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  • What was this?

    I was at the Uscan today when I noticed my eyeliner's barcode was missing the first numbers and part of the bar so it wouldn't scan. I went to the Uscan cashier and told her about it. She didn't even look at me or say anything to let me know she heard me. So I turned to go get another one, then turned back and told her that I was going to go get another one, so she didn't have someone put all my stuff away while I was gone(I was halfway through the transaction). She hardly nodded and still wouldn't look at me. So I came back with an eyeliner of the same brand, becasue the one I picked up was the last black one. I explained the problem to her and she still refused to talk to me, though she did look at me this time. mind you, all through this, I was being as friendly as I could be. I don't think I ever gave her reason to be rude, she was just rude. Well, at the end of the transaction, I had to get the sensotag taken off my jeans and I smiled at her and told her to have a nice day. No responce at all.

    I thought about talking to her supervisor about her or at least telling her that she could stand to be a little nicer or at the VERY least, say one word to a customer. I ended up just leaving because I know that when I worked at Wal-Mart, I hated it when people reported me and she could have been having a terrible day but had to be at work. But still, I don't think a hello would have killed her.

  • #2
    Having a bad day at work is one thing. Totally ignoring a customer is another.

    At least make eye contact, damn it!!!!!!
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Whenever I'm having a shitty work day (like today) I at least force out a "hello". Usually depending on just how bad a mood I'm in that's all they get until the "thank you", but still, geeze.


      • #4
        That's beyond a bad day at work, that's not doing your job. If I was a manager and I saw that the cashier would be put on corrective action so quickly!!
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #5
          Maybe a family member just got sent to the hospital and her boss wouldn't let her leave.


          • #6
            Quoth AFpheonix View Post
            Maybe a family member just got sent to the hospital and her boss wouldn't let her leave.
            Which is why I didn't anything there. I don't know the whole story.


            • #7
              I have to say it. Being on here should give you empathy towards workers. It is NOT a license to give bad service. I would have at LEAST asked her not to be rude to me. Depending on her reaction, I would have gotten her manager. You were going out of your way to give common courtesy to this idiot, and she was rude in response.

              If it didn't bother you, why are you venting here?

              There are limits to patience and manners. What you described is a person BEGGING to get chewed out. You should have obliged her need.


              • #8
                Enough employees like that and people will shop elsewhere... which means layoffs or reduced hoours at the store.
                There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


                • #9
                  When I'm at the register having my stuff scanned I don't care if the cashier says anything at all. Just ring out my stuff so I can go home. IF I want to to have a chit chat I'll call one of my friends.
                  Why people get so upset when a cashier doesn't say anything to them makes me shake my head in wonder.
                  Their job is to check you out as quickly as possible. Standing there shooting the breeze isn't part of their job. & IF it's a busy day then the less talk they do then the more quickly you can go home.


                  • #10
                    A job is a job. When you walk in the door (and are on the clock) you have to seperate yourself from whatever is going on outside of there and do what you are being paid to do.

                    I know as well as anyone that can be hard to the point of impossible at times, but it has to be done. If you can't do it, then go home. As a supervisor, I'd rather you go home or call out if you aren't going to do your job. Do it too much and I fire you, plain and simple.

                    I would have reported her. I'm sorry, but even if someone's in the hospital you have a responsibility to do. Do it or leave. Imagine if your doctor had that kind of "bad day"

                    And as far as having a cashier talk to you. That shouldn't matter, as far as conversation goes. But if someone says "this won't scan" or "can you help me" and your response is ".........." doesn't fly.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                      When I'm at the register having my stuff scanned I don't care if the cashier says anything at all. Just ring out my stuff so I can go home. IF I want to to have a chit chat I'll call one of my friends.
                      Why people get so upset when a cashier doesn't say anything to them makes me shake my head in wonder.
                      Their job is to check you out as quickly as possible. Standing there shooting the breeze isn't part of their job. & IF it's a busy day then the less talk they do then the more quickly you can go home.
                      Except the cashier wasn't checking out, the cashier was there to watch for problems. No one was expecting chit-chat, or to shoot the breeze, but a simple acknowledgement that a statement was heard. GS was having a problem with an item, and wanted to make sure the items being left behind wouldn't "disappear" to be restocked. The cashier not talking, in this case, slowed things down, because I'm sure there was a pause of a few seconds at least after each encounter, making sure that no response was forthcoming.

                      Sorry BS, I agree with your position generally, but in this specific case, the cashier sucked big time, and the only thing I'd accept as even a half-way decent reason for the attitude would be death/attempted death.
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


