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If you're next, get in line!

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  • If you're next, get in line!

    I went to a sandwich shop for lunch today, they have an "order here" "pay here" type of system going with their counter. I walk in and see no one at the "order here" sign, but a woman was standing at the "pay here" sign. What would you have thought? Same here.

    Me: Wishing I'd stayed in bed.
    TW: Tardo the Wonderbitch

    Me: <standing at the counter>
    TW: Excuse me!
    Me: Beg pardon?
    TW: What do you think you're doing?
    Me: Ordering a sandwich. You?
    TW: I was first!
    Me: Then why weren't you in line?
    TW: I didn't know I was supposed to stand there! I'm going first.<I didn't let her>

    At this point my sandwich chef asked me what I would like. I ordered and walked to where TW was standing when I had walked in.

    Me: If you stand over here, people think you've already ordered.
    TW: <gives me a nasty look, stalks down to the ordering side of the counter. Bitches about me to the sandwich guy who shrugged and made a sandwich for her>

    Seriously, WTF? Not bothering to read the 2' x 3' signs telling you where to go and what to do is not a reason to chew the ass of the guy who does read them.

    Rant over. The sandwich was delicious.
    I know nothing and I can prove it!

  • #2
    Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post
    Seriously, WTF? Not bothering to read the 2' x 3' signs telling you where to go and what to do is not a reason to chew the ass of the guy who does read them.
    Precisely. It's her problem she didn't bother to follow directions, not yours.

    The taste of victory makes an excellent sandwich seasoning...
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Quoth XCashier View Post
      Precisely. It's her problem she didn't bother to follow directions, not yours.

      The taste of victory makes an excellent sandwich seasoning...
      Victory with a dash of smugness thrown in....
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #4
        Same thing happens at my place. People don't get the concept of "no refill" lines. They'll just walk up to a register and ask for a refill without understanding that

        A: the casheir is helping a line of people
        B:you have to get into said line to be given service

        from what I've heard, they usually demand to see a manager after this point, who will just reiterate the same thing the concessionist told them.
        Screw normal. You know why? 'Cause if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader.

        Christopher Titus.


        • #5
          And she had to wait how many extra minutes for her sandwich?

          I hate that...happened to me one time in Panera, there is a counter, with a line of registers, and generally people are good about forming some semblance of a line...but this was lunchtime, and busy, and sometimes its hard to tell whether someone is in line, ready to order, or looking at the menu, trying to make up their mind.

          so I’m waiting, and there is an elderly gentleman sort of in front of me...looking here, there and everywhere...and two women of similar age next to him. stupid me, i assume they are all together, so when the cashier says "I can help the next person" THREE times, and he doesn't move, I assume he is a. with them and going to order together or b. not sure yet what he wants.

          So i got up, and he gets all pissy and says "Miss, YOU were not next in line" - well, dumbass, if you had been listening and paying attention, I would NOT have gone to the counter, but since the cashier said it THREE times, I assumed you were not ready to order, and therefore I could. I then just ordered and moved to the pick up area.

          I am not one to cut in front of anyone, in fact, if there is ever doubt as to who is next, i will always defer, and let the other person go. But this guy was just an ass....


          • #6
            Clearly Mr Gummer YOU need your hearing checked if you did not hear "I can help the NEXT person in line!" Mmmm Panera!


            • #7
              I did that once. Stood on the wrong side at a Sbarro's. See, the one I went to...their signs were opposite from the normal Sbarro I go to. But still I felt stupid when the pizza guy was all "hey, ma'am, you order down HERE."

              Also, once when I went to Sbarro, I just wanted a drink and all I had was my credit card and no cash to get something out of the machines. I was in serious need of something to drink because my blood sugar was very low. So I stood on the register side because I wasn't really ordering pizza. Even after I explained it to the pizza guy, he still seemed upset with me. Honestly, I thought I was being helpful...

              Now I make doubly sure I check the darn signs for any place I order. If I mess it up, I'll get in line behind everyone that's standing in the right place. They were there first.


              • #8
                Went into a CVS pharmacy the night we went to clean out my brother's apartment so he and the now-wife could move it all to their apartment. I found the stuff I was there for quickly, and wandered up to the counter, and tried to get in the 'non-existant line' at the first register, only to realize the line for the second register was meant to be an all-purpose line. So, I went to the back.
                When I was two away from getting to the register, some couple wanders up to the first register, looks at the line, and asks me, directly, "Is this the line?"
                And they just stand there, ignoring the line.
                So, I said, audibly, to the lady in front of me, "So, even though they now know there is a line, they're just going to ignore it?"
                Lady nods and says, "Looks like it."
                No response from couple.
                "I call murder on that!"

