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Check-out Lane of Doom... maybe?

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  • Check-out Lane of Doom... maybe?

    The setting is Wal-Mart, ciggie lane. I have one toothbrush, and one toothpaste. No self-checks, and the quick-checks are filled with multiple lines. Two other registers open, this one is shortest.

    I was in the back for a moment, a few in front of me. I hear a noise and turn to the lil aisle thing beside me to catch who is there.

    Note: I live in the land of redneck. When you see someone with a Black Panther shirt on (who walked up right behind) and someone nearby with a Robert E. Lee + Hank Williams, Jr. shirt on (right in front of me), there is usually some crap hitting the fan soon.

    I stood there hugging my hygeine items in a mild way, hoping my martial arts wouldn't kick in so I could run when the fists went flying. When the R.E.Lee shirt guy in front of me turn around (his 6'7''ish to my 5'4'') and grumbled behind his cowboy hat and glasses. He chewed his tobacco for a moment and we locked eyes.

    I hear," get you on ahead.. Mmh." And I thank the man. Rare giving of niceness.

    That means I am now in this (slow moving) line behind an older woman with only some Drano. Ahead of her is a fritzy woman in her 30's glaring under her multi-toned hair at the cashier.

    Turns out, fritzy hair woman was making damned sure her bags only had ONE item each in them. She would snatch and glare, snatch and glare, while the woman in front of me just wheezed angry noises. Behind me, the R.E.Lee shirt guy was humming "The Good Ol' Boys" and the Black Panther shirt guy was ignoring it and on his phone.

    After the crazy one-item-bag woman with fritzy hair is gone, line moves fast.

    I asked the checker why she had such trouble, was she okay?

    Checker says," That dumb blonde thing held up the line. I hate having a sister-in-law."

    Lesson: Things are not always as they appear. =3

  • #2
    They have Black Panther shirts?
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


    • #3
      Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
      They have Black Panther shirts?
      Yeah o_0 And pants n socks.

      Same as the KKK lol


      • #4
        Kinda makes me wonder how this country has managed to keep itself together for this long. I mean, if different groups of people dont want to live side by side, then why not split up and go your separate ways??? I know that me and my mother get along much better not living under the same roof anymore.


        • #5
          Yeah, but which one is the one that has to move?

          They were both there first, and they'll be damned if they'll be the ones to move.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            The South already tried that didn't work, remember....

            I can't believe there are still Klansmen and Black Panthers out there.

            Although I have heard that the amount of Klansmen has gone down very much so in recent years. I think they are actually beginning to be humiliated of who they are. Good.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              I can't believe there are still Klansmen and Black Panthers out there.

              Although I have heard that the amount of Klansmen has gone down very much so in recent years. I think they are actually beginning to be humiliated of who they are. Good.

              You'd be surprised. Both factions have nearby cities they go to here. All the time are doing charity work of their choices. Very active in TN.


              • #8
                I've been thinking of forming the Pink Panthers someday, if things get too ugly for gay people I might.
                I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                • #9
                  Quoth Bliss View Post
                  I've been thinking of forming the Pink Panthers someday, if things get too ugly for gay people I might.
                  There are Pink Pistols out there.


                  • #10
                    I am now reminded of a segment by . . .Eddie Izzard and the first entry in military invasion . . . .full make-up, heels, camo, and guns . . .the enemy wouldn't know what to do. - I don't remember him giving this crew a name - but Pink Panther would catch on quite quickly.


                    • #11
                      It was the First Battalion Transvestite Brigade, airborne wing.
                      Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                      Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                      The Office


                      • #12
                        Thank you thank you thank you . . . .

                        I am not sure if you are male of female just by your user name - so no offense is implied in optional response.

                        If male - kiss on the cheek
                        If female - the tip of the head with the look of relief for clearing that up to where that annoying place in my brain can now take on a new subject to focus on and disturb me. (you know the part where you get song lyrics stuck and the only way to end it is to hear the full song - and it is usually a song you don't really like to begin with)


                        • #13
                          Female it is. Shabo is my nickname given to me by a college friend. First one I ever really had that people used. Even my dad started calling me that for a while, lol.

                          Eddie Izzard's standup is unbelievable. Much love for the reference.
                          Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                          Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                          The Office


                          • #14
                            Quoth Bliss View Post
                            I've been thinking of forming the Pink Panthers someday, if things get too ugly for gay people I might.
                            Will "alternative lifestyle companions" be allowed in?

