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Attention McDonalds people:

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  • Attention McDonalds people:


    Seriously, over half of the time I get a delux breakfast, THERE ARE NO HASH BROWNS and I'm usually at work by the time I notice.

    Last edited by NightAngel; 08-19-2007, 03:26 PM.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    You know, this could be sorted if you checked your order when you got it, it takes two seconds and would save you a whole lot of stress.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      SRSLY. Just check the box before you leave.
      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


      • #4
        Quoth Kiwi View Post
        You know, this could be sorted if you checked your order when you got it
        True...and the employees could also do their job right in the first place and get the order right.

        Really, how hard is it? It's not like McDonald's has this huge, extensive menu that's hard to keep straight.

        I can see giving the completely wrong item, but to leave a certain item out of a specific combination menu, and to do it on a regular basis, well, that's just incompetent.

        I often go to the McDonald's beside our store for lunch. I get half an hour. By the time I walk across our parking lot, then the vacant field between our store and the restaurant, wait to place my order, (it's usually really busy in there - we're on a major highway...and it's lunchtime), and get back to the store, that doesn't leave a lot of time to eat.
        Sometimes, I just grab the bag and run. I don't always have time to stand there, unwrapping my sandwich to make sure they got it right, then wrapping it back up again to get back to the store.
        If I see a grill slip that shows exactly what I asked for, then that's what I expect to find when I open it..

        Three times I have had them get it wrong, despite the grill slip showing specifically what I asked for. I don't get bent out of shape about it, or make a fuss, but it is irritating.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          I have an even better idea: Don't eat at McDonalds!
          Nasty, gross, disgusting stuff. It's not even food. Edible garbage. Bleah. Yech. Yuck! Eewwww. Yucky.

          Save yourself the heart attack. Besides, BK has better breakfast!
          Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

          "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


          • #6
            Hey.. Fast food SUCKS to work.

            You can rail about how stupid it is to get one small item wrong in a three or four item meal. Of course then you'd have to factor in the fact taht there are HUNDREDS of those meals going out. Then there's the differant cooking times for each item, so they may NOT be ready at the same time. Or someoen is getting yelled out to clear the que, the kitchen is noisy, HEY! there's the meal.. that just left without the hash browns..


            Factor in the high turn-over rate (newbies in kitches = NOT FUN!!) low pay, idiotic gangbanger wanna-be co-workers, geriatric Alzheimers patients that the manager won't fire, and TONS of other stress inducing situations...

            Check the meal and have a nice morning already..



            • #7
              Quoth Ree View Post
              True...and the employees could also do their job right in the first place and get the order right.
              I still dont think its appropriate to call someone a dumbass over a simple human mistake. We are all human, I have left stuff out of peoples bags on accident

              does that make me a dumbass.... I don't think so

              does it make me a human being who made a mistake.... more likely

              if it wasnt done intentionally I dont think name calling is called for no matter how frustrated you are, and a many things would be better if people did their jobs correctly, but that isnt how people work. If im going to eat at a place like Mc D's then Im going to take 10 seconds to unwrap my burger to check because I understand they are usually understaffed and overworked.

              But thats just my opinon and everyone is welcome to have their own.
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                Quoth Crazeyal View Post

                You can rail about how stupid it is to get one small item wrong in a three or four item meal. Of course then you'd have to factor in the fact taht there are HUNDREDS of those meals going out. Then there's the differant cooking times for each item, so they may NOT be ready at the same time. Or someoen is getting yelled out to clear the que, the kitchen is noisy, HEY! there's the meal.. that just left without the hash browns..

                Check the meal and have a nice morning already..

                Ah, so when a customer comes in to our store and makes a purchase, and they call back to the warehouse to my staff to get it ready for pickup, we can factor in that:
                a) I am pretty short-staffed
                b) all of my guys are busy putting together orders for customers
                c) it's really noisy in the warehouse
                d) they're also paging my guys to do carryouts at the front
                e) the phone is ringing from the front service desk and they're looking for another order for a customer

                coupled with the fact that
                a) I have a high turnover of part-time guys
                b) inventory counts are off and sometimes, the item they just sold really isn't there
                c) part of the order is back ordered

                and then we can excuse away that they just gave a customer the wrong freakin' toilet or bathtub or vanity, but that's OK because the customer never bothered to check to see if it was the right one before they left.

                Yeah, it's probably a bit of 'apples and oranges', but my point is, yes, mistakes do happen, and there is a reason, but if that is my job to do, then I am going to make an effort to get it right.

                Once in a while, not a problem, but consistently screwing up and depending on the customer to catch the screwup is poor customer service.

                That being said, I agree that, if it happens consistently, then check the order before you leave and point it out to them. Speak to a manager and tell them that you're tired of them getting it wrong.

                Quoth Kiwi View Post
                I still dont think its appropriate to call someone a dumbass over a simple human mistake. We are all human, I have left stuff out of peoples bags on accident
                I have to agree with that. "Dumbass" is a pretty SC thing to say.
                Last edited by Ree; 08-19-2007, 01:34 AM.
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #9
                  Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                  You can rail about how stupid it is to get one small item wrong in a three or four item meal. Of course then you'd have to factor in the fact taht there are HUNDREDS of those meals going out. Then there's the differant cooking times for each item, so they may NOT be ready at the same time. Or someoen is getting yelled out to clear the que, the kitchen is noisy, HEY! there's the meal.. that just left without the hash browns..
                  When I get to McDonalds, I am usually there during an off time. I can understand something being forgotten when it's busy, that's easy. Even today, it was dead, I was the only person in the line with 5 or 6 employees manning the counters and drive though (not including cooks). The ones who waited on me seemed to have no trouble manning the registers, so I can guess that they were not new.

                  Also, if I made a huge order (say for an entire store) I can understand somethng being left out or something being made wrong, but this is one item (OK, so it's several items in one item, but wouldn't a big mac be the same thing?).

                  Cooking times, ok, maybe that.

                  My main complaint is that considering the number of different McDonalds I've visited in the past (Well over 15) what I get in the meal is inconsistent. It's a simple and popular meal.

                  From now on, I am checking when I get my food.

                  You know, this could be sorted if you checked your order when you got it, it takes two seconds and would save you a whole lot of stress.
                  When you're trying to get in and out quickly enough so you aren't late to work, or in the drive though, you do not have the time to check.

                  I still dont think its appropriate to call someone a dumbass over a simple human mistake. We are all human, I have left stuff out of peoples bags on accident
                  If it was once in a while, then I would shrug it off, but like I said, it's over half of the time I order this. I'm to the point of not only being suprised that I do have the hash browns, but I also have very bad luck and I get all of the 'once in a while' mistakes over half of the time.
                  Quote Dalesys:
                  ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                  • #10
                    Back a couple of addresses ago, there were two McDonald's in a 3-minute drive. Normally, I'd go to the retro Mickey's, but sometimes I had to the other one because of having to get something at the mall there or dropping off a movie in the morning.

                    Always ordered the same thing - Sausage McMuffen combo. The retro only gave me one with egg once.

                    The other one was about 90% where they would give me the egg. And thus the trip in to say "Please give me what I ordered". There was one run where 8 out of 10 tries resulted in the egg and the trip in.

                    <sigh> They could also muck up a walk-in for a McChicken meal.

                    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
                    I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


                    • #11
                      Sugar, you go into a McDonalds, you get what you'd expect.

                      This is no slur on the employees. Correct me if I'm wrong here, McD's employees...low wages, shitty hours, jerk manager, half your coworkers are useless. Accurate picture?

                      No, it ain't rocket science. It's fast food. And, pardon me for saying so, particularly low quality fast food.

                      You get something edible, rejoice. You get something other than a bag of napkins, take it, be grateful, and go about your life. It's fast food. You ain't getting it cuz it's good. You ain't getting it cuz it's skillfully put together and your order is perfect. You're getting it cuz it's fast and you're hungry.

                      I'm serious. I've ordered "I'll take whatever you got under the lamp" at a fast food joint before. I dont' give a damn. I'm only in there because I'm desperate.

                      I had a co worker used to stop there every single morning for a sausage biscuit. They screwed up the order every single day, without fail, for six months. It became a running gag among the crew. One day, it was right and he almost fell over dead from shock.

                      It's FOOD. Congrats, you won't go hungry today. If you're picky, go somewhere else to eat.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kiwi View Post
                        You know, this could be sorted if you checked your order when you got it, it takes two seconds and would save you a whole lot of stress.
                        have you ever tried to open those boxes with the lady glare at you like you are the anti christ and are trying to kill her????


                        • #13
                          Quoth Ree View Post
                          True...and the employees could also do their job right in the first place and get the order right.
                          Ree made a FANTASTIC point.*

                          *bolding by me

                          Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                          Factor in the high turn-over rate (newbies in kitches = NOT FUN!!) low pay, idiotic gangbanger wanna-be co-workers, geriatric Alzheimers patients that the manager won't fire, and TONS of other stress inducing situations...
                          Understandable. No one's denying that fact.

                          The fact that some people are having trouble with is--

                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            Sugar, you go into a McDonalds, you get what you'd expect.

                            This is no slur on the employees. Correct me if I'm wrong here, McD's employees...low wages, shitty hours, jerk manager, half your coworkers are useless. Accurate picture?
                            I dont' think that because it's "just fast food" that one can't and shouldn't expect to actually get what they ordered. Fast food joint or not, they are still a business and the OP was still the customer.

                            No one is expecting gourmet food, LOL! But to actually expect the workers to do their jobs (without making excuses) and get an order right is not that out there IMO.


                            • #15
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              "I'll take whatever you got under the lamp"
                              Which, with the McD's I worked at, might've gotten you three breakfast burritos, or it might've gotten you the almost day old McMuffin. Mostly, depends on how late you come in.

                              As to the thread:
                              Having been a cashier, we had runners, part of the time, and lines of people in front of us most of the time. When we had no runners, we had to assemble things ourself. And the runners also wouldn't warn us that they were headed off into the Oblivion that is the Freezer or whatever.
                              I personally, never got the hang of running, in the three months I worked there. Of course, I also got banned from making ice cream cones because I was terrible at it.
                              "I call murder on that!"

