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I feel like you are calling me fat, thanks.

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  • I feel like you are calling me fat, thanks.

    Ok I am not a light girl, hell i could stand to lose weight but im just not that dedicated to it. on occasion i will get something healthier because i like healthy food. But thats it.

    Recently ive been in pain because of wisdom teeth, so its be hard for me to eat things like i would usally eat so ive been disceting sandwiches and eating little things and have been happish with life.

    Since i work freakishly early mornings i dont make dinner often. so my mom has been going out (my brother is the greatest cook and my mom works all day and would like to rest) yesterday i was going to cook dinner but my mom forgot my meimei didnt work that night ans since the menu consisted of spaghette which she hates deside to just take us out instead.

    We go out to get wings and burgers and salads for the more girlly family members in my family. Iorder a steak sandwich.

    Now there are two steak sandwiches on the menu. One is a regular sandwich the other is 'Low carb' and comes with brocolli instead of bread. Brocolli right now isnt something i choice unless its alittle soft so i can chew it easier and i was really in the mood for bread, and i hadnt eaten much that day so i figure hell lets get something filling.

    I say ' I want the steak sandwich please, with a baked potatoe." I point to it on the menu (point- the regular steak sand which is on one page on the right side the low carb one is a few pages back on the left page, you can mix it up to bad.)

    we eat our wings and joke about poker players and here comes my food

    with broccolli

    I say out loud, "I didnt order broccoli, i ordered bread" the woman just walks away, doesnt even talk to us again that night.

    Im not alloud to send it back by my mother because 'its rude' and my sister tells me if i get up to talk to the woman about her getting my order wrong she'll kill me.

    so i get to spend the rest of the evening feeling fat and ticked off.

    to make me feel better (an cause she was really rude) we leave her a 5 dollar tip (for a 65 dollar bill), and next time i demanding take out.

  • #2
    I'm sorry you were upset. However, maybe, just maybe the lady made an honest mistake (these things do happen) and genuinely didn't hear you say that bit about the bread. However, for your family to stop you sending your food back is jsut ridiculous and juvenile of them. If I may wear my amateur psychologist's hat for one moment, maybe you are more angry with them, for treating you like a ten year old, than you actually are with the waitress for messing up your order, but you're transferring the anger at your family onto a waitress.

    How else was she rude to you?
    A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
    - Dave Barry


    • #3
      Most likely a simple mistake. When I worked at a restaurant and I was just starting out waiting tables, I was thrown to the wolves. I had 3 days to learn to memorize the entire menu (and all the options for sides for the meals!) and I would constantly forget things....
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        I agree with the 2 posters above me, in saying that it was most likely a simple mistake.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Don't let your family tell you what's rude. You're paying the restaurant for the food, you should get what you ordered. You should have approached the hostess or manager, and had them fix your food, or discount it.

          Cutting the tip to the waitress without making it clear why will make her REALLY ANGRY with you. I wouldn't want to go back there and risk her waiting on me again.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            I agree with Wagegoth 100 percent. Something that I learned when I became an adult is this: Nobody allows or doesn't allow me to do anything. I may concede to their wishes out of respect, or ambiguity, or simply to keep the peace. But it's my decision as an adult.

            You were allowed to send your meal back. You were in no danger of being sent to your room.

            Your mother might say she thinks it's rude, but that's not why she won't send food back. She won't send food back because it takes a little assertiveness to do so. A lot of folks are uncomfortable about that. It's only rude if you are rude to the waitress or the cook while you are doing it. Saying politely and apologetically "I'm so sorry to be difficult...I really would prefer the bread, please." is polite. And your right as a paying customer.

            The girl probably made an honest mistake. "Never attribute anything to malice that can be adequately explained by stupidity." Or something like that. (not saying she's stupid for screwing up your order, that's just the quote. You get the idea.)


            • #7
              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
              I say ' I want the steak sandwich please, with a baked potatoe." I point to it on the menu (point- the regular steak sand which is on one page on the right side the low carb one is a few pages back on the left page, you can mix it up to bad.)

              we eat our wings and joke about poker players and here comes my food

              with broccolli

              I say out loud, "I didnt order broccoli, i ordered bread" the woman just walks away, doesnt even talk to us again that night.
              Hmm. This doesn't really sound like an honest mistake, not with the waitress walking away and not coming back the rest of the night. Especially since you pointed directly to the item when you ordered it.

              There is nothing "rude" about returning food that you didn't order, as long as you don't pitch a fit or call names. I think you should have returned it and gotten what you'd originally ordered.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                i think the reason i wasnt alloud ot complain is because i was tired and cranky, and im naturally loud. They didnt want me to make a scene even if i was polite.

                But the woman was rude. When we came in she seated us, 3 seconds later she was at our table with her pad and oen and said 'whats it going to be.' (im really not kidding on that time my brother had litterly just sat down). We ordered drinks, and she just stared us like she was waiting for something. My mom said 'we need a couple minutes to you know read the menu' she rolled her eyes said 'sure' and walked away. she showed up again took our order then disappeared only to show up again to give us our dinner. at one point i tired to get her attention so i can at least let her know she messed up my order (by that time i didnt care anymore and just wanted them to know they need to ask in the future) and she ignored me.

                and before anyone says anything about 'well she was probabley really busy' in the dinning room there was us, two elder ladies whom she was nice with, two guys and a couple. there where some people in the bar but it wasnt busy. And when i tired to get her attention she was taking care of the elderly ladys not 2 feet away and i only tired to get her attention then because she wasnt taking an order but dropping off a potatoe and talking.

                we couldn't even get her attention to get our bill we had to ask a waitor for another table if we could get it.

                i just feel like she took one look at us, the fat family, and desided we wherent worth it.


                • #9
                  Wow, she sounds like a real you-know-what! I've only once had really, really bad service, and that was about 20 years ago. I was in college, had JUST turned 21, (this will be important) and the parents had come for a visit. So we go to lunch, at one of the chain restaurants, with red and white stripe decor.

                  We are seated, and sit, and wait, and wait, and fianlly about 15-20 mins later, my mom grabs the hostess, and asks will someone be over to take our order? She says "oh, did she forget to bring you your drinks?" Mom says, no, NO ONE has even bothered to come th waitress comes overs, SLAMS 3 glasses of water on the table, folds her arms, and says "WELL" in this snotty tone of voice. No hello, how are you, what can i get you....

                  So we order, mom, sandwich and beer, dad, same thing, and finally me, same thing. She looks at me, and says in the SAME snotty tone "DO YOU HAVE ID?" I look MUCH younger than I am, so i was ok with being asked ,but not like that. I show her, and she goes away.

                  Food comes, but we never see the waitress again, doesen't come by, how is everything, etc. We're done, and ready to leave - waiting, and waiting AGAIN for the check. Had to ask another waiter to get it for us. In the meantime, as we're eating, we see her laughing, and joking with another table, presumabely her friends...but she ignored ALL the rest of her tables. Another table near us was complaining about the same thing, that she was nowhere to be found, and they wanted their check. Don't recall if the manager ever was told, or got involved, but i do know she got a really crappy tip from my dad, who tips VERY well, unless the service is really really poor.

                  I waitressed one summer, when i was 20, and I know that sometimes you get busy, and its hard to keep up with 6 tables at once, but....a if the waiter/waitress is pleasant, and i can SEE they are doing their best, and not slacking off, I have no problem. But, if they have attitude, and are just generally slacking off, then I will act accordingly.


                  • #10
                    Personally I would think that having some extra weight would be an advantage because it would make it less likely that someone would mess with you. I'm 215 lbs. I dont think I'd wanna get into a street fight with someone that would be pushing 300 or more. A fist (or anything for that matter) with some serious weight behind it is a much more dangerous weapon.


                    • #11
                      Quoth ditchdj View Post
                      Personally I would think that having some extra weight would be an advantage because it would make it less likely that someone would mess with you. I'm 215 lbs. I dont think I'd wanna get into a street fight with someone that would be pushing 300 or more. A fist (or anything for that matter) with some serious weight behind it is a much more dangerous weapon.
                      Nice thought, but then again most people are "What are you going to do, sit on me?" when a big girl gets annoyed. Fun to watch them back down hen you say yes.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Tria View Post
                        Nice thought, but then again most people are "What are you going to do, sit on me?" when a big girl gets annoyed. Fun to watch them back down hen you say yes.
                        lol or when you say "Yeah after i disarm you and slam you to the ground pinning your arm behind your back. Dont worry you'll only be in a cast a for a few days and if your lucky your back wont be to screwed up" for reason men run away at that...


                        • #13
                          Quoth ditchdj View Post
                          Personally I would think that having some extra weight would be an advantage because it would make it less likely that someone would mess with you. I'm 215 lbs. I dont think I'd wanna get into a street fight with someone that would be pushing 300 or more. A fist (or anything for that matter) with some serious weight behind it is a much more dangerous weapon.

                          As a guy who weighs about 380 (with about 30% body-fat) I can tell you that it's definitely an advantage.

                          Not only do you get more mass for attacks and avoiding being moved against your will, but the fat is a natural pad that lets you shrug off anything that's not connecting with your head, since the outer layer of skin and fat don't play any vital role in the functioning of your body, and protect your muscles, bones, and organs quite nicely. Roman gladiators always had a 'soft' look to them, rather than 'cut', because they understood just how good being 'chunky' was for avoiding serious injury.
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #14
                            Quoth JustADude View Post
                            As a guy who weighs about 380 (with about 30% body-fat) I can tell you that it's definitely an advantage.
                            Your last name doesn't happen to be 'Bruce' does it? I had a classmate with that last name for a few years/semesters, and he had a lot of stories about coming out the victor in un-started bar fights. He could stare down anyone who wanted to fight him.
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Juwl View Post
                              Your last name doesn't happen to be 'Bruce' does it? I had a classmate with that last name for a few years/semesters, and he had a lot of stories about coming out the victor in un-started bar fights. He could stare down anyone who wanted to fight him.
                              Has all those letters in it, but it's about twice as long and not even close to the same order.
                              ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

