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Attention McDonalds people:

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  • #31
    The only time I got really upset that my order was wrong was when I was pregnant.

    My husband and I went to McDonald's in the drive thru and I ordered the fish sandwich WITHOUT the cheese. My husband repeated it to the order person three times.

    We checked our order and sure enough there was a huge slice of cheese on my sandwich. I burst into tears (hey, I was pregnant! give me a break!).

    My husband who hates to see me cry pulled the car into a spot and went storming in and came back with a new sandwich with no trace of cheese on it.

    I still don't want cheese on my food and I do get a bit miffed about having to take my order inside to get fixed, but I try to be polite about it. If it keeps happening I don't go back.
    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


    • #32
      I can see both sides on this, and here's my two cents. When I pay for food, I don't care where, I pay for it to be correct, and for me to get everything I paid for. I'm not going to spaz if it's wrong, but I will be disappointed, especially if they forget something I was looking forward to eating. It doesn't hurt to check the order just to be sure, but it does suck that I need to do that for the employees.

      As for special orders, for all they know, I am allergic to onions and that's why I requested my sammich without them. Granted, I shouldn't be eating at McDonald's at all if I'm really deathly allergic, but they might just give me a bad stomach ache if I eat them, so I request no onions.

      I always check my order before leaving the drive thru, to at least make sure I have the right number of sammiches and fries, etc, as I've left without half the food before when I didn't check. While I can check, in the span of a few seconds, if everything appears to be there, I can't be sure, and I don't like to take the time to dissemble sammiches to make sure they're prepared as requested.

      And I agree with Ree--employees should take every job seriously, as no matter how much it sucks, or how underpaid you are, it isn't the customers fault and you shouldn't take it out on them, or use it as an excuse. I have been told I have an insane work ethic, I always want everything to be the best it can be, and I've been that way since my first minimum wage crap job at age 16.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #33
        You Americans are lucky.

        In my town, McDonald's is definitely NOT a fast food joint. I can go into McD's, see maybe 8 customers waiting in line, see a row of 10 burgers stacked up, order that very same burger, and still wait for what seems like ages to get it. For heaven's sake, I can actually SEE everything that is included in my order, why does it take so long?

        And the BK is worse still, but at least it is because they are so unpopular that they are apparently cooking everything on my order from scratch.


        • #34
          I apologize in advance if im dredging up an old thread <catching up on old posts since im dying of the Plague>.

          I am a very picky eater, always have been always will be. It's not an entirely concious thing either, since any time i try to eat ground beef it always ends up coming back up ><. So I am accustomed to always checking my orders everywhere, everytime. The only time I really get pissed off is when I order something with no meat and you can see visibly, not to mention taste, that some lazy steamer scrapped meat off a bun/shell and then put the substitue in. That always makes me postal, especially since then they want to argue with you about it because they would *NEVER* do such a thing. Grr.
          The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury. - Marcus Aurelius
          If you're slower than me, stupider than me, and you taste're dinner - Anthony Bourdain

          Memento mori.


          • #35
            I must be insanely lucky, or maybe the McD's near me have just unusually up to the mark workers, but I have never had a wrong order in my life. I've had a couple at Burger King (they forgot my fries once and once gave me ordinary Pepsi instead of Diet) but neither had a huge effect on me; with the fries I went back and said, "You forgot my fries," they apologised and gave me my fries; the drink one I just shrugged and drank it. You should all come to my neck of the woods for McD's. XD
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #36
              Quoth Bagga View Post
              And the BK is worse still, but at least it is because they are so unpopular that they are apparently cooking everything on my order from scratch.

              You mean microwaving from scratch.
              I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

              Oh, and your tool box got out again.


              • #37
                Maybe when you order, specify, "that comes with a hashbrown right?" (yes you know it does, but it's a nice way of reminding them and helps avoid the problem in the first place.
                "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall

