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Concert SC's

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  • Concert SC's

    My wife and I went to see Kenny Chesney yesterday. Opening acts Pat Green and Sugarland.

    1. We get to the concert venue, park, and start walking towards the entrance. Of course there is a line 1/4 mile long, but we get into the back of it and wait. The gates open, and the line starts moving (horray!!) We get towards the front and see that some people have started a 2nd line and are cutting in front of people. The guy behind me starts screaming "What are you all special? get in the back of the line! We waited patiently, you will too) Amazingly most people did move to the back of the line at that point.

    2. Get inside, find our seats and go for food. A group gets in line behind us. Soon after a man and his daughter join said group. They are complaining that Security wouldn't let them back to get an autograph. (Well duh) the mom chimes in "Well, that's just stupid". Okay lady. Then the father walks to the front of the line. I assume he's seeing what the menu board says. NO! He's up there getting served. I was less than pleased.

    3. The best (and last SC story) Towards the end of Pat Green, a girl and her father sit down next to us. She is 21 at the oldest, drunk, and spilling beer everywhere. Dad keeps trying to keep her upright as she keeps trying to pass out. Just as I am about to get security I see someone else getting them. Security girl runs off to get someone to help (why she didn't have a walky talky is beyond me). A woman in front of us runs up to hold the girl up (Dad runs off to find Mom) and starts asking for water. Well we didn't have any. Some woman gave hers up but she wasn't too happy about it. Girl starts to vomit all over the ground.

    Security finally gets there, and escorts her out while Dad (who had returned) was yelling at her about "messing this up" He had some more choice words, but you get the point. We later see two cops carrying her our (she was passed out at this point). My wife is sure she had alcohol poisoning.

    Then it took 20+ minutes to get someone over to clean it up, so the first part of Sugarland we had to spend in other areas.

  • #2
    I've never understood how you can get SO drunk at a concert, that you can't enjoy it. If I pay to see someone, that means i REALLY want to, and there is now way I'd get so obliterated that I cant' even function.

    I remember going to see U2 in 2001; for the first time, and waiting online for the ladies room. Ahead of me in line, sort of in the corner, was this girl, i swear no more than 14-15, with her head down, vomiting up a storm in the corner right next to the entrance to the LR. It gets to be her turn, and her friends push her into a stall, and leave her! I was this close to getting security to come get her, but i didn't. I kind of regret not doing so, but my question is, where did she get the booze to get that drunk. Maybe some older friends she came with? My mother NEVEr would have let me go to a concert, with friends at that age, alone - but whatever.

    I've been to plenty of concerts where people are so drunk they can barely move, and this close to puking their guts up all over everyone. I just saw The Police, and was in the very last row of Giants Stadium, and some guy, a few seats down, staggers across us, to go down, presumeabley to get more beer or use the men's room. HE was falling down drunk, and practicaly ended up in my lap! I dont' know how he made it down the 30-40 steps without falling, but we never saw him again - i said he either passed out, or got tossed out.


    • #3
      Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
      I've never understood how you can get SO drunk at a concert, that you can't enjoy it. If I pay to see someone, that means i REALLY want to, and there is now way I'd get so obliterated that I cant' even function.
      I worked at concert venues for 2 years and my mom has worked them for as long as she can remember. We still can't figure out the point of getting drunk at concerts. On the other hand, it makes for an amusing night.

      Maybe some older friends she came with? My mother NEVER would have let me go to a concert, with friends at that age, alone - but whatever.
      That's a common thing to tell you the truth.

      I said he either passed out, or got tossed out.
      Probably taken to the first aid room or the police took care of him. A lot of venues have on-site medical staff and police for these sort of situations.

      Security girl runs off to get someone to help (why she didn't have a walky talky is beyond me).
      Was probably new or not a supervisor. Supervisors are given radios for obvious reasons and usually they're may not be enough to around.

      Soon after a man and his daughter join said group. They are complaining that Security wouldn't let them back to get an autograph. (Well duh) the mom chimes in "Well, that's just stupid". Okay lady.
      Well cheers to security then. I'd say that sort of thing out loud.

      Then the father walks to the front of the line. I assume he's seeing what the menu board says. NO! He's up there getting served. I was less than pleased.
      I'd make a huge noise about it. Whenever that happened to my friends and I we'd loudly start talking about that sort of thing, always worked and of course you don't mess with a group of people when the shortest person is 6'2 and the tallest guy is 6'6.
      Last edited by ArenaBoy; 08-27-2007, 06:52 PM.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
        I've never understood how you can get SO drunk at a concert, that you can't enjoy it. If I pay to see someone, that means i REALLY want to, and there is now way I'd get so obliterated that I cant' even function.
        I can't see the point of that either. It's foolish to pay outrageous prices for tickets, and then not even being able to enjoy it because you're wasted. If I'm going to get drunk, I'd rather be at home--no driving involved, plus it's cheaper

        I got to see the Rolling Stones 2 years ago. Say what you will about Mick and Co being in their 60s, but I thought it was an awesome show. Didn't stop quite a few people from getting drunk off their asses...and then making fools of themselves or passing out
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          Quoth protege View Post
          I can't see the point of that either. It's foolish to pay outrageous prices for tickets, and then not even being able to enjoy it because you're wasted. If I'm going to get drunk, I'd rather be at home--no driving involved, plus it's cheaper

          I got to see the Rolling Stones 2 years ago. Say what you will about Mick and Co being in their 60s, but I thought it was an awesome show. Didn't stop quite a few people from getting drunk off their asses...and then making fools of themselves or passing out
          Oh I would have given a body part to see them! Last year, cheapest tickets here were $100, and went up from there. That's one band I've always wanted to see, but never did.

          But i can tell you, HAD i paid that much and gone, I would have been completely sober! not to mention, the more you drink, the more often you have to go, and the more of the show you miss!


          • #6
            Quoth draftermatt View Post
            My wife and I went to see Kenny Chesney yesterday. Opening acts Pat Green and Sugarland.
            .................................................I hate you. *I* wanna go see my future husband in concert!

            That being said, concerts are just horrible SC grounds. They're always all over the place. And yeah, the alcohol poisoning girl? I'm surprised her parents let her have that much. That's not being a friend. That's letting your daughter almost kill herself!
            "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

            I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


            • #7
              I went to see Joan Jett at our county fair Saturday. It was supposed to be a grandstand show but the concert was moved to the ice center on the fairgrounds because the infield of the racetrack, where the stage would have been set up, was so muddy from several days of rain.

              And everybody had to stand. So you had people trying to start up mosh pits and bumping into you all the time, or starting fights because they had been drinking all day.

              Overall, it was a good concert (Joan still has it and she's got to be pushing at least 50) but not quite as pleasurable an experience as I hoped.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                I try to go to Warped Tour each year in Chicago. Huge, outdoor music festival, all rock/punk/hardcore type music, so the crowds can be pretty rowdy. I'm still surprised how many young kids are running around unsupervised, in not nearly enough clothing, smoking and trying to drink VERY underage, and just generally making asses of themselves.

                I don't start fights, but if you try to cut, I will tell you to walk away, and if you try to push past me without saying excuse me, I will shove you as hard as I can.
                "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                • #9
                  I as well have never gotten the point of getting drunk at a concert. Especially with ticket prices being as high as they are. It'd be cheaper to buy a DVD of concert footage and then drink until you are convinced you are actually there in person.
                  My Horror Blog



                  • #10
                    Quoth reformedwaitress View Post
                    .................................................I hate you. *I* wanna go see my future husband in concert!
                    He put on a free show at a bar in the Keys this winter I heard. He's quite good in concert, we've seen him twice now.


                    • #11
                      Drunk at a concert? Don't people realize how much booze costs at concert venues? To get drunk at a concert, I'd have to spend at least twice as much as I did on the ticket.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                        I've never understood how you can get SO drunk at a concert, that you can't enjoy it. If I pay to see someone, that means i REALLY want to, and there is now way I'd get so obliterated that I cant' even function.
                        Precisely. Why spend hundreds of dollars on a concert ticket if you get so blitzed you can't even remember the concert?! If you can't have fun without getting that drunk, that's pretty pathetic.
                        Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                        I remember going to see U2 in 2001....
                        I just saw The Police...
                        Color me jealous! Two of my favorite bands ever!
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #13
                          Quoth trunks2k View Post
                          Drunk at a concert? Don't people realize how much booze costs at concert venues? To get drunk at a concert, I'd have to spend at least twice as much as I did on the ticket.
                          Drinks and food at an arena are one of the most ridiculously priced things ever.

                          Also I forgot to add, I've seen people already drunk a good two hours before the show started.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #14
                            I have mixed feelings about drinking at concerts. I go to A LOT of concerts and I've been to many concerts since I was 8. I'm almost 30 and I do, indeed, drink at concerts. Sometimes, I get blizted. I'm sure that I've probably been entertainment at times.

                            The extent of how much I will drink--or at all--really depends on who I'm with and who I'm seeing. If I'm hanging out at a small club watching Better Than Ezra with some friends, I'll probably toss back 2 or 3 throughout a roughly 8 hour period (6p-2am). If I'm at Warped Tour or seeing a festival-type concert, I'll probably drink a heck of a lot OUTSIDE (i.e. tailgate) for as long as I can take it before going in and completely dehydrated and hungover all day. Once again--I'm an adult and it's my personal choice.

                            I wouldn't, however, drink if I was taking my 16 year old cousin to see Hannah Montana or something like that.

                            I can say, in my defense, that I have never been falling down-almost-unconscious-drunk at any concert. Never. Drunk--yes. Wasted--just about. Cognizant of my surroundings--always.

                            Speaking of concerts--I've seen Sting 4 times, The Police just this year, and U2 11 times since 1992.
                            Do I dare
                            Disturb the universe?
                            In a minute there is time
                            For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

                            T.S. Eliot


                            • #15
                              Quoth Melxb View Post
                              The extent of how much I will drink--or at all--really depends on who I'm with and who I'm seeing. If I'm hanging out at a small club watching Better Than Ezra with some friends, I'll probably toss back 2 or 3 throughout a roughly 8 hour period (6p-2am). If I'm at Warped Tour or seeing a festival-type concert, I'll probably drink a heck of a lot OUTSIDE (i.e. tailgate) for as long as I can take it before going in and completely dehydrated and hungover all day. Once again--I'm an adult and it's my personal choice.

                              I can say, in my defense, that I have never been falling down-almost-unconscious-drunk at any concert. Never. Drunk--yes. Wasted--just about. Cognizant of my surroundings--always.

                              Speaking of concerts--I've seen Sting 4 times, The Police just this year, and U2 11 times since 1992.
                              I have no problem with people who drink a lot; as long as they can control themselves, and aren't making complete asses of themselves, which it sounds like you do...its the ones who have no business drinking as they're not old enough, or those ones who can't stand, walk, and puke themselves silly.

                              well, you've got me beat on U2, however MY first time seeing them was in there! My friends and I are already planning how many shows we think we can get to within a reasonable distance next time they tour....unfortunately, they make pretty much any other show I've seen since them pale in comparison...they are amazing live....

