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Car stereos...

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  • #16
    Maybe Phantom of the Opera done by a Broadway cast, no. But have you ever head the same song by a band called Nightwish? Wow! Suffice it to say, there's bass. That might work.


    • #17
      I hate when people spend more money on putting a system in their car than they do maintaining or fixing it. For example, the muffler (or lack thereof) is competing with the stereo for the award of *noisiest part of the car*. I mean, seriously, you think you're going to impress the girls when the body of your car is rattling from the bass because it's a pos? I have seen this. I wish I were making it up.

      I saw one car a few years ago that was all pimped out. It had a huge spoiler, a nondescript body, and it was pink. Not like a light pink, or a fluorescent pink, but an in your face kind of pink. I kid you not. And yes, it was a guy driving it. There were no company logos on the car to identify it, either. Really bizarre.
      Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
      Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
      The Office


      • #18
        Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
        No, but consider any of the following, which provide nice bass but your common idiot won't be able to wrap his brain around:

        Tocatta and Fugue in D minor, J.S. Bach
        A Last Illusion, Trans-Siberian Orchestra
        Saying that has "nice bass" is an insult, that song has KILLER bass. You forgot his mini-Fugue, too.

        As for Trans Siberian Orchestry, Wizards in Winter (too bad it is sold out from that animation from a few years ago).

        The soundtrack to Akira is great and also has seismic bass.

        Double props if you can drive through town with a serious look on your face while Rocky Horror blares out of your windows.
        Is that possible?

        Don't get me wrong, I love my loud music and expect to be deaf by the time I'm 35 (not that far away). Nothing like some good real rock at 10,000 decibels surrounding you from all angles, coming from my STOCK radio and speakers. But I also know enough that off the highway and out of the strip mall areas it needs to be turned down due to respect.

        Might I also mention Holst's Mars.
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #19
          I just remembered a song that has good bass but it'd be a little odd, it's called This is not a Love Song by Public Image Ltd. It has a odd funk type bass through most of the song and like I said, it's an odd song. Faith No More's We Care a lot has bass in that song along with Falling to Pieces by the same band. And of course, the Red Hot Chili Peppers have one of the best bassists out there so suffice to say they have plenty of bass.

          But have you ever head the same song by a band called Nightwish? Wow! Suffice it to say, there's bass. That might work.
          Nightwish is awesome.
          Last edited by ArenaBoy; 08-16-2007, 05:00 PM.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #20
            Quoth Shabo View Post
            I hate when people spend more money on putting a system in their car than they do maintaining or fixing it.
            I hate people like that. Sorry, but a huge stereo is *not* a performance mod, and anyone who thinks so needs a Same thing with the idiots who put wings and fart cans on FWD economy cars. Those things don't do a damn thing, other than make the car look stupid and add weight. Even better are the dumbasses who dial in so much negative camber, that the tires are nearly horizontal. In other words, know what you're doing, and spend the cash where it counts. Tweak the engine and suspension, and worry about the cosmetics later.

            I mean, my first car was a Tercel that someone had modified. Nothing fancy, just a set of (larger) Corolla brakes, a mild lowering, and some engine mods. While they were at it, a set of uprated struts and springs were installed too. The only thing I did to it was add a passenger-side mirror, and yes, I put a stereo in. Again, nothing fancy--just a tape deck. Other than that, the car looked completely stock. It wasn't the fastest thing out there, but it could sure handle the twisties, and was great to annoy Cavalier drivers with. Great fun on the back roads around Grandma's
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #21
              Ahh yes I remember teaching quite a few of the ricer boys what a properly tuned car can do. All mine looked like compleate POS but that because I spent my money on improving the running gears of the vehicle and not just on looks. Though I got to admit that I did the stereo thing too. But I went for a nice concert quality sound and not so much bass I could vibrate the car apart.

              My favorite car and wish I hadnt blown it up was the caprice ex police I had. 350 v8 with 4 barrel eidelbrock, overbored, etc... Only thing you could tell about the car from just looking at it was the fact it had dual pipes in the back. Very subtle.

              I still recall the one rice boy who wanted to try and drag. He sits there does the little lawn mower whine/rev. I do the full bore throttle stomp which with the amount of torque actually makes the car dance. I look over and grin at him and he just shakes his head. So much fun to educate the youth. No replacement for displacement there boys.

              And as for music Ride of the Valkyries is always an interesting one or the Imperial March.


              • #22
                I can't say that one of my cars never had a loud exhaust... However, the Mazda's wasn't supposed to be that way; there was a large split in the exhaust. I had no choice but to drive it until the parts came in. Needless to say, just about everybody and their mother wanted to race me. At every light, some idiot in a riced-out Honda would start revving their engine. Not a good idea when my borough has lots of speed traps. But, at least it had an added benefit--people got the hell out of my way on the parkway. After driving around with that, I still can't see how ricers can stand the noise!
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #23
                  Just as amusing are the junk cars that someone has to add those bling-bling rims to.

                  There's one that goes up the road - a mid 1960's Cadillac sedan - faded silver, but it's got those blasted rims that cost more than the car is worth on it.

                  Even funnier, the car sits up a bit high . . . and yes, it has a stereo in it.

                  Then we have the Technicolor Caprice . . . I'd say late 70's/early 80's . . . it's kind of blue but it changes colors according to the light. That's another one guilty of the "boom-boom" phenomenon.

                  And there's a rather garish red/silver 2-door Impala (or 2 door Caprice.) with the raised wheels . . . it's always got to have it's stereo blaring for all the neighbors to hear too.

                  And what kills me . . . you can't hear any words. Just the thum-ta-ta-thump-WHUMP.

                  These guys riding around in these rolling cans are all gonna need double hearing aids by the time they're 50 for cryin' out loud.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #24
                    I'm a loser. I always wanted a kick ass stereo system in my car. Do it right, and you don't NEED factory-installed massaging seats.

                    The FUNNIEST thing I ever heard was a car with a system that you could hear from blocks away. Of course, you couldn't hear what EXACTLY they were blaring...until the car was directly across from you. Anyhoo, the song that was being played that caused me to hand my heart to a stranger I never saw again?

                    MetallicA's "One".
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #25
                      I want to kill the ones that has to blear the stereo at 2am. My bedroom is in the back, so I can hardly hear anything. Not the asshole that decides to stop and stay parked infront of my house. Whenever we call the police, they come out about 2-3 hours later.

                      I hate it when I am at a red light, and one of those assholes gets to the side of me. Even though, I have my windows up, I can still hear it perfectly.
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #26
                        Quoth JustADude View Post
                        There are a few others off Beethoven's Last Night that I'd recommend as well, such as Fate, which is short but has enough bass to rumble a glass across a table if I crank the sub on my PC's 5.1 system up.
                        Yes, well, I was trying to get a fair mix. Beethoven's Last Night is my favorite disk anywhere, and yeah, you can get a decent amount of thud and rumble out of several of the songs.

                        (Only two more months til Nightcastle (we hope!))


                        • #27
                          Quoth ChelsieFrank View Post
                          Double props if you can drive through town with a serious look on your face while Rocky Horror blares out of your windows.
                          the heck with a serious look on your face when blasting "The Time Warp" and "Sweet Transvestite" rolling down the street in a small town. and yes I used to do that and do as much of the Time Warp as possible at a stop light. LOL
                          Last edited by protege; 08-17-2007, 03:16 PM.
                          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                          • #28
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            Somehow, though, it just isn't the same when you're blasting them with NPR. "All Things Considered" just sort of lacks that booming subwoofer thing.

                            I do the same thing with Jim Rome


                            • #29
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              I've tried to get even with these useless shitbirds and beat them at their own game by blasting my radio at them. Somehow, though, it just isn't the same when you're blasting them with NPR. "All Things Considered" just sort of lacks that booming subwoofer thing.
                              Well, they can just change the format a little bit:



                              • #30
                                Quoth DGoddess View Post
                                And what kills me . . . you can't hear any words. Just the thum-ta-ta-thump-WHUMP.
                                I never understood why you'd *want* to listen to that. If I want my car to "thump," I'll stick a screwdriver in the exhaust

                                Locally, I've gotten a few strange looks when I've had the "Zoom-zoom" song from the Mazda commercials, which sadly, doesn't have the same effect as I now drive a Toyota Similar fun can be had with "The Self-Preservation Society" (1969 Italian Job) when going through the Armstrong Tunnels in Pittsburgh
                                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

