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Buy your own bloody smokes!

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  • #46
    To give my own answers/opinions to a few of the questins and statements posed above:

    ~I did not choose to start smoking. I was in college, about 18yo, and when drinking with friends, they thought it was good fun to give me smokes. Within time, I realized how much I enjoyed it, and just never really stopped. Given that I did a lot of partying and went to a lot of metal/hardcore/rock concerts in dingy venues where smoking was the norm, it never seemed unusual to me to pick it up. I also am a fan of an occasional cigar, I just try to keep everything in moderation.

    ~I do agree with Lace, however, that not everyone who smokes is addicted. If I'm too lazy to go get smokes for a day when I'm bumming around at home, I don't. If I go on vacay with the family, I don't smoke for the duration of the trip. I've stopped for as long as 3 months, for various reasons, but I enjoy it too much to give it up entirely. It calms me when I'm stressed at work, and helps me wake up in the morning. It's a social habit as well. At this point in time, unless I'm out to the bar, I tend to only smoke about 3 cigs per day, and that's based entirely on my workday and how stressful it is. Oftentimes on weekends, I may not smoke at all, if I'm hanging out with the fam or resting up at home.

    ~My family are non-smokers, and my mom is asthmatic, so I do not smoke around them, and we try to go places where smoking is not allowed. Because of them, I'm grateful, even as a smoker, that more places are going completely non-smoking. To me, having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a pool--it spreads around the whole place anyways, even if you're seated on the far end of the room. I have plenty of respect for non-smokers, and only smoke in places I'm allowed, but to me it's only common sense to avoid smoking areas if you do not like smoke/feel icky when you're around it. Given how few places are left where you're allowed to smoke, it seems funny to me that they'd be hard to avoid.

    ~On the same note as above, I have no problem with non-smokers. It is the rude non-smokers who bother me. If I am allowed to smoke here and I was here first, bugger off. I do not want to listen to you complain, and yes, thank you, I am aware that smoking is bad for me. In the same vein that smokers who litter constantly, smoke where they aren't supposed to and blow smoke at others piss me off, non-smokers who impose themselves on smokers make me angry as well. It is all about having manners, and it can definitely go both ways. I may smoke, but I do not smoke in my closed up apartment, or in the common areas like the hallways--only on my balcony, or next to an open window with a fan on.

    And there you have it. /babbling
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #47
      Quoth Mark Healey View Post
      And I'm going to add to it. Anyone who claims that they are allergic to smoke is going to be quickly ignored. They are passive-agressive liars who would come up with a bullshit medical excuse. They are not having an immune response.
      Maybe not. But they could easily be having an asthmatic response. Many's the time my ex had to take an emergency suck on his inhaler because of cigarette smoke.

      And, at the time, if you'd called him a passive-aggressive liar with a bullshit medical excuse, I'd have retaliated pretty strongly. He was many things, including sometimes a liar and often a bullshitter, but his reaction to smoke was neither.



      • #48
        Quoth morgana View Post
        Maybe not. But they could easily be having an asthmatic response. Many's the time my ex had to take an emergency suck on his inhaler because of cigarette smoke.
        As another asthmatic, I'll second that. I had one guy blow a facefull of it at me once, because he thought I was just saying it to bullshit him. Scared the hell out of him when I had an attack because of it. Thank God for inhalers.
        A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


        • #49
          As another asthmatic, I'll second that. I had one guy blow a facefull of it at me once, because he thought I was just saying it to bullshit him.
          See, now, that guy I think I would have tried to press assault with deadly weapon charges on.

          I live in SC and while some places are smoke free, not all are. In fact, something I really loved doing was playing in a pub downtown. Had to give it up. Why? Because if I didn't, here's what my Sunday night would be like: go to smoke filled pub, play, come home, wash hair, dry hair, put clothing out on porch till I can wash it. I have a baby. I can't be coming in and dealing with her reeking of smoke. But if have to wash my rather abundant head of hair, and dry it, then I get to bed far too late to get up in the morning and go to work. So I avoid it now. Plus, frankly at my age, you think about your mortality, especially if you have a small child you'd like to see grow up. And people who smoke in my family tend to all die horribly. So I feel obligated to avoid the stuff, now that I have a little one to take care of. And if I breathe enough of it, it DOES make me sick. I dont' know if that's an allergy or not, but I do know I have actually gotten flu symptoms if it's thick enough. That's not bullshit, it's just a fact. It's a toxin. It's not hard to fathom it having toxic effects on people.


          There are plenty of places to hang out as a toddler that are smoke free. If you are an adult, not so much.
          Last edited by Spiffy McMoron; 08-08-2007, 07:31 PM. Reason: Adding quotation tags


          • #50
            I'm definitely allergic to one or more of the chemicals in most American cigarettes. Whole nine yards: watery eyes, runny nose, coughing, headache, nausea. However, I got my husband to at least change over to Nat Sherman's (pure tobacco in paper, no chemicals), which cigarettes do not bother me nearly as much, and to start smoking outside. Huge difference. He feels better, and I don't have to breathe it.

            It doesn't matter the source, smoke is bad for you.

            BTW, I'm also allergic to marijuana. Person doesn't even have to be smoking it, if it's on their clothes (especially the strong stuff), I can be in misery in seconds.
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            • #51
              RK? Come over to England. We've got a ban on smoking inside in publicly accessible areas - pubs etc. The complaints are really going to start when it's cold and wet...



              • #52
                Quoth tollbaby View Post
                I used to smoke Mores Menthol or Benson & Hedges Ultra Light Menthol 100s, so nobody ever bummed off me )
                Back when I smoked (three or four years ago), me and a group of friends were outside having a smoke. (There was no indoor smoking at the venue.) A girl came up to us and asked for a smoke. Since we were chivalrous men (and since she was cute. ) we said "Sure". She came over, inspected our packs, and refused to accept our offer because none of us smoke menthol.

                First time I'd ever seen a begger become a choser.
                I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                • #53
                  I smoke menthol. I started that for the same reason; however, I will smoke pretty much anything if someone's offering a packet of fags round.

                  Also, there are rude smokers as well as nonsmokers. I don't like having someone's smoke puffed in my face any more than a nonsmoker would.

                  Also... @ "peeing section in a pool." XD
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.

