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Right-Of-Way... Ever hear of it???

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  • #16
    Tailgaters are thye only reason I wish I had a sack of rocks I could let go from my motorcycle. People don't realize that their SUV will take up to 8 times as much distance to stop as my bike.
    I carried a bag of 1/2" ball bearings. Better flight and they actually starred the windshield instead of chipping it.


    • #17
      This is one reason I love having a car that has a little wear on her. If people park like jerks, and I have to park close to get parked, I will, and I don't care if you bang my door a little--the car will survive. I worked as a valet, so I can back a boat-like SUV into a tiny spot, if forced, and I drive a Jetta with a tight turning radius.

      It's always fun to go out with my brother though, he has a relatively new and very shiny Mazda 6 that is his baby, and if he feels it necessary, he will park in the far back end of the lot to avoid having anyone park near him.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #18
        Quoth justZu View Post
        I honestly think driving in a parking lot can be more dangerous than driving on the road. Idiots seem to think that the parking lot is some magical kind of rule-free zone. Drive where you feel like driving and to hell with safety and common sense.
        Has anyone else seen that car commercial? I think it's for Toyota...or Kia...or Mazda...or---

        Anyway, it has all these cars in a parking lot and they are all racing and sqealing and whatall to beat each other to parking spaces. Freaks me out everytime I see it.
        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • #19
          Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
          Has anyone else seen that car commercial? I think it's for Toyota...or Kia...or Mazda...or---
          Kia, just saw it for the first time a few minutes ago.

          Quoth Kilamon View Post
          Tailgaters are thye only reason I wish I had a sack of rocks I could let go from my motorcycle. People don't realize that their SUV will take up to 8 times as much distance to stop as my bike.
          CHiPS had an episode where a guy welded some steel beams on the back of his car, then added a couple hydraulic lifts so when someone would tailgate him, he would drop the back end, scrapping the the beams on the pavement, causing sparks to fly up into the tailgaters car.

          I've always thought about trying to mount a paintball gun under my car to "mark" people that do stupid stuff while driving.


          • #20
            Quoth Jack7957 View Post
            I've always thought about trying to mount a paintball gun under my car to "mark" people that do stupid stuff while driving.
            Red Green did a segment on Handyman's Corner where he added a drop down stencil and spraypaint to his car to tag tailgaters. It was one of the few projects that I thought that would be useful to do.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #21
              Quoth Jack7957 View Post
              Kia, just saw it for the first time a few minutes ago.
              I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

              Oh, and your tool box got out again.


              • #22
                Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                I've always thought about trying to mount a paintball gun under my car to "mark" people that do stupid stuff while driving.
                If you do that:

                a) see if you can custom order paintballs with paint stripper in them

                b) file the patent.
                Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                • #23
                  Quoth Emrld View Post
                  I am waiting to hear back from a friend . . . I was taught that when in a Parking Lot . . the car in reverse has the right of way. This is due to limited view of the driver in reverse over the car in forward looking out their windshield.

                  The only other situation I know that it also includes is when a car is backing out of their driveway. - again the car in reverse with limited visability over the driver looking ahead.

                  (and it is the driveway one that bothers me . . .I can be pulling out of my driveway, in front of my house - and a car coming up the street will speed up - which blocks me because I am at the corner with a two way stop - or a car on the cross street ready to turn onto the stree will go ahead and do so. I almost backed into a car the other day I was half in the street half in my drive and a car turned onto the street without slowing down or looking first)
                  I've never heard that before. Maybe it varies from state to state? I'm pretty sure in New Mexico, the person backing up does not have right-of-way. I think especially when you're backing out of your driveway, because you're entering the main road.

                  Of course, it helps if the person backing up bothers to look at all before backing up!
                  It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

