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Rude, thoughtless lady

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  • Rude, thoughtless lady

    My daughter was out doing some shopping for the baby today.
    She was feeling pretty good about things, and having a really nice day.
    It was just what she needed.

    She was standing at the cash, waiting to pay, when a lady she didn't even know came up to her and asked her when she was due.

    She told her "October 23."

    The lady said, "WHAT?!?!" and then asked her, "Are you sure?"

    My daughter kind of laughed and said, "Yes. I'm only 30 weeks."

    The lady then asked, "Are you sure they didn't mix up the dates? You're really big. I can't believe you still have 10 weeks to go. You're huge! Are you sure there's only one in there?"

    She's been feeling very self-conscious and fat, even though, on her last visit to the doctor, she had actually lost a pound.
    She has had so much morning sickness and nausea.
    She really is not that big.

    What a rude, thoughtless bitch!
    If I had been with her, that lady would have seen the wrath of Ree, and it's not a pretty sight.

    While it didn't ruin her whole day, it did upset her, and when she told me about it, she said it had really hurt her feelings.

    I told her she should have said, "Ma'am, in 10 weeks, I will have this baby, and I will be thin again. You, on the other hand are a rude and ignorant person, and there is no cure for that. Have a nice day."
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Quoth Ree View Post
    I told her she should have said, "Ma'am, in 10 weeks, I will have this baby, and I will be thin again. You, on the other hand are have got Rapscallion thinking really hard about crapping in your shoes, and there is no cure for that. Have a nice day."
    Just adding a couple of pfennigs. I'm in an odd mood.



    • #3
      Rude and thoughtless doesn't go far enough. Even I, socially clueless misfit I am know that it already takes guts to ask a lady when/if she's due, but to then critisize her looks? During a time that everyone knows the lady is under a lot of stress and dealing with hormones from the pregnancy? I'd come up with some more appropriate words for her, but I have to go invent them first.

      Give her an extra hug on my behalf Ree?
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        My God, you too?

        This reminds me of a customer I had recently, someone who doesn't know how to let go. She had a despicable attitude, and it made me laugh. Carrying a chip on your shoulder is one thing, but to take it out on others is another. We sell energy drinks that require I.D. to purchase. I kindly asked this woman if she could provide me some proof of age. (I was kidding, mind you) She went ballistic. I didn't see her for a couple of days, then she came in again last night to chew me out. What a bunch of bullshit! That's okay though, I got smart with her and carried on like she didn't exist. She can call me gay all she wants to, but in the end I win. She is no better than pond scum. Has the mentality of a box of rocks. May she live out her days in despair and bitterness
        Last edited by Ree; 08-20-2007, 11:14 AM.


        • #5
          Crikey, Ree! Your daughter is far more classy than I would've been. What business is it of that old wench when your daughter is having her baby?
          Is she a long-lost relative? Part of the medical delivery team? Friend? NO. I would've told her to back off!
          Hugs for your daughter Ree - personally I think a woman is at her most beautiful when she is gravid with child. They have this weird ethereal glow...
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            This woman is obviously from another planet where their species do not gain weight when pregnant with offspring.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              People like that are bitter, desperate people who generally hate their lives and themselves. They are to be pitied.

              That's a great retort, though, Ree. And so true!


              • #8
                I remember when one of my co-workers was pregnant, and she KNEW she was having a girl....someone here said to her "you can't be having a girl, your butt isn't big enough!" - mind you, she was a size 4 before pregnancy...and really gained very little weight at all.

                And to top it off, the woman who said that was in HR! Fortunately my friend has sense of humor, didn't take it personally, and chalked it up to the fact this woman is a flake to begin with!


                • #9

                  Did it ever occur to that woman that there's a possibility (being an absolute stranger and all) Ree's daughter MIGHT be carrying twins or triplets?

                  Now, we here know she's not. (Unless the second one is hiding. )

                  Some women gain a lot of weight when pregnant. Others do not.

                  When my mommy was carrying my twin sister and me, she was HUGE, she says. Had the driver's seat all the way back and her belly STILL touched the steering wheel.

                  A former manager of mine said that every time she was pregnant, she gained weight. She also said at that time she never looked pregnant.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    My sister is currently pregnant with her second (another nephew for me, hooray!) and she's huge already...and she's only about 4 months along.

                    Her doc says she's gotten big early because she only delivered her first a little over a year ago, and her body's muscles are still loose. Doc thinks she'll "level off" at some point. Which made her feel a lot better. She was a little panicked for a while there, thinking that if she kept growing at this rate, she'd be bed-ridden by her last trimester.

                    I don't think the woman meant to be rude - but she was definitely thoughtless. Why don't people THINK before they open their mouths?

                    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                    • #11
                      Quoth Ree View Post
                      The lady then asked, "Are you sure they didn't mix up the dates? You're really big. I can't believe you still have 10 weeks to go. You're huge! Are you sure there's only one in there?"
                      First of all, use of the word "lady" in this case is nothing but Ree's excellent manners.

                      Secondly, the only proper response in Puck's world would have been this:

                      "Are you sure they didn't whack you upside the head with the dipshit stick? You're really rude. I can't believe you're actually speaking to a total stranger this way. You're unbelievable! Are you sure there's a brain in that noggin of yours?"

                      Because, really, what business is it of anyone's if a pregnant woman is big, small, or hexagonal?
                      Not all who wander are lost.


                      • #12
                        I know two girls that started showing at 3 months.
                        Mind you, they were so skinny that if they stood sideways and stuck their tongues out, you'd think they were zippers
                        The one girl is due in about 2 weeks and looks literally like she's going to pop, and another is due in Dec/Jan.
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          How about the people who go up to women who are large, and ask when they are due, when they aren't pregnant?

                          I've seen it happen. I don't see why people care. You don't know the person, don't ask. Unless you see a baby currently being birthed, never ever assume a woman is pregnant.


                          • #14
                            Ree gets the best revenge of all over that rude person . . . .
                            She gets to cuddle and love on this wonderful bundle of joy when it arrives.

                            Your daughters body is doing what it thinks is best for this baby and no one but her Dr should comment otherwise. Give your daughter a hug for us that know she isn't "big" for her current situation.


                            • #15
                              I carried straight out. From behind you couldn't tell I was pregnant, but if I turned in profile, people stepped back.

                              At seven months along, during my second pregnancy, I had to go into the hospital for a few days. When I walked in the nurses looked like this . Huh? Turned out they thought I was there to deliver the baby, and every delivery room was full that day. They were relieved I needed just a regular room.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

