kind of childish, and I'm at this point really wanting to get my two items, a road atlas, and a book of stories for my children.

    Why do these people do crap like that? Do they believe they're above God and everyone else? If you're not finished with your shopping, then don't bother checking out.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 06-27-2007, 08:08 PM.

  • #2
    " Do they believe they're above God and everyone else?"

    Is that a trick question?


    • #3
      Quoth greensinestro View Post
      What ensued later was this woman was yelling at, in front of God and everyone else, her daughter for not staying with the cart.
      Wow, I had no idea God shopped at Target. Don't let their PR people know!
      If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


      • #4
        Quoth RentalRacer View Post
        Wow, I had no idea God shopped at Target. Don't let their PR people know!
        Ha ha! Very funny!


        • #5
          *Sigh* I have a feeling these twits believe that their cart will "save" them a spot in line. Similarly are the idjeets who will come up and dump their things on the counter but wander off to fill up their arms once again (apparently these tards are morally object to baskets). They get angry when a line has formed and they aren't allowed to cut to the front. "But I already set my stuff down!" That you did. And then you walked away, thus loosing your "spot" in line. Like the driver on the bus, "Move it on back!"

          I realize 5 minutes doesn't seem like a long time to you, because you are hoofing it back to the beer and pretzels. It's an eternity not only for the clerk facing a irritated line of people, but everyone else in line who just wants to get the heck out of there.
          Well fiddle dee dee!!


          • #6
            I had that happen to me before, and I done the same thing, I moved the cart out of the way. Screw them
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
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            • #7
              I hate it when people do that. Seriously, there's no excuse to ever be out of eyeshot of your cart (I'm not opposed to getting in line and grabbing something from a nearby end display or off another register's candy rack or something), but when it comes time for you to unload and check out, you better damn well be at your cart or you're moving to the back of the line.
              "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
              "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
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              • #8
                I admit, I've gotten in line and walked to the next checkout to grab a pop/water before, but I would never leave to go finish shopping, thats just rude.


                • #9
                  Quoth hawkchick11 View Post
                  I admit, I've gotten in line and walked to the next checkout to grab a pop/water before, but I would never leave to go finish shopping, thats just rude.
                  I've done that, too, and that's acceptable to me. But when one "forgets" that one or two items and decides to "save" their spot in line, taking five to ten minutes extra, that's a big problem for me.


                  • #10
                    this is why I put my five-year-old IN the cart seat (yes, she still fits... barely). I won't leave her (or her eight-year-old brother) unsupervised in a store, so it tends to make me a bit more conscious of where I'm leaving my cart LOL
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      this reminds me of a good one.
                      saw on old lady shopping with her daughter (about 70yrs/40yrs) and the daughter wandered off from her cart to grab something quick from another aisle. well, her mum, wily woman that she be, took her daughters small purse, tucked it in her huge one, and wandered down the aisle like she was looking at the shelves. when her daughter came back and proceeded to flip about her purse being stolen, the mum let her rant for a few minutes and calmly handed her her wallet. taught her daughter one hell of a lesson.

                      Hobby Twitter.


                      • #12
                        Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
                        this reminds me of a good one.
                        saw on old lady shopping with her daughter (about 70yrs/40yrs) and the daughter wandered off from her cart to grab something quick from another aisle. well, her mum, wily woman that she be, took her daughters small purse, tucked it in her huge one, and wandered down the aisle like she was looking at the shelves. when her daughter came back and proceeded to flip about her purse being stolen, the mum let her rant for a few minutes and calmly handed her her wallet. taught her daughter one hell of a lesson.
                        Good one there. For moment, I thought this was another story of the Mother/Daughter duo who causes trouble in the stores in order to get free merchandise.

