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Old Woman w/ Nothing to do but Complain (long)

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  • Old Woman w/ Nothing to do but Complain (long)

    First post about a sucky customer YAY!

    Now my mother worked in a United Bakery for several years, isn't working there now but, when she was, she got plenty of CS's. This one particular woman I never actually SAW at the bakery but my mother told me about her plenty of times.

    She was an older woman probably in her mid to late 60s. She was the type that would come into the bakery, peruse over the avaliable items and was always complaining. She holler and yell and yell and holler, "this isn't fresh, nothing here is ever fresh, it's always stale"

    Now I'll admit that some of the things that the bakery sold sucked because there were some workers that didn't even do half-@$$ed work and so it didn't taste right, but that was usually things like the doughnuts and the like that were in the case. The cakes, cookies, and muffins that were packaged and set out, that I tried, were very moist and delicious.

    Anyways, despite how she complained the woman would often buy something....only to to come BACK and complain about the cake and demanding a refund. In fact, there was once she came back complaining she couldn't eat the cake cause it was too hard. And guess what? She never brought the cake back! She had no proof she hadn't just eaten the cake and then decided to complain and get her money back. If you can't eat it, why not bring it back?

    Course the sad part is that the managers rather sucked and just gave her back her refund without asking any questions, asking for the cake or the reciept, leaving her to believe she could get whatever she wants.

    Skippy to a while later and my mother and I are passing through Wal-Mart and heading down the soap and shaving cream aisle. Well as we're going along I see this woman in her blue Wal-Mart vest escorting elder lady towards the shavers. The conversation went something like this, I can't remember exact words as this was several years ago.

    WM - blue vested Wal-mart worker
    EL - Elder Lady

    WM: Here you are ma'am.
    EL: *in a rude, "I'm above you" voice* Well which one is good?
    WM: Um...well there's the intuition, it's-
    EL: *Contiuning the voice and cuting the poor girl off* Does it work? I want something that works.
    WM: Well ma'am I'm not sure....

    And that was about the time we're too far past to hear, my mother and I just feeling sorry for the girl as my mother explains that that's the same woman who's always coming into the shop and complaining about the bakery cakes as I had never seen her before.

    What did this woman expect? For the Wal-Mart works to have tried every product and know it's pros and cons in excrutiating detail and able to recite it at a moment's notice for a customer like a dog who's been told to "speak"?

  • #2
    Reminds me of a customer we had when I worked at a bakery about 10 or 12 jobs ago.

    We always put fresh bread out every morning, and she knew this. Still, whenever she came in, she would poke at a loaf of bread, then screech "IS THIS BREAD FREEEEEESH? I ONLY WANT IT IF IT'S FREEEEEEEEEESH! REEEEEAAAAAALY FREEEEEEEESH!"

    It was the same every single freakin' time.
    "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
    "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


    • #3
      If you want it really really fresh - do it yourself. That's the only way to ensure it's fresh anyway. Heck those grocery store bakeries just use frozen cakes (who knows how long they've been frozen) and nasty all-crisco icing...... if you want good stuff you need to go to a real bakery or bake it yourself.

      I've heard stories from other cake decorators about mothers or mother-in-law or bridezillas calling after the wedding and stating something was wrong w/ the cake - but didn't have a slice of cake, didn't have anything to say there was anything wrong..... such as saying "it wasn't cooked in the middle" - well now anyone who has baked a cake a couple of times already checks for that - no deal. "There was no filling"... um - that's kind of hard to forget - so unless you can bring a slice w/out any filling in it... no deal.... "it was too sweet"... well you tasted it at your "tasting" and didn't have a problem with it - same recipe. Again, no deal. I don't know about other wedding professionals, but from what I've heard - it seems like they always try to screw over the cake people after they realize how much they spent on the wedding........ oh and sob stories galore about how they should get a discount b/c they can't afford a lavish wedding b/c they're pregnant and the husband is in prison and is getting out on the day of the wedding and their momma's dead and they're $20,000 in debt..... and so on.....and so on....


      • #4
        Oh, I get that too in the music biz. I often get asked to put together a string quartet for a wedding, and once in a while somebody will freak out over the price.

        One memorable lady announced that she had some neighbors who played in the local community orchestra and she was sure they would play for free! I don't know how to talk to people who don't know the difference between professionals and amateurs, so I just wished her well and hung up.
        "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
        "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


        • #5
          I was in line at mc donalds once when two very drunk teenage girls stumbled in and demanded that the manager replace their ENTIRE meal and throw in free sundaes to make up for their trouble.
          The manager asked what was wrong with the food and they told her it was "un eatable" and she asked for the remains.... there were none, no wrappers, no maccas bags, no reciept nothing.... so the manager told them when they could produce the "uneatable" food, they would replace the food.....

          it was great, the drunk girls had this 'damn foiled again' look on their face and stumbled out
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            Quoth freaktard View Post
            We always put fresh bread out every morning, and she knew this. Still, whenever she came in, she would poke at a loaf of bread, then screech "IS THIS BREAD FREEEEEESH? I ONLY WANT IT IF IT'S FREEEEEEEEEESH! REEEEEAAAAAALY FREEEEEEEESH!"
            I heard the same thing about milk that had just come in off the truck. Maybe I should have offered to bring in the cow for her.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              Quoth freaktard View Post
              We always put fresh bread out every morning, and she knew this. Still, whenever she came in, she would poke at a loaf of bread, then screech "IS THIS BREAD FREEEEEESH? I ONLY WANT IT IF IT'S FREEEEEEEEEESH! REEEEEAAAAAALY FREEEEEEEESH!"
              "No, actually it's very well-mannered."

              Or, "No, we only sell stale, moldy bread. Great for making penicillin!"

              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                Quoth freaktard View Post
                We always put fresh bread out every morning, and she knew this. Still, whenever she came in, she would poke at a loaf of bread, then screech "IS THIS BREAD FREEEEEESH? I ONLY WANT IT IF IT'S FREEEEEEEEEESH! REEEEEAAAAAALY FREEEEEEEESH!"
                At my current place of one of the circles of hell employment, they make Italian bread fresh all day, but def. during certain hours.

                I really should buy some one day. Too bad I'm on a diet.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid

