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Stories from Malinois rescue (long!)

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  • #16
    Quoth Erin View Post
    I owned a herding dog (a Bouvier des Flandres...that's him in the picture in the corner of my post) He was a great dog, and yes, he occasionally nipped me because he didnt like the direction I was walking with him. He seemed to be especially careful if he nipped me...usually he'd grab my hand with his mouth, but he wouldnt bite down. He'd just take my hand in his mouth and then stop walking, which made me stop. I'd look down at him and say "what?!" and he'd stare back at me with this look that said "I dont wanna go that way...stupid human!" and then he'd push me in the direction he wanted to go. .
    And humans thing animals aren't smart because they don't make things like cars, computers, and atomic bombs. We're only the dominant species on this planet because of our science and inventions.

    Quoth Shabo View Post
    I *love* Mals! We had a few customers that came into the Petco I worked at with their dogs for extra training practice, and they were sooo good. I'm hugely in love with that breed, but I also know that they are too much for me right now.
    My wife has caught the eye of the ABMC because she uses Zorro as a service dog (plus other reasons), which is almost unheard of in any of the Belgian shepherd flavors. His stability is off the charts plus his herding drive is very high and people don't distract him like they do the collie (everyone runs up and wants to pet the "Lassie dog" even though my wife is using him for mobility assisstance, do these parents let their kids run up to someone and grab their walker or crutch?).
    Last edited by draggar; 08-10-2007, 12:58 PM.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #17
      Cindra has been posted!!
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #18
        They are so beautiful!!!!

        (I want one! Just not right now.)
        Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
        Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
        The Office


        • #19
          Quoth draggar View Post
          Learn to read the dog and speak in their language.
          I've already attempted to translate "kitty speak." Most of it translates into either "pet me" or "feed me." Trying to speak to him usually gets several looks
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #20
            Quoth protege View Post
            I've already attempted to translate "kitty speak." Most of it translates into either "pet me" or "feed me." Trying to speak to him usually gets several looks
            I have conversations with my cat first thing in the morning and when I get home from work at night. We meow at each other, and she comes when I whistle for her When I whistle at bedtime and turn out the light, she either hops up onto the couch or onto my bed (depending where she feels like sleeping).
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #21
              Quoth protege View Post
              I've already attempted to translate "kitty speak." Most of it translates into either "pet me" or "feed me." Trying to speak to him usually gets several looks
              I found the book 'Training your Cat' by Dr Kersti Seksel, at our local vet. The publisher is Hyland House, the ISBN is 1 86447 080 1. I have no idea how it compares to other cat-training books, but I found it amazingly helpful.

              (And off-topic, but prayers for my kitty would be appreciated. She's in the emergency vet clinic right now. It's a case of if it's one diagnosis, she'll be perfectly well; if it's another, we'll be stroking her while the vet puts her down. She's an old kitty now and has had a good life, so just .. pray that she'll be okay whichever way it goes, please. I don't want her to suffer.)
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #22
                One thing that always annoys me about people who get dogs without really having ANY IDEA about the DOG'S needs is that those people often think that you should be "nice" to the dog. Imho, a dog actually needs a structured lifestyle, consistent responses to situations, etc. My stepfather used to "love" his dogs, or so he said, yet always drove them insane by sometimes being nice to them when they asked to be petted, other times rejecting them angrily when he was busy or in a bad mood.

                Dogs AREN'T child-substitutes, nor are any pets, really, so you have to learn how to deal with them as they are, not as you want them to be.

                (However, I am not a pet owner myself, so what do I know?)

                One thing that concerns me though, is something in the webpage about Cindra, who looks nice, by the way. It says "loved to lick and kiss". Yuck, totally yuck. I may stir up a nest of hornets with petlovers everywhere, but surely licking and "kissing" are inappropriate behaviours from a dog. Think of what else they may have been licking in the moments before that "kiss". We had a TV presenter on a "dreams come true" program years ago who had to make a full apology on-air explaining why his telling a young girl to give her new doggy a kiss was a very bad idea.

                Just my 2c.


                • #23
                  Quoth draggar View Post
                  And humans thing animals aren't smart because they don't make things like cars, computers, and atomic bombs. We're only the dominant species on this planet because of our science and inventions.
                  Oh, Tiny was a genius. He knew how to get himself out of trouble if he had a problem in the backyard, and except for accidentally knocking my mom down and breaking one of her ribs, he was an extremely gentle dog.

                  The one thing I regret about TinyMonsters is the time we put him in a kennel because my sister was visiting. (she made my dad kennel Tiny because she thought he would "traumatize" her daughters) While Tiny was at the kennel, the nephew of the kennel owner nearly beat Tiny to death. We went back to get Tiny and and he had road rash all over his stomach and groin area, he had a HUGE knot above both eyes where he'd apparently been punched repeatedly (and the kid was probably wearing a ring) and he was seriously traumatized. I also think that he'd been kicked in the side near his kidneys.

                  I had the beating documented by his vet, and the vet reported the beating, but I dont know if the kid ever was charged with anything. That was in 2002, and Tiny remembered the kennel. We tried to adopt another Bouvier from the owner of the kennel a couple of years later, and we stupidly took Tiny with us to get the puppy. Tiny was obviously terrified of being back there again. When we took him into their office/house with us, all he wanted to do was leave...and he hated the puppy. We took her back about a day or so later because Tiny just couldnt stand her. She must have smelled like the kennel, or he just associated her with the bad stuff at the kennel because we took him with us there.

                  I miss Tiny a lot now...he died in March of 2006 of kidney failure (I seriously wonder if the dog food poisonings started a lot earlier than they think they did. Tiny's death was extremely sudden and happened right after we changed his food, and 3 weeks after a vet visit where they said he was healthy)

                  I would LOVE to get another Bouvier, but I'm afraid that I would forever compare any new dog to Tiny and they would never live up to how perfect Tiny was to me. Plus the fact that I dont think I could handle another large dog like that (got diagnosed with MS this year) AND the fact that I think I developed an allergy to dogs over the past few years. I've been borrowing my aunt's pug (Tiny's best friend) whenever I feel the need to have a dog. I can always return her to my aunt, and go take a shower and a benadryl if Pudge (the pug) sets off my allergies.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Erin View Post
                    I would LOVE to get another Bouvier, but I'm afraid that I would forever compare any new dog to Tiny and they would never live up to how perfect Tiny was to me.
                    You might at first, but you'll probably come to love the new dog for him/herself.

                    Plus the fact that I dont think I could handle another large dog like that (got diagnosed with MS this year)
                    This is more of a problem. Talk to your vet, your obedience trainer, and other dog experts about a dog breed which is suitable for an MS patient but which has the characteristics you love about Bouviers.

                    AND the fact that I think I developed an allergy to dogs over the past few years.
                    Get allergy-tested. Find out for sure, and if you are, find out which aspect of dogs you're allergic to. There's probably not much to be done if it's dander, but if it's a particular type of dog fur you could still get one of the breeds which has a different type of fur.
                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Seshat View Post
                      Get allergy-tested. Find out for sure, and if you are, find out which aspect of dogs you're allergic to. There's probably not much to be done if it's dander, but if it's a particular type of dog fur you could still get one of the breeds which has a different type of fur.
                      I second that. I'm supposedly allergic to cats...yet I don't have issues when mine decides he wants to cuddle. Also, I don't let kitty get into bed with me--he's allowed in the bedroom, but not up on anything, since I don't want him to leave his dander behind.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #26
                        The problem I have is I want one of these or one of these
                        However, I know that I am nowhere near being able to have one at this point in time. The biggest problem is that my apartment is only about 700 sq ft. I'd be wall-to-wall dog! But someday, after I've won that huge Powerball and have a house with lots of land....What??!! C'mon let me have my fantasies!
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #27
                          you would like my dragger i always do my research- I knew the prefect breed for my needs are small and who need just enough excerise to keep the wight off. So shiba inus, Pugs, and maybe a border collie become my loves ( could also do a beagle or something someting but ive never had one) i love big dogs like mals and shepards but i know i dont have the scedule to give them the attention they need (with my scedule i end up only able to get claire out of the house for 30 minutes twice a day and feed her twice a day and still fill like i owe her love... can be helped though with school and work)


                          • #28
                            Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                            maybe a border collie
                            Woah, woah, woah. Hold the boat there. That is one super high maintenance dog. Yes, they are pretty, but I would reconsider since that breed sticks out quite sorely from the list. Border collies need a very busy life since they are super intelligent. They also need a super firm training schedule. I saw one couple ruin a nice dog because they were incapable of dealing with that dog's needs. They had to muzzle him every time he left the house after he turned 1 year old because he would bite people. He was not a bad dog, he just was in a really inappropriate home. The first time I met the dog and his owners, I said to a fellow associate after they left that the owners were not right for that breed. It was really sad watching him slowly deteriorate over the next 2 years. They were never mean to him, and they loved him dearly, but man, what a bad match.
                            Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                            Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                            The Office


                            • #29
                              Quoth Pagan View Post
                              The problem I have is I want one of these or one of these
                              However, I know that I am nowhere near being able to have one at this point in time. The biggest problem is that my apartment is only about 700 sq ft. I'd be wall-to-wall dog! But someday, after I've won that huge Powerball and have a house with lots of land....What??!! C'mon let me have my fantasies!
                              I second everything you've said, except for the breeds. I want either a mastiff of great dane. Had a mastiff growing up, and they are wonderful! My apt is only 650 sq feet, and no pets, so even if I could have one, same as you, wall to wll dog.


                              • #30
                                I'm so glad you've started this thread! More people should know that certain breeds need specific things. And not to get a puppy for the sake of a puppy!

                                I want a rottweiler. I have one already, Sammy, but she lives with my parents...time to have my own! I have been talking about it for a while now and my boyfriend is getting a bit sick of it. He says, "Why don't I just take you down to the puppy shelter so you can play with the puppies and get this out of your system?"

                                I informed him that it wasn't about the puppy. It was about raising and training a companion. One that you can take care of and that can take care of YOU. When I mentioned the burgurlary that happened to him a couple months ago and told him it could have been prevented with a rottie in the home, he relented and thought that it was a good idea.

                                I know I can't possibly take care of one right now, but I'm preparing for it! I know I have to find an apartment that will let me have a big dog(my boyfriend actually lives in one that will), figure out what gender I want(female please), etc...

                                They're expensive so I have to save up some money too, but that's no prob!

                                Sorry for the thread jack....continue...
                                Check out my cosplay social group!

