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What I Get For Stopping On My way Home...

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  • What I Get For Stopping On My way Home...

    So, I stopped off to pick up some items from CVS on my way home this evening...

    First, I get stopped by the guy from the application thread who 'didn't really abuse his wife'. He wanted to play 20 questions on how he could beat the application... like I'm gonna tell you buddy.

    I get away from him and I take my little cart over to the food section to grab a couple of things. I'm leaning over my cart putting a case of Dr. Pepper in it when this woman waves her hands at me and says, "HEY! Where are the energy drinks?"

    Me: "I dunno."
    I straighten full up so she can see my HUGE NAME TAG that clearly and definitively states where I work. You know- that place that most definately IS NOT CVS Pharmacy.
    She stares at me, jaw agape, as though utterly shocked by my response. Never even noticed the great, honking name tag.
    Then she turns and waves her hands at the drink cooler and says, "They were right HERE last week!"
    Me: *grabbing another case of DP* "Okay."

    She storms off... probably to complain to the manager that I'm not a helpful employee...

    To make matters worse when I came up to where she had been waving her arms at the energy drinks WERE THERE!

    I was so happy I was on my way home.

    (Okay, I probably could've been more forthcoming with the info to her but I'd just spent an 11 hour day providing customer service I was paid for and I was in zero mood to provide customer service I wasn't paid for.)
    Last edited by NightAngel; 08-21-2007, 06:24 AM.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2

    You missed a GOLDEN opportunity to show a SC WHY they were rude and obnoxious, and you just made someone ELSE'S night bad. If yer gonna respond to rudeness with rudeness, friggen GO FOR IT, all you succeeded was making some poor manager's night worse.

    If it were me, I would have told her point blank: "Ma'am..I don't work here. If I *DID*, I'd be wishing that you died horribly... VERY SOON.. Being rude to people is the same if they are paid to be there or NOT!!! Actually.. you can go die anyway!!!"


    • #3
      Quoth Crazeyal View Post

      If it were me, I would have told her point blank: "Ma'am..I don't work here. If I *DID*, I'd be wishing that you died horribly... VERY SOON.. Being rude to people is the same if they are paid to be there or NOT!!! Actually.. you can go die anyway!!!"
      The presence of a nametag makes that a very bad idea. SC's tend to call corporate or DM's and try and get said retail drone fired. I like her answer. Mine would vary depending on the question and my mood at the time. I usually want the SC to go away ASAP and do not want to hear them bitch. Especially on the way home from work!


      • #4
        Actually, what I did was take the Golden Opportunity to be completely apathetic. A luxury which I do NOT get while I am at my own job nor would I take as a general rule.

        I also wouldn't tell anyone to die a horrible death over asking for energy drinks. That's just silly and frankly quite mean.

        Our nametags are lanyards and they are bright orange with large, bolded black lettering. They are approximately 4" long by about 2 1/2" wide. The have our lovely purple logo on it (color scheme nightmare). They are huge and absolutely hideous but also can be seen from a mile away. It's not my fault she, like most SC's, didn't read the sign.

        99% of the time when I'm out and someone asks me where something is I actually try and help them- even if I don't work there. Last night my "give a damn" was broke.

        So sue me.
        "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

        ~TechSmith 314
        HellGate: London


        • #5
          I thought your response was 100 percent appropriate. You weren't rude. You responded neutrally to a person who was barking at you in a less than polite way, which was more than she deserved.

          You don't owe that woman anything. And she could have said, if she thought you worked there, "Excuse me, where are the energy drinks, please?" She didn't do that, from the way I understand your post, she barked at you.

          Screw her.


          • #6
            Quoth NightAngel View Post
            Actually, what I did was take the Golden Opportunity to be completely apathetic. A luxury which I do NOT get while I am at my own job nor would I take as a general rule.
            I'm with you there.

            I like my job and I like my customers for the most part, so I've never had to choke back the desire to yell or curse at anyone.

            But some days I'm tired and cranky and just don't care. It would be nice to be in a situation where I could say "Dunno where that is. Not gonna look. See ya."

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              Quoth Crazeyal View Post
              If it were me, I would have told her point blank: "Ma'am..I don't work here. If I *DID*, I'd be wishing that you died horribly... VERY SOON.. Being rude to people is the same if they are paid to be there or NOT!!! Actually.. you can go die anyway!!!"
              Oddly enough, while the person in NightAngel's story was rude, she wasn't so rude as to deserve the comment quoted above.

              NightAngel handled it very well, in my opinion.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Considering that NightAngel is management in another retail establishment, I doubt she would do anything to render another manager's life more difficult. All she did was refuse to rise to the bait this SC was tossing at her. There's nothing wrong with that, and if the woman was clueless enough to complain to the manager that NA wasn't helpful, then it isn't any great hardship for the manager to simply say "huh? she doesn't work here."

                "I want you to go die"??? Dude, way harsh.
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

