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You still hate me, but that's a-ok!

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  • #46
    Quoth tollbaby View Post
    oooooooh that's a good idea!!!! I love iced herbal teas, but I'm too lazy to make enough to keep in the fridge, and there's no point to brewing one cup to put in the fridge... that's AWESOME!!!!

    *going out to get herself a coffee maker tonight*
    I've found that I like it when I do about 4 cups of water to one teabag (that's about two mugfuls of tea when brewed), but feel free to experiment. I also like it because I can use just one teabag for both my husband and I without having to steep the same bag in two mugs, and it makes the teabags last longer.

    And when I want to store some, it's nice, because our coffeemaker is the 12-cup size.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #47
      Wow, that's a good idea! I'll be on the lookout for old coffeemakers now - usually I make my tea in a hot water pot. (You fill it with water, plug it in, and it makes the water boil - great for college, where we can't have any actual appliances.)

      And it's nice to meet so many members/ former members on here!

      It's true...I've learned my lesson. I'm not going to share any type of personal information after this little escapade. Though, happy update: the Sucky Couple has stopped coming into the Restuarant. Completely. Since their suck-tastic commentary at Hamburger Joint, they haven't materialized anywhere near my workplace. Thank goodness.
      check out my new blog!!!!

      feel free to comment/send me the links to your blog!


      • #48
        Quoth cloudiko View Post
        This one requires a little bit of a backstory, because I never got around to posting this story on here:

        Several months ago I was seating this elderly couple at a table in the Restuarant, and I went about my duty to ask them if they would care for a drink. The lady refused anything but some hot water and cream, which I understood...The Resturant has had several complaints about the horrific motor-oil coffee that nobody likes. So, many customers had resorted to bringing in their own coffee grounds and making their own at their table.
        Anyway, I retrieved their hot water and half and half, and was about to walk away when they asked me about the coffee. It was something about the flavor/consistency, and I told them that I didn't drink coffee. They asked why, and I told them it was for a religious reason.
        And here is where the shit hit the fan:

        Apparently, this old lady and her husband are avid, AVID haters of my religion. They told me I was going to hell and that I was, in essence, a heathen. (I am greatly cutting out the entire horrific conversation in which I stuck up for myself and they continually told me I was damned and that everything I believe in is crap.)

        Thereafter, the couple refused to speak to me as well. They are regulars at the Resturant, and always manage to come in on my shift. So everytime I see them, I cringe a little. I half expect them to fling holy water on me or something.

        Sooooo...flash foward to last week. I am at a tasty hamburger restuarant (rhymes with Endy's) with my dad and my younger brother. We're happily munching away...when to my absolute horror, the same elderly couple comes in. They took one look at me, and shook their heads. The woman gave me the dirtiest glare I have seen in a long time. I just tried to ignore their existance. The worst part of this was having to explain this incident to my dad and brother.

        It gets better...they also decided to sit a table away from us, and proceeded to have a rude conversation about how much my religion sucks. It was mortifying, to say the least. If we hadn't been in public....
        Im not going to ask what religon you belong to because i can guess, but i would like to point out that alot (it not all) religons have dietary resistrictions (blood, caffiene, certain body parts ect) and yours isnt the only one that believes in not pretaking in any substance that affects your personality.

        Personally i would go up to them and say "Good day and god bless! how are you the wonderful morning?" and if they where bitchy... "Oh im sorry are you not having a bad day? Oh well, no worries! At least we have the protection of the first ammendment (im assuming your american sorry!) so you have the right to verbalize that! Just like i have the right to disagree with you!"

        oh and btw i was raised LDS and would still be LDS to this day because i belive in most all of it but the church and I don't see eye to eye.

        I not going to accositate anywhere the people believe that people like me , and im paraphrasing, 'are just confused young souls who need guidence.' and that if 'i experience these urges i should talk to my parents and bishop and enter counciling to that i can become and full and vital member of the church'
        No thanks im not some cow ment only to breed nor do i think the fact that my heart doesnt long for the companionship of a man moral and religously apprehenciable.
        Last edited by Sliceanddice; 07-26-2007, 02:21 AM.


        • #49
          Quoth Chantilly View Post
          I was raised LDS in the South, and that was an adventure, let me tell you!
          I've had people tell me straight to my face that I was damned to hell because I belonged to a cult that isn't Christian and doesn't read the Bible (ftr, it isn't; they are; they do).
          I got that a lot being Roman Catholic in the South. Most of the kids my age didn't blink an eye, but a lot of their parents were absolutely convinced I wasn't a Christian and my eternal soul was in grave danger if they couldn't convince me to follow Jesus.

          My favorite answer to "Are you a Christian?" or questions of that line is still "Yes, I'm Catholic." Either they accept that answer, or I have time to escape while they try to figure out whether I contradicted myself.
          It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


          • #50
            Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
            My favorite answer to "Are you a Christian?" or questions of that line is still "Yes, I'm Catholic." Either they accept that answer, or I have time to escape while they try to figure out whether I contradicted myself.
            As a hell-bound, heretical, heathen pagan, and therefore a complete outsider on the subject, I'd have to say that yes, Catholicism and LDS are, indeed, both Christian sects*. It amuses me to no end that people can be so narrow minded they can't even conceive of someone being able to worship the same god they do using different rituals.

            Personally, though, I've decided that the universal truth about how man should behave, stripped of all the trappings of worship and the dogma of a particular deity or pantheon, can be summed up best by a simple comedy movie... Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

            "Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes."

            *Sect/n: Any group, party, or faction united by a specific doctrine or under a doctrinal leader.
            Last edited by JustADude; 07-26-2007, 11:02 PM.
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #51
              Quoth JustADude View Post
              As a hell-bound, heretical, heathen pagan, and therefore a complete outsider on the subject, I'd have to say that yes, Catholicism and LDS are, indeed, both Christian sects*.

              *Sect/n: Any group, party, or faction united by a specific doctrine or under a doctrinal leader.
              *twitchtwitchtwitch* Dogmatic Catholic dropping in his $0.02 here. Catholicism is a denomination, not a sect. In religious context, a sect is a small religious or political group split off from the main group. A denomination is the original older group that is well-established. The split is usually a doctrinal dispute of some type.

              You have now had your totally useless religious fact seminar. The program may continue as originally scheduled.


              • #52
                Quoth BlackIronCrown View Post
                *twitchtwitchtwitch* Dogmatic Catholic dropping in his $0.02 here. Catholicism is a denomination, not a sect. In religious context, a sect is a small religious or political group split off from the main group. A denomination is the original older group that is well-established. The split is usually a doctrinal dispute of some type.

                You have now had your totally useless religious fact seminar. The program may continue as originally scheduled.
                Which is, actually, why I always use the term 'sect' when speaking about any group of Christians. It is an intentional and deliberate choice of vocabulary, since Christianity is, in fact, a sect that splintered away from Judaism roughly 2000 years ago based on a disagreement over whether Jesus of Nazareth was the son of Jehovah or not.

                It's also partially a form of petty revenge for all the times my personal spiritual beliefs get called "Made up" (usually by Christians) when religion comes up in conversation (again, usually a discussion started by Christians) and I have to explain my stance, even though I'm basing my beliefs solidly in ideas purported near-identically by several different faiths that predate Christianity by so far people can't even begin to remember when they were founded.

                If they remark on the choice of words, as you did, my standard response is "Think about the reaction you had when I called your religion a sect, and remember that next time before you belittle someone else's religion." Since we're friends here, and you didn't call my religion made up, let me add that I mostly mean it as a wakeup call to the unconscious discrimination of assuming that your religion is innately superior because it's bigger and been around a while.

                I'm not trying to start a flame-fest or bickering or anything like that, but you're not going to ever get the word 'Denomination' to come out of my mouth unless we're talking about what value the currency in my hand is.
                Last edited by JustADude; 07-27-2007, 08:22 AM.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #53
                  No more religious arguing please. Take it to Fratching. if you don't know where Fratching is, go to If i see any more religious arguing here, i will shut the thread straight down.

                  *twirls truncheon menacingly*
                  A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                  - Dave Barry


                  • #54
                    Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                    No more religious arguing please. Take it to Fratching. if you don't know where Fratching is, go to If i see any more religious arguing here, i will shut the thread straight down.

                    *twirls truncheon menacingly*

                    Sorry!!!! I didn't mean for this to spiral into a religious argument!
                    check out my new blog!!!!


                    feel free to comment/send me the links to your blog!


                    • #55
                      Quoth cloudiko View Post

                      Sorry!!!! I didn't mean for this to spiral into a religious argument!
                      I'm fairly amazed that a thread with religion in it took six pages before the moderators had to wave the truncheons. That may be a record.


                      • #56
                        Quoth JustADude View Post

                        Personally, though, I've decided that the universal truth about how man should behave, stripped of all the trappings of worship and the dogma of a particular deity or pantheon, can be summed up best by a simple comedy movie... Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

                        "Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes."
                        Truer words were never spoken.
                        ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

